What pisses me off? America!

Tex said:
Yeah, feel free America. Knock yourselves out. You stay on your own ****in' continent shootin' each other, and havin higher monthly murder rates in one city in one month than we do in a year for the whole country. And keep all your shitty TV shows, and your movie stars who act like royalty but wouldn't know class if it **** on their head.

You keep your bent ****in' elections, and yer promises of defending your citizens civil rights while bangin' people up for months on end on suspicion, without access to lawyers, against UN instructions.

And keep yer refusal to sign the Kyoto Treaty, and your refusal to start a war without dragging every other ****er in by using threats.

And all your fat ****ing tourists, with their fat ****ing kids, who treat countries that have real history and tradition like a novelty tent at the carnival.

Instead of trying to tell the rest of the world what to do, and then wondering why people are pissed off, why not try and learn something from nations that have been making their way on the political and military stage for thousands of years?

Everyone makes mistakes, and you're a young country.

Instead of acting like a spoiled, rich, and ****y teenager who thinks he knows best and can take on the world, why not learn from the mistakes of your elders.

Your contemporaries, like Australia and Canada, seem much more content than you do. The Canadians have one of the finest police forces in the world, and the Australians have some of the finest military regiments in the worlds, yet neither are overworked like yours.

Mind you, they weren't as quick to abandon the British Monarchy as a figurative head of state.

what alot of verbal diarhea on your part...
You are one ignorant mother ****er and you don't seem affraid to let it show...
That's ****ing weak Lethalfind. Do you want to argue or just abuse people over the net like a spineless piece of ****?

And on topic, you're all wrong. England can suck my ****, and so can the US of A. I been all around the world. And its all ****.
Captain Spaulding said:
Kill myself? **** no. I was going to go on a killing spree actually. 'till I get rubber bulleted to death by the cops.
Oh great, another attention whore..:rolleyes:
Well it seems that Phreakwars is still on duty as the official GF welcoming committee. :rolleyes:

Too bad Captain Head Up His Ass just wants to be another lame flamer...
Yes my brothers and sisters... :p

Here at GF, we believe in the universal salvation and reconciliation of all mankind through the death, burial, and resurrection of lame flamers. They come in full of themselves and go away frustrated and beaten down.

Good luck Captain Head Up Your Ass! :eek:
Captain Spaulding said:
That's ****ing weak Lethalfind. Do you want to argue or just abuse people over the net like a spineless piece of ****?

And on topic, you're all wrong. England can suck my ****, and so can the US of A. I been all around the world. And its all ****.

I think Captain Spaulding is right. This whole world sucks and its all ****!

I think he has a valid point that if he doesn't like it he should leave us.

We'll miss you when your gone.:cool:
Captain Spaulding said:
That's ****ing weak Lethalfind. Do you want to argue or just abuse people over the net like a spineless piece of ****?

And on topic, you're all wrong. England can suck my ****, and so can the US of A. I been all around the world. And its all ****.

Actually Captain Asshole, anyone who lives off the back of taxpayers, I will abuse, over and over and over again...every chance I get. They are scum of the earth...Tex is one of them...He draws welfare and doesn't do a DAMN thing by his own admission...He struts around here talking **** that he knows nothing about...he's asking for it.
Captain Spaulding said:
Someone mail me a gun and I'll blow my own head off. This whole place is shite. If you don't think so, ya' a ****ing dumbass.

If you think this then why are you here???

I find people like you entertaining, but you evidently don't find us entertaining, so WHY STAY???