what makes your ears bleed?

I love NIN,i have their CD, its that one with the 2 CD's (left and right)

And...this ashness or whatever dude, i dont think any of us would change our minds about LP because of you, because..you see...we are true fans of LP...so yeah,dont even try.
Ashness. said:
No, I don't. I've passed that angsty stage of music, and moved onto some stuff that takes real talent. Ie, APC, FNM, NIN, I could go on, but I won't.

You damn sure wont be changing my mind about LP. As far as NIN goes, I dont like them too much. I mean I dont hate them or anything, but they for sure wouldn't be my first choice to listen to. If you really think you are going to get people here to change their mind, you are NUKING FUTS!!!!!!!!!!! I have a better chance of becoming a member of Linkin Park than you do of changing our minds about them. Sorry buddy, but i thnk you need to get the hell outta here.

Anyways, things that make my ears bleed..................... ummm............. the band Alterbridge (they suck), people bitching about my opinion on what music i listen too (Ashness), and the sound of someone beating a woman or child (actually that just really pisses me off to the point where I want to do to them what they are doing th that person).
i absolutely hate yvonne, jeanette, alexander, kübelböck and some others(all german people who think they can sing.... but, believe me, your ears will bleed while hearing this!)
and 'volksmusik' (it's like country but with german texts)

@ashness: i don't think that you will have much success, too.... not my family and not my friends were able to stop me hearing lp, do youreally think you will be able to do this?
i hate pop country rap and r&b music it all sux. i especially hate alica keys. ugh! all she ever sings about is a man and a women. at least rock artists have something good to sing about
i hate country music as well, but i hate ska music more, it's so.... happy for one thing, me and a friend came up with a theory: ska is the dream, most other rock (emo for one) is the reality, the harsh reality of life.
i feel like ripping my ears off when i hear ska!
agghhh... i hate a lot of different music.. naming 1 country... hate it, my parents dont listen to any music i dont lik, lol we have similar tastes in music and the other day i heard my mum singing 'one step closer' lol and go mum y r u singing lp? and she was lik arrhh renai u got ur lp stuck in my head, lol... she likes lp.. lol she was singing one step closer lol