What type of teenager are you?

4everLP_Shinoda said:
I´m sorry,I will never put a stupid quiz like that again,the thing was that I was so boring and I felt like doing some quiz and then share with all of u,anyway...
btw,any1 can post any quiz u want so then we can take it :)

There not stupid I found them fun :thumbsup:
4everLP_Shinoda said:
I´m sorry,I will never put a stupid quiz like that again,the thing was that I was so boring and I felt like doing some quiz and then share with all of u,anyway...
btw,any1 can post any quiz u want so then we can take it :)

no no vero!! lol i meant i dont like the answer i got
the quiz itself was great
it was a gr8 find vero!!!
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/T/torinaura/1092194039_uresgeorge.jpg" border="0" alt="paradise kiss boy"><br>You are the bad boy / girl of your school. You<br>have little faith in yourself and usually find<br>escape in some sort of addicting substance or<br>yourself. You would rather torture others<br>above anything else. You regularly skip<br>school and when you go, always tend to ditch a<br>certain class. Some classmates can fear you<br>while others pity you...and your family. (No<br>offense) Your cruel behavior and abject<br>personality tends to single you out from the<br>crowd...and you prefer life this way at times.<br>However, lonliness can rear its ugly head and<br>force you seek a way to silence it. But be<br>warned, your path is dangerous... but only a<br>strong person can walk this road. <P> Some<br>ideal occupations for you can be a Police<br>officer, Celebrity (who doesn't love the<br>badasses?), Wrestler, Polotician, or some sort<br>of leader. Either way, your destined to be<br>known by many.
<br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/torinaura/quizzes/What%20type%20of%20teenager%20are%20you%3F/"> <font size="-1">What type of teenager are you?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>

i dun think im really a bad boy of da school.*thinks**thinks*
the sad teen. Everything in life is f*ckin' miserable. You constantly look over your shoulder and wonder who is judging you...even when you are alone. So naturally, you have become a little paranoid and pessamistic. Your personality can be one demensional but confusing. You are constantly bored with life and wish that something could spice it up. You have a unique view on life and have identified the problems with school society (Ex...what makes popular people, how the student mind works...) You would rather be alone because you hate being hurt. You tend to think that no one understands you, not even your parents / guardians / friends. But that is just the opposite! The people who love you want to help, but they don't know how because they have a feeling that they will say something wrong and turn you away. You have to let them know that you are willing to hear what they have to say...and it might do some good to listen to them.
Some fields you might consider going in when you are older...Judge, author, songwriter, producer, therapist, psychologist, philosopher, or forensic scientist. You need a job where you can express yourself and your views on life. Or you need a field where you can judge others and predict what is going on in others life. Either way... you have the personality to get you a good job that will support you throughout life.
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You are the bad boy / girl of your school. You have little faith in yourself and usually find escape in some sort of addicting substance or yourself. You would rather torture others above anything else. You regularly skip school and when you go, always tend to ditch a certain class. Some classmates can fear you while others pity you...and your family. (No offense) Your cruel behavior and abject personality tends to single you out from the crowd...and you prefer life this way at times. However, lonliness can rear its ugly head and force you seek a way to silence it. But be warned, your path is dangerous... but only a strong person can walk this road.

:eek: That is NOTHING like me... how did I get that? :confused:
You are the bad boy / girl of your school. You have little faith in yourself and usually find escape in some sort of addicting substance or yourself. You would rather torture others above anything else. You regularly skip school and when you go, always tend to ditch a certain class. Some classmates can fear you while others pity you...and your family. (No offense) Your cruel behavior and abject personality tends to single you out from the crowd...and you prefer life this way at times. However, lonliness can rear its ugly head and force you seek a way to silence it. But be warned, your path is dangerous... but only a strong person can walk this road.
Some ideal occupations for you can be a Police officer, Celebrity (who doesn't love the badasses?), Wrestler, Polotician, or some sort of leader. Either way, your destined to be known by many.

don't think so... lol

You are the bad boy / girl of your school. You have little faith in yourself and usually find escape in some sort of addicting substance or yourself. You would rather torture others above anything else. You regularly skip school and when you go, always tend to ditch a certain class. Some classmates can fear you while others pity you...and your family. (No offense) Your cruel behavior and abject personality tends to single you out from the crowd...and you prefer life this way at times. However, lonliness can rear its ugly head and force you seek a way to silence it. But be warned, your path is dangerous... but only a strong person can walk this road.
Some ideal occupations for you can be a Police officer, Celebrity (who doesn't love the badasses?), Wrestler, Polotician, or some sort of leader. Either way, your destined to be known by many
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You are the 'regular' teen. Don't worry, alot of people will get this result. However, you set pretty high/low goals for yourself...and you believe you are the only one in the world. But, there are alot of people with your attitude. You tend to wear regular clothing, or you are forced to wear colors you don't want to. (such as your mother always buying you pink / blue clothing) Sometimes you feel horribly lonely and want to hide, but as always, you find something to give you reason to continue. You can either hate or love school, one opinion please. Never fear, you are not one of a kind...and that is kinda nice to hear, since there are other teenagers out there with your exact view on life.

You could get a job as an author, Teacher, editor, architect, buisness owner, or administrator. Good luck in life, and don't forget that no one is ever alone.

I'm a lonely mother****er I guess :(
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You are... the GANGSTA ninja! You are known for your open displays of violence and your ability to run like hell (you've been practicing by running from the 5-0). +1 Offense against all Gay Ninjas, but you run the risk of invoking the HATE CRIME curse. Special Skill: BUST A CAP IN YO' ASS attack.


What Kind Of (Alternative) Ninja Are You
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You are... the GOTH ninja! You are known for your love of the darkness and rampant bloodlust. +2 Offense against Prep ninjas. Special Skill: SOCIOPATHIC RAGE attack.

Woohoo Sociopathic Rage xD It sounds cool.
But I'm not really a sociopath... or a goth, for that matter.
lol But Goth Ninja sounds cool enough :D
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[Zero] said:

You are the bad boy / girl of your school. You have little faith in yourself and usually find escape in some sort of addicting substance or yourself. You would rather torture others above anything else. You regularly skip school and when you go, always tend to ditch a certain class. Some classmates can fear you while others pity you...and your family. (No offense) Your cruel behavior and abject personality tends to single you out from the crowd...and you prefer life this way at times. However, lonliness can rear its ugly head and force you seek a way to silence it. But be warned, your path is dangerous... but only a strong person can walk this road.

Some ideal occupations for you can be a Police officer, Celebrity (who doesn't love the badasses?), Wrestler, Polotician, or some sort of leader. Either way, your destined to be known by many.

Same here :)
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