What was your first favourite song...EVER.

When i could first talk properly my favourite song was the Neighbours theme tune (dont ask me why lol)
My mum said i used to sit infront of the TV everyday and sing it at the top of my voice when it came on lol.

My first an current fav LP song is Numb. Its the song that got me into LP 'cause its the one i relate to most :D
Probley..."The Way I Am"--by Eminem.I still like like eminem though...& I know that song by heart.

First LP song I first liked & heard was "In the End"
this is completely embarrassing...

When i was like five is when i started getting into music. I only have a sister.. and she bought stuff like BSB and Spice Girls... but then she got the Hanson CD.

>______________< X_x

I was like 5, but my first favorite song was MmmBop by Hanson.
i was a Hanson FREAK!! I had there t-shirt, videos, cds, like 10000000 posters and wen every they were on tv i would tape it. i got so mad when they broke up i drew on all there faces