What was your worst job?

Worst Job... I kinda had a series of equally bad jobs in a row at one point.

First was Wendy's, DAMN that sucked I was 17 and just needed after school money. I left every night smelling of old grease, fries, and hamburgers. I made a little more than mimimum wage and it gave me some spending money.

Next was at Putt-Putt Golf and Games. The real sucky part of that job was the people that came through there. Nobody gave a **** about you(managers included) and you were left to fend for yourself without much guidance. On a lighter note with this job, I did run the laser tag room!! (sweet) I would fog it out with the machine and cut the lights out! That's how to play laser tag. If anyone ever plays see if the person running it will do that for you.(definately worth it). Although that part was cool,didn't make **** for money and got let go all the time so I never got any hours.

Last, I gave fast food another try and headed for Booger King. Story here is close to Wendy's in that I came home every night smelling like ass that just ate hamburgers. This one sucked cause I was the only white dude surronded by a bunch of ******s(not blacks, ******s--as discussed in another thread). They had no respect for each other and would show up late. I can't stand to work with someone who comes in late and doesn't want to be there.

If your going to say you work somewhere, at least care as much as possible about that job, until you can find something better.

At this point in time, I do internal computer support for a pretty large company here in the US.(don't ask--non disclosure) and I'm very happy where I'm at. I make decent money now and get good hours. At least I was not as unfortunate as some others that posted here.... phreak!, I don't think you'll be going back to fabricating fish anytime soon :)
My worse job was working with mental health patients, I did it for 3 years, thats all I talked to all day, sometimes of course I spoke to the doctors offices about the insurance coverage for the mental health patients and sometimes it was hard to tell if the person working for the doctor was not also being treated by the doctor because they were crazy as well.
AND of course my boss was a ****...that just made things worse. I learned alot but OH MY GOD the stories I heard, everyday...
I had one ****in ass hole threaten to kill me, told me he knew where I was (which he in fact did). I used to have people with personality disorders call me just for attention because they couldn't get a fix from anyone else. I had to practice being apathetic just to get them off the phone. I heard parents justifying their son's sexual attack on a minor child (4 year old) and keep myself from telling them their son should be castrated...
I felt like a therapist when in fact I am not.
It was overload on the emotion front, day in and day out.
My boss was such a bitch that I fantasized about smacking her once really hard across the face, she was really short and I knew if there was enough power in the punch, she would hit the floor, how funny would that have been...I didn't need a more clear sign that I needed to get out of there then when that fantasy started going through my mind.
I've been lucky... always had jobs I liked. But I'll tell ya Kev's, cuz he had the worst job I've ever heard of.

He had to get cows ready for artificial insemination. He had to reach wayyyy into the big old birth canal of the cows and scrape out all the ****. He'd find all kinds of stuff up in there. Seems like the cows would get an itch and scratch it along the ground, picking up whatever lay in the field.

Poor *******.

When I was young, I worked in a multi-specialty Large & Small Animal Hospital as a Tech/orderly. Great pay, nice working environment, and I like animals so it wasn't bad. I really enjoyed the horses that came in.


One day, I hear the page come over the speaker in the back room
Cogito, in my opinion you have taken the prize.
I don't think there is enough psychiatric medication in the world to get that image of ones head. I just can't imagine.
LOL @ the image of Miss Thang...did you at least get her to assist you, seeing as she knew so much.
Are you kidding...Miss Thang peeked in on the cranium removal activities, promptly barfed, and had to go home to recover. :mad:

Lousy Bitch! :mad:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

When I was young, I worked in a multi-specialty Large & Small Animal Hospital as a Tech/orderly. Great pay, nice working environment, and I like animals so it wasn't bad. I really enjoyed the horses that came in.


One day, I hear the page come over the speaker in the back room
Lethalfind said:
Cogito, in my opinion you have taken the prize.
I don't think there is enough psychiatric medication in the world to get that image of ones head. I just can't imagine.
LOL @ the image of Miss Thang...did you at least get her to assist you, seeing as she knew so much.

skategreen said:
Bravo! Bravo! Great Story! Pass this feller another cuppa cocoa and let's have another!

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Looking back now many years later, things are different and I was almost in laughter driven tears while typing it out because it is so damn funny now and I remember it like it was yesterday! :p
Glorified doorman/house sitter/philosopher=security guard

Got given the worst sites

I can relate to those stereotypes of security guards falling a sleep lol

86-90 hours a week of monotony..even with radio or book reading

"Bravo 56 welfare "ZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzmmmmgghhmmeerZzzzzzZ
I had to say the above in the r/t every half hour blah!!

The firm I worked for regularly sent Supers to spy on us..and if we were caught copping Z's...instant dismissal. :cool:
sovikolp said:
hey i need a cliff note on what Cogito Ergo Sum's wrote.

I know it's a bit more than your personal average of 15 word posts, but hey, read it, you might laugh a little and actually enjoy it.
yeh, i take all the BS out and go straight to the point.

I read the first 3 paragraph and fell asleep. I'm just recovering from it now.

I think compare to you guys, I really didn't have a worst job. I've never work with mental patients, didn't work for fast food industry and had mostly flexible scheduled job.
sovikolp said:
yeh, i take all the BS out and go straight to the point.

I read the first 3 paragraph and fell asleep. I'm just recovering from it now.

I think compare to you guys, I really didn't have a worst job. I've never work with mental patients, didn't work for fast food industry and had mostly flexible scheduled job.

Oh you are a complete asshole. That was uncalled for and just childish. If you don't like something, pass it by...Not you, you've got to be a complete dickhead. You're an idiot

You are cordially invited to GO **** YOURSELF and Go to the IDIOT BOX!
I was 17 working at Gymboree with my mom as my manager.... That sucked, I had to act like every brat was "soooo cute".
They had this stupid thing where they would rate you "per customer" sale, instead of seeing who sold the most period, so when somebody came in to return something all the sales people would try and ignore them because this made OUR per customer points down, or if somebody just came in to buy a pair of sox. They stressed so much on that crap! Then you have those stupid gymboree videos, by the time you go home your singing the stupidest song in the world that you hate but can't help to sing it because you've been listening to it ALL ****ING DAY LONG!!!!
THEN!... my mother would make my schedule to match hers so I saw my mom everyday at work and you know she was like "sweety can you do this, sweety can you do that". I was 17 and did not want to be with my mom all day long telling me what to do at home and at work.
I think that was the worst for me because it was annoying I've had other jobs that I hated but this one was about to drive me crazy.