Maybe they'll recieve their eliteness back if they actually came back to this place? I dunno. But a little bit of space should be cleared for those members that truely deserve the title but haven't yet recieved it. I think there are a couple of people that definatly deserve a place to be green, even more so than me, but they haven't got it yet.
I'll say Jasmin. I always thought she was elite, and her other username shows how long she has been around here for and how many posts she has had. She's really helpful around this place and I've only ever seen kindness from her, I guess we're all surprised she isn't green ^.^ I hope she is soon though.
I also think Matt (Stenners) should as well
He's more active now and has contributed quite a lot to LP Central, plus he gets on with loads of members and he doesn't spam.
Keza would also be someone that pops into my mind. She's really all over the forums helping people out and just being generally sweet. She doesn't spam at all and she has quite a lot of posts. So yeah, definatly.
Hmm and Sammi (Hybrid Heart) as well! She's been here forever practically lol, I've always seen her around as a really great member.
Hm I dunno lol. There's my input anyway