What members of LP smoke?

just click the edit button, you can delete one there =)

but yeah...I think drugs are stupid, but it's a free world. for the most part.
if people want to commit slow suicide, be my guests. if it however starts affecting things like musical performance, or say, chester's voice, I mind.
Drugs damage your body, just like excessive alcohol and smoking. The only thing is, most drugs are much more addictive and much more harmful. Alcohol is still okay because if you don't drink too much, it can still be somewhat beneficial to your health. But smoking and drugs don't really help you in any way except for making you momentarily feel good, or high, or low, or calm, or whatever. But the aftereffects are definitely not worth that. And the more you take, the more your body would be immune to it and the more you'll need to make you reach whatever you reached before. I know there's a lot of people who aren't addicted to things, but just takes them for the fun or for the sake. I know that if you're sane, you probably wouldn't overdose or anything, but the thing is, it's not doing any good to your body when there are other ways to feel good.
Drugs damage your body, just like excessive alcohol and smoking. The only thing is, most drugs are much more addictive and much more harmful. Alcohol is still okay because if you don't drink too much, it can still be somewhat beneficial to your health. But smoking and drugs don't really help you in any way except for making you momentarily feel good, or high, or low, or calm, or whatever. But the aftereffects are definitely not worth that. And the more you take, the more your body would be immune to it and the more you'll need to make you reach whatever you reached before. I know there's a lot of people who aren't addicted to things, but just takes them for the fun or for the sake. I know that if you're sane, you probably wouldn't overdose or anything, but the thing is, it's not doing any good to your body when there are other ways to feel good.

Are you kidding? Alcohol doesn't have any beneficial effects that aren't already canceled out by the plethora of bad effects. As for Marijuana, its addiction level is the lowest out of any of the common recreational drugs.

I'm not gonna start another argument on drugs... but many studies suggest marijuana to be somewhat beneficial to people depending on how they use it...

Basically, there are so many studies, misconception, myths, and prejudices against most drugs, that the truth about most of them, whatever it may be, may never be truly known.
Are you kidding? Alcohol doesn't have any beneficial effects that aren't already canceled out by the plethora of bad effects. As for Marijuana, its addiction level is the lowest out of any of the common recreational drugs.

The only benefit of alcohol I know of is red wine (if you drink it every now and then) decreases blood pressure (it was on TV last year)