What pisses me off? America!


Active Member
May 1, 2005
I know that after reading the title some people might be ready to hunt me down to tar and feather me, but please hear me through and hopefully you will understand why I have titled this post as I have and who knows, maybe you'll even agree with me.

Ok, I heard this just a few minutes ago secondhand from what a TV reporter covering the Olympics said and I was unable to find any news articles about the truth of it, I have no reason to doubt the truth of it. What I heard was that the American pairs figure skaters completed a throw triple axel, which is apparently a first for the Olympics, a feat for which they were supposed to earn 3 extra points...apparently they only got 1. Appartently the Chinese pair made numerous mistakes which they were not docked for at all. This is just another of the countless examples of the rest of the world saying, "**** you America!" Apparently the Canadian pair from the Salt Lake City Olympics even said the US pair got screwed over by the judges. In every international organization the US always gets shafted. It seems that Americans have stopped caring and take this type of **** lying down.

Furthermore, all the talk about the avian flu has got me thinking. With some medical proffesions predicting mass deaths and chaos all over the world a thought occured to me, what the **** do we need the world for anymore? They claim to hate us, they treat us like the lowliest dog and we take it. We don't need them. Anyone who tells you that we do is lying. The rest of the world envies our success, and loaths us all the more for our success.

Has it occured to anyone yet that the rest of the world is a ****-hole? AIDS probably originated in Africa, I believe the current theory is some idiot ate a monkey. SARS and Avian flu originated in Asia. How has avian flu even been infecting people in the first place (although usually in a non-transmissive state)? Becuase they are so ass-backwards there they they are still sleeping with their ****ing birds! Europe and the Americas got past that sorry stage centuries ago. Now Europe has joined with these stone-age peasants to try to drag the rest of the world back down to their level. Taking the path of regression instead of progress. Well I say **** That!

What is to stop the US (and maybe Canada, there still might be time to save them) from simply giving the world the finger and walking out? Seal our borders, withdraw our troops and lock down the North American continent (minus Mexico). Inside the US we have enough natural rescourses to keep ourselves going with a few small cutbacks, and we're even more well suplied if we include Canada. We have the knowledge to produce, and although some of the infrustructure is old, we can rebuild American industry quickly and without too much hassle. Food? Some of Americas main exports are food products such as wheat. And other types of food? As a resident of California I can assure you that California could still provide fruits and vegables for the nation.

The world doesn't want us? Well then let's show them a world without us! Grant them their greatest wish. For all those who have read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" I propose that America emulate John Galt, while America does have its problems, it is a hell of the lot better than the rest of the world. The world doesn't want us, then let us follow the example of John Galt and go on strike. To quote him in "Atlas Shrugged" in his radio address:
"There is a difference between our strike and all those you've practiced for centuries: our strike consists, not of making demands, but of granting them. We are evil, according to your morality. We have chosen not to harm you any longer. We are useless, according to your economics. We have chosen not to exploit you any longer. We are dangerous and to be shackled, according to your politics. We have chosen not to endanger you, nor to wear the shackles any longer. We are only an illusion, according to your philosophy. We have chosen not to blind you any longer and have left you free to face reality
I can understand some of their anger. I mean if you had a flashy guy holding out a fist full of cash , teasing you with something you so desperately need but obviously means not much to him you'd take it but it would tee you off. Pretty soon you're both in the situation again. I think America is incredibly greedy and being so doesn't spread the wealth around as in manufacturing, importing ect. with fair pricing. Do that instead and help the third world countries pull themselves up and there wouldn't be so much hate.
But that's just my opinion.
scout said:
I can understand some of their anger. I mean if you had a flashy guy holding out a fist full of cash , teasing you with something you so desperately need but obviously means not much to him you'd take it but it would tee you off. Pretty soon you're both in the situation again. I think America is incredibly greedy and being so doesn't spread the wealth around as in manufacturing, importing ect. with fair pricing. Do that instead and help the third world countries pull themselves up and there wouldn't be so much hate.
But that's just my opinion.
If I saw I guy with a fist full of cash, I'd try to emulate his business tactics... NOT try to rob him, but then again I'm civilized!
Bill Hicks said:
So there, we have figured out, go back to bed America, your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed America, you government is in control again. Here, here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up! Go back to bed America, here's American Gladiators. Here's 56 channels of it. Watch these pituitary retards bang their ****in skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go America, you are free, to do as we tell you, you are free, to do as we tell you.

Yeah, feel free America. Knock yourselves out. You stay on your own ****in' continent shootin' each other, and havin higher monthly murder rates in one city in one month than we do in a year for the whole country. And keep all your shitty TV shows, and your movie stars who act like royalty but wouldn't know class if it **** on their head.

You keep your bent ****in' elections, and yer promises of defending your citizens civil rights while bangin' people up for months on end on suspicion, without access to lawyers, against UN instructions.

And keep yer refusal to sign the Kyoto Treaty, and your refusal to start a war without dragging every other ****er in by using threats.

And all your fat ****ing tourists, with their fat ****ing kids, who treat countries that have real history and tradition like a novelty tent at the carnival.

Instead of trying to tell the rest of the world what to do, and then wondering why people are pissed off, why not try and learn something from nations that have been making their way on the political and military stage for thousands of years?

Everyone makes mistakes, and you're a young country.

Instead of acting like a spoiled, rich, and ****y teenager who thinks he knows best and can take on the world, why not learn from the mistakes of your elders.

Your contemporaries, like Australia and Canada, seem much more content than you do. The Canadians have one of the finest police forces in the world, and the Australians have some of the finest military regiments in the worlds, yet neither are overworked like yours.

Mind you, they weren't as quick to abandon the British Monarchy as a figurative head of state.
Europe can suck my balls. your probly one of these idiots that believes in international law, an oxymoron if i ever saw one. this is nothing more then trying to get someone to submit to your will. If the world wants to stop us then go ahead. just try it. see what happens to your pathetic little countrys.
either way you would lose. if we win you lose and if you take us down you lose. DO you have any idea what would happen to the world economy if the US went down? it would end up taking everyone else with it.

The US doesnt half to bend to europes filthy wishes. we do not have to comply with the un, a corupt group that believes it will become the world government. an organization that boots the US out of humanitarian councils while it allows 3rd world countries that are in the midst of slaughtering each other and committing unspeakable acts to have a say in these councils. on top of all the scandals commited, its insane.

Your not even truly united against us. behind each others backs you make deals with us and forsake your fellow europeans. you blame us when something gos wrong but beg us to help you when your in over your head. I wish we could give back the lives of all those american soldiers that died for europe in the world wars. europe is a complete insult to their memory. better to let the germans or the soviets have it all. then where would you be? certainly in no condition to try to lecture us. youd be getting what you deserved.

So **** Europe and any one else that stands against us. look at your own faults before you try to judge us and have fun knowing that there is nothing you can do to stop us.
Tex said:
Yeah, feel free America. Knock yourselves out. You stay on your own ****in' continent shootin' each other, and havin higher monthly murder rates in one city in one month than we do in a year for the whole country. And keep all your shitty TV shows, and your movie stars who act like royalty but wouldn't know class if it **** on their head.

You keep your bent ****in' elections, and yer promises of defending your citizens civil rights while bangin' people up for months on end on suspicion, without access to lawyers, against UN instructions.

And keep yer refusal to sign the Kyoto Treaty, and your refusal to start a war without dragging every other ****er in by using threats.

And all your fat ****ing tourists, with their fat ****ing kids, who treat countries that have real history and tradition like a novelty tent at the carnival.

Instead of trying to tell the rest of the world what to do, and then wondering why people are pissed off, why not try and learn something from nations that have been making their way on the political and military stage for thousands of years?

Everyone makes mistakes, and you're a young country.

Instead of acting like a spoiled, rich, and ****y teenager who thinks he knows best and can take on the world, why not learn from the mistakes of your elders.

Your contemporaries, like Australia and Canada, seem much more content than you do. The Canadians have one of the finest police forces in the world, and the Australians have some of the finest military regiments in the worlds, yet neither are overworked like yours.

Mind you, they weren't as quick to abandon the British Monarchy as a figurative head of state.

We'll keep this stuff 'n you'll keep Prince Charles?

Skaterdude409 said:
Europe can suck my balls.

Another prediliction you can keep.

your probly one of these idiots that believes in international law, an oxymoron if i ever saw one. this is nothing more then trying to get someone to submit to your will. If the world wants to stop us then go ahead. just try it. see what happens to your pathetic little countrys.

The US is the one trying to push it's own laws and values down everyone's throats. And why would anyone want to stop you? Most of us 'pathetic little countries' have had our own empires, or at the least been part of one, but we realised that in the long run, it's more ****in' trouble than it's worth.

Still, you seem bent on havin' one, so go ahead. You're still young like I said, and you've got a lot of catchin' up to do in the mistake stakes. It's gonna be funny as **** watching it all crumble away from underneath you though as you plunge into an economic recession it'll take you decades to recover from.

And who ya gonna turn to then, Billy-no-mates?

either way you would lose. if we win you lose and if you take us down you lose. DO you have any idea what would happen to the world economy if the US went down? it would end up taking everyone else with it.

Yeah, that's what every major power since the Sumerians has said. Egypt, Greece, Rome, the British Empire, the USSR. Every one thought they were invulnerable, and the world couldn't survive without them.

How wrong they were!

...in the midst of slaughtering each other and committing unspeakable acts to have a say in these councils. on top of all the scandals commited, its insane.

Dunno 'bout anyone else, but that sounds like a pretty fair description of the US at the moment.

God Bless America! You must be so proud!

Your not even truly united against us. behind each others backs you make deals with us and forsake your fellow europeans.

That's coz of the special relationship we have with you. Which basically means when you start a war for no ****in' reason we get dragged in too.

Also, you've just been arguing for a world of independent nations without international laws and ties, now you're criticising the UK for standing up for itself in the EU.

Make your mind up.

you blame us when something gos wrong but beg us to help you when your in over your head. I wish we could give back the lives of all those american soldiers that died for europe in the world wars.

Died for Europe my arse. You only got in the war coz the Japs kicked your arse at Pearl Harbour, and you only played in the second half at that.

Why don't you give back all the lives of the allied soldiers your **** army has shot in the middle east with your ever so charming tradition of friendly fire.

europe is a complete insult to their memory. better to let the germans or the soviets have it all. then where would you be?

Ha hah. Good one. You ****ers wouldn't let anyone have it ALL, because you want it.

certainly in no condition to try to lecture us. youd be getting what you deserved.

What? Left alone every time you idiots get in a scrap with some third world country you think you can beat coz of all the weapons you got?

Until you realise it's not that easy, and that you actually need experience as well.

So **** Europe and any one else that stands against us. look at your own faults before you try to judge us and have fun knowing that there is nothing you can do to stop us.

We don't need to stop you mate. Don't want to.

Just want some popcorn so we can sit back and watch your arrogance and independence light the fuse to your own downfall.

europe is a has been that thinks old age automaticly grants wisdom.

Dont try to base modern day happenings on those of the past. you would fall if our economy crumbled. You may say other wise but realize that the world economy is very well conected today. 50 years ago not so much. hundereds, thousands of years ago, bot even. the fact is if not only americas economy which acounts for 20% of the worlds economy and EFECTS 50% goes down, then kiss your ass good bye. no other empire has been in this position that the US is. they were able to effect economy to a degree, but not to a world wide degree. Dont base future events on past events that are not relevant.

And world war 1 and 2. who do u think you got your damn ****ing food from. The US has the potential to produce enough food to feed the world 7 times over every year. without our suplies you would have decended into a hell hole. Wars every where over resources. but again thats what always ends up happening in europe. for several thousand years its been war after war after war.

and then the comment about japan kicking our ass, look what we did to them. we paid them back many times over. Nuclear infernos will do that though and we could do it today without fear of a second strike against us.
Becuase unlike the news that portrays america as being vulnerable from a nuclear attack from say north korea or china, they cant hit us. Its a little thing called AEGIS that our destroyers carry that protects us. when the news portrays our missle shield as not working they are talking about the land based one however AEGIS works almost every time. even if they hit one of our cities, it wouldnt matter be cuase we have more then enough to burn their entire countries to ash.

You see, its the nuclear age. Not the dark age, not the middle ages or any other and in the buclear age the US ranks Supreme
skaterdude, if the us is so powerful, how come you can't secure
a small country like iraq, with a population of only 20 million?
....iran has around 60 million!
Tex said:
Yeah, feel free America. Knock yourselves out. You stay on your own ****in' continent shootin' each other, and havin higher monthly murder rates in one city in one month than we do in a year for the whole country. And keep all your shitty TV shows, and your movie stars who act like royalty but wouldn't know class if it **** on their head.

You keep your bent ****in' elections, and yer promises of defending your citizens civil rights while bangin' people up for months on end on suspicion, without access to lawyers, against UN instructions.

And keep yer refusal to sign the Kyoto Treaty, and your refusal to start a war without dragging every other ****er in by using threats.

And all your fat ****ing tourists, with their fat ****ing kids, who treat countries that have real history and tradition like a novelty tent at the carnival.

Instead of trying to tell the rest of the world what to do, and then wondering why people are pissed off, why not try and learn something from nations that have been making their way on the political and military stage for thousands of years?

Everyone makes mistakes, and you're a young country.

Instead of acting like a spoiled, rich, and ****y teenager who thinks he knows best and can take on the world, why not learn from the mistakes of your elders.

Your contemporaries, like Australia and Canada, seem much more content than you do. The Canadians have one of the finest police forces in the world, and the Australians have some of the finest military regiments in the worlds, yet neither are overworked like yours.

Mind you, they weren't as quick to abandon the British Monarchy as a figurative head of state.

I like it. Very thought provoking.

Pity that freedom of thought is not a yankee tradition. ;)
stayhuman said:
skaterdude, if the us is so powerful, how come you can't secure
a small country like iraq, with a population of only 20 million?
....iran has around 60 million!

Excellent riposte. The ****ing road from the green zone to the airport can't even be secured, and it's only about 12 miles long. shakes head in disbelief
stayhuman said:
skaterdude, if the us is so powerful, how come you can't secure
a small country like iraq, with a population of only 20 million?
....iran has around 60 million!

We have 135,000 combat ready troops in that country, only about 47 thousand of which are actual 'boots' (gun toting army men)... 47 thousand people took over a country of 20 million in 12 days if you don't count the sand storm... The enemy our troops face wear no uniforms, and blend into a crowd just as the people lining up for jobs in the new government...

Our troops where distinctive uniforms and tend to stand out in a crowd... Our troops are also doing many MANY more jobs than what a normal soldier normaly does... Each soldier is also a diplomat, cop, teacher, technician, foreign aid worker etc.. etc...

I admit, we have our struggles over there... As would any civilized nation trying to secure a country locked into a guerrilla war mentality. But, Our troops are doing a damned good job considering the lack of support from our own citizens, congress, senate, and allies...

I really wish you ****ing Aussies would stop being such ****ing armchair quaterbacks... when was the last time you dick stains had to buck up and fight for something? and even then, your contribution to the defence of western civ as a whole or your own pales in comparison to what others have sacrificed!

Christ, the Soviets lost 25 MILLION people in the fight with Hitler! You ****ing retards lost a little under 20,000 during the whole of the second world war, and JAPAN was knocking on your ****ing doorstep!

Don't ever look down you nose at america for be war mongering or for ANY reason! We fight so much because the rest of you ****ing simps are so faggy, you wouldn't fight to save your own arse! WE HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOU!

****ing fags!
stayhuman said:
skaterdude, if the us is so powerful, how come you can't secure
a small country like iraq, with a population of only 20 million?
....iran has around 60 million!

First of all it is a country full of islamic jihadists who are ****ing suicied happy. second of all, we didnt exactly reach into are big bag of war tricks. we took over their country with the least amout of force that insured it would be a sucsesful invasion. if we wanted to do it easy we could have just entered a few codes, pushed a few buttons and glassed their country with a nukes. by doing what we did, we showed the world the capabilities of just a small percentage of our troops can do. on top of that, we have rotated over 1 million troops through iraq(some on several tours of duty) which leaves us with an entire veteran force that could be recalled. do you have any idea of that significance? it would give the US a huge adavantage say if the either the issue of the taiwan stand off with china or war with North korea. while they have recruits with no experience, combat hardend US troops will scythe through them with even less dificulty
scout said:
I can understand some of their anger. I mean if you had a flashy guy holding out a fist full of cash , teasing you with something you so desperately need but obviously means not much to him you'd take it but it would tee you off. Pretty soon you're both in the situation again. I think America is incredibly greedy and being so doesn't spread the wealth around as in manufacturing, importing ect. with fair pricing. Do that instead and help the third world countries pull themselves up and there wouldn't be so much hate.
But that's just my opinion.

99% of all americans will never leave the confines of our own borders... And those ssame people are not flashy, and will never accumulate enough cash to fill a fist to wave at poor people...

the remaining 1% are rappers... and they leave our borders every minute of every day in the form of exported culture, like videos, movies, music, etc... The problems is not americans... It's our tolerance of such a rancid culture.. Our cultural exports is all that most of the world knows about americans... And we stupidly let the 'crud of the crop' represent us!

I understand why they hate us... but it's not for the reasons you think...
scout said:
I can understand some of their anger. I mean if you had a flashy guy holding out a fist full of cash , teasing you with something you so desperately need but obviously means not much to him you'd take it but it would tee you off. Pretty soon you're both in the situation again. I think America is incredibly greedy and being so doesn't spread the wealth around as in manufacturing, importing ect. with fair pricing. Do that instead and help the third world countries pull themselves up and there wouldn't be so much hate.
But that's just my opinion.

Incredibly greedy? No other country gives a **** about prosperity I guess.
No we have the resources. And the fact that we a Superpower.
So they are jealous.
We couldn
snafu said:
Incredibly greedy? No other country gives a **** about prosperity I guess.
No we have the resources. And the fact that we a Superpower.
So they are jealous.
We couldn