What the hell?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
I have this extremely religious nut for a science teacher. (That's odd in the first place.) Yesterday in class she went on for a whole hour preaching about everything that's going on in the world right now.

She's saying that it's like the end of the world or something because of a few natural disasters. Just because they're all happening at once, why do people say the same thing everytime it happens?

-First off, the floods up North. That's happened before.
-Snow storms..Really, lots of places have those and just because they came a month early this year, what makes her think the ****ing apocolypse is coming?
-Earthquakes..There are reasons for those that no GOD could possibly have anything to do with.
-Bird Flu..It's happened before like in 1908 or something. Almost 50 million people died. I don't recall the world ending then.
-And my favorite one, is the hurricanes. Hurricanes come every ****ing year. Just because they affected her, they're a big deal.

Now, she says the Earth is going to implode... :confused:

Why do these crazed lunatics think it is okay to run around sharing their stupid little theories about the "coming of the end," when no one gives a ****? If I cared to hear it, I would ask.
Next time she goes off on a rant.......

Please do me a favor...whip out your handy little recorder, record the lunatic who is abusing her position, then attend the next school board meeting and play the tape.

For me please.

Or better yet, make her look like a ****ing fool by showing the TRUTH instead.

Like for instance, the world is going to hell and we are having **** like stronger hurricanes because of all the pollution that has damaged the ozone layer and heated the oceans.. I doubt it's GOD fault, it's our own.

Earthquakes have been recorded since the beginning of recording ****, they are simply plates that move under the earths crusts, and will continue to do so until the core of the earth actually cools down enough to solidify them... you know... after a few hundred million more centuries..

It seems strange to me, that a teacher of science could be so narrow minded like that.. I would only expect that kind of retardation from like the English teacher, or the music teacher... or the P.E. teacher..... definitely the P.E. teacher:confused: ... but NOT a science teacher.
Tsk and why is it so unbelievable that this world will come to an end.Surely you don't believe it will go on forever.

What do you believe in?How did you come to be? How did this sky,that no-one can breach form?

How could it be a ''big bang'' or how the hell do you figure we were once apes?
Call her on it.

Raise your hand and tell her that all this **** has happened before, and that there are scientific explanations for it.

Ask her if it might all have to do with global warming. They hate that one.
Um, honestly the best thing to do is not say a word. It's all fine and good to contemplate the validity of what she is saying on an online forum, but for your best interests in the class, you should just be simply apathetic. Unless you agree with her, of course. Honestly, in your own self-interest, it's probably better not to be on the bad side of a teacher. Especially one who apparently has very strong moral biased, because those kind are more likely to hold personal biases when issuing grades.

As far as the actual topic goes, I had a friend write an interesting speech on ways to PREVENT the apocalypse. You can actually find it on my Xanga - http://www.xanga.com/item.aspx?user=Humchuckninny&tab=weblogs&uid=362646644
so, check it out if you have the time/patience/will.

Oh, and on a personal note to one of the earlier posts - is it impossible that the universe has always existed? That it is infinate in both directions, no beginning, no end? It's an interesting theory presented many places, the most convincing in Orson Scott Card's book Xenocide. It talks about Philotes and such. It's very unnerving and makes you think.
Insomniac said:
Call her on it.

Raise your hand and tell her that all this **** has happened before, and that there are scientific explanations for it.

Ask her if it might all have to do with global warming. They hate that one.

Scientific explanations have been done by humans.So how did these scientists get their brains,knowledge and ability to understand science in the first place?
Its easy to say that science prooves everything,but it doesn't proove the one most important question.Who created these scientists?
I've heard many people who believe in science redicule religion,but the fact is that religion has provided more useful values in life than science.

Oh and I don't really give a **** about annoying a teacher.I used to do Religious Education in school and I refused to write anything that went against my belief.Guess what? We were told to answer according to our belief.

Oh, and on a personal note to one of the earlier posts - is it impossible that the universe has always existed?

Yes it is.Humans have just found out scientific facts these past few years and the Quran had contained in it these facts for 1400 years.
For example: The expansion of the Universe.

The conclusion that the universe will expand forever at a constantly accelerating rate has been selected as the top scientific advance of 1998 by the editors of Science, a leading research journal.

But the Quran said this long,long ago.
wait, I'm really confused. I ask if it is impossible that the universe has always existed, and you say "yes," but the "evidence" you provide leads me to believe that you meant to say no, that the universe has always existed and it infiniately expanding. If you did, in fact, mean yes and I am completely misreading your post, I would very much like to know where this scientific evidence is and where I can read it. That would intrigue me. And I have read the Quran, :)
Humchuckninny said:
wait, I'm really confused. I ask if it is impossible that the universe has always existed, and you say "yes," but the "evidence" you provide leads me to believe that you meant to say no, that the universe has always existed and it infiniately expanding. If you did, in fact, mean yes and I am completely misreading your post, I would very much like to know where this scientific evidence is and where I can read it. That would intrigue me. And I have read the Quran, :)

Yes,the universe is expanding,but will stop to do so at the command of God.Then it will be destroyed,and welcome to the Day of Judgement.

I was told the scientific evidence by a lunatic who was my science teacher.
He used the word ''Fascinating'' after every sentence.lol

You've read the Quran,so what do you think of it? Be honest,your brutality won't phase me.
haha, that's fascinating. I enjoyed reading the Quran, though it takes some effort to get all the way through it. It's interesting how many daily phrases come from it's "teachings" that we don't even realize. Honestly, I am Christain myself, so I do not necissarily agree with everything in the book. I also actually believe in a much different order of God, in which God is simply a very powerful Philote that has taken form among all Philotic Rays which connect every object to every other object using infinitely long lines and never crossing each other, and who has the power to Create using philotes from "outside" of the universe. It's very complicated, and sort of buddhist if you think about it. It all makes sense if you read some of Orson Scott Card's books. Anyone here an Ender's Game fan?
I have to say that I wouldn't know what to say to someone like your teacher Cynthia, I think I would be tempted to stand and walk out next time she started. I am in college and I think I would go to the head of the department and complain that I didn't pay money for this bullshit...but thats me, I'm a ball buster about having to listen to bullshit like that. Teach the subject or shut the **** up !!
She sounds like the religous nuts I grew up around, shes not a Seventh Day Adventist is she??
If so then your so ****ed because you'll never get two intelligent words out of her.
Humans will probably die out long before they are able to destroy the Earth.

Nothing short of an exponentially massive explosion/implosion in the earth's core will actually shatter it to the point of total destruction.

As for how the earth was created, sorry AIG but I am going to believe the Big Bang Theory before a bunch of ancient theists (who could only speculate, contrary to what you would like to believe).

However, I have read that while the earth itself can be dated, scientists cannot actually date the beginning of time itself.

So it's fair enough to assume that the various religious tomes are correct when they tell us that the universe was created by a "God" - for what is the Big Bang but a sudden creation of life?

Perhaps an entity did bring about the Big Bang phenomenon (if it is indeed what really happened).

The fact is, we'll probably never know, because so far neither science nor religion has explained it convincingly or sufficiently. There are huge holes in everyone's theory, so until somebody comes up with an irreprovable conclusion, why bother debating this?
The world is not going to end until December 6, 2012.

OK, so I read too much Terrance McKenna in my mispent youth
but the fact is that religion has provided more useful values in life than science

I usually don't call people out in this way but you really have to prove that one right there.
"but the fact is that religion has provided more useful values in life than science "

Outlaw quoted this one but I don't know who posted it to begin with,
whoever you are, I want some of what your smokin...

Religion is why most of the wars this world has endured were started.

Religion is the source of all evil.

When people ask my what religion I am, I tell them I'm a conscientious objector.
This is going to be one of the stupidest things I say on here so bear with me.

If you want to piss the religious bitch off, approach her with a bible, Rip a page out, throw a bit of joint on the middle of the page, roll that ****er up and blaze it right in front of her.
You guys are all crazy. Human life will never end, nor will the Earth. It will just revert back to the system restore point. Or go through irreversable cycles of self-destruction, which will spiral through a never-ending vortex.
Lethalfind said:
"but the fact is that religion has provided more useful values in life than science "

Outlaw quoted this one but I don't know who posted it to begin with,
whoever you are, I want some of what your smokin...

Religion is why most of the wars this world has endured were started.

Religion is the source of all evil.

When people ask my what religion I am, I tell them I'm a conscientious objector.

AIG said that.

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
If you want to piss the religious bitch off, approach her with a bible, Rip a page out, throw a bit of joint on the middle of the page, roll that ****er up and blaze it right in front of her.

That wouldn't make her mad KVH, she reads the Quran.

Humchuckninny said:
You guys are all crazy. Human life will never end, nor will the Earth. It will just revert back to the system restore point. Or go through irreversable cycles of self-destruction, which will spiral through a never-ending vortex.

I hope you are joking, and if you are not, what makes you believe this so?