What were you doing at the time on 9/11

Hamza123 said:
People judge Islam and make straight away assumptions becuase of what they see on CNN... Not form the Qur'an and not from a real told history on the Prophet. Thats what most people do anyways and it has long begun to rub off on others. If you knew that Muslims in the Middle East, live in the shadows of these terrorists and can't do **** all about it, maybe you might think otherwise. If they tried they would get there heads cut off. When ever Bin Laden hurts you he hurts your people, when you see people cheering in the streets, thats the western media's attempt to crumble the image of Islam. My mom and her friends cried on September 11th, the majority of Muslims are moderate now-a-days. Islam doesn't need to explain anything because it's all in the real history of Islam, the Qur'an and Muhammad's real explained journeys. But who does have to do some explaining is not Bin Laden, it's the Moderate Muslims who have been silent for a long time and they should really to start to show the world who the terrorists are and who the Muslims are.

Fella, your turning a blind eye to reality and reciting written fairy tales as a means of diverting attention from the issue. You just made excuses for the "poor people of Islam". As Americans we overthrough the mighty British over the price of ****in tea. If the muslim underlings whom "live in the shadows of terrorism" can't derive a powerful reason for the upheaval of their controlling government for the horrible atroscities they have commited, well then as far as i'm concerned they have aligned themselves with the terrorist. So step off with the crybaby bullshit bro.
One thing I remember in the months after 9-11 is how people would start acting squirly on planes for whatever reason (some with mental illness, I think there was one who was drunk) and the passengers would take their **** down...I loved that part.

9-11 made us all realize it was time to get involved personally. Like the men who I believe are heros, the men and women who were on the flight that crashed in the field in PA, rather then hitting its target, the White House (so sad for AIG that they missed)

Its sad it has to be that way but I think 9-11 has made alot of more ready and willing to take up arms to protect each other then we were before.

Prior to 9-11, I had no bad feelings toward Muslims. I am not a religious person but feel that people should have the right to practice what they want. After 9-11 I feel very differently. I feel that as long as Muslims feel they must force their beliefs down others throats, as they seem to, that we will be at war. Because they feel they are morally right, I think they will keep coming and we will have to finally end the threat.

I hope that the United States adopts what the UK has been doing, throwing people out who indulge in violent rhetoric. We can stop people from having free speech if that free speech insights violence.

I have never felt that its either them or me, in a racial way. This is different however. I do feel badly for the innocent Muslims who have died. In my life I have had friends and professional relationships with Muslims and I enjoyed them like I would anyone else, however left with a choice, them or my own people, Americans, I choose Americans. I think thats what they are pushing us to do. If you are a Muslim and don't feel this way, you need to be distancing yourself from those that do. Saying something you would be glad to have the White House blown up could someday be enough to get your name tagged by the FBI. I hope so, people with that kind of violent rhetoric among a culture that is rife with terrorists need to be watched and kicked out for national safety.
Lethalfind said:
One thing I remember in the months after 9-11 is how people would start acting squirly on planes for whatever reason (some with mental illness, I think there was one who was drunk) and the passengers would take their **** down...I loved that part.

9-11 made us all realize it was time to get involved personally. Like the men who I believe are heros, the men and women who were on the flight that crashed in the field in PA, rather then hitting its target, the White House (so sad for AIG that they missed)

Its sad it has to be that way but I think 9-11 has made alot of more ready and willing to take up arms to protect each other then we were before.

Prior to 9-11, I had no bad feelings toward Muslims. I am not a religious person but feel that people should have the right to practice what they want. After 9-11 I feel very differently. I feel that as long as Muslims feel they must force their beliefs down others throats, as they seem to, that we will be at war. Because they feel they are morally right, I think they will keep coming and we will have to finally end the threat.

I hope that the United States adopts what the UK has been doing, throwing people out who indulge in violent rhetoric. We can stop people from having free speech if that free speech insights violence.

I have never felt that its either them or me, in a racial way. This is different however. I do feel badly for the innocent Muslims who have died. In my life I have had friends and professional relationships with Muslims and I enjoyed them like I would anyone else, however left with a choice, them or my own people, Americans, I choose Americans. I think thats what they are pushing us to do. If you are a Muslim and don't feel this way, you need to be distancing yourself from those that do. Saying something you would be glad to have the White House blown up could someday be enough to get your name tagged by the FBI. I hope so, people with that kind of violent rhetoric among a culture that is rife with terrorists need to be watched and kicked out for national safety.

Exactly. To the Muslims who do so in North America... Well it has nourished you and kept you free of evil. Kept you free of the dangers that run wild in places in the Middle East. And yet this is how you treat it... Well being a Muslim, I am ashamed of these people who Claim to be Muslims yet they defend terrorists, condone terrorism, are silent about it, and don't take a stand. Some of you might not understand the position I am in. It is hard now to both be a good Muslim in the eyes of Muslims and rule out terrorism... Those 19 "Muslims" on the place of September 11th 2001 not only took the lives of 2,750 innocent people but also degraded the name of Islam with them. They are the ones who have Hijacked Islam as some of you say. Not America and Not the west. As for the people who are extremists, get them out of this country it's not for them... Why the hell would you preach a word of death against the country you live in and feed off of? Well you have to be an idiot to do that. Also yes, these terrorists fiddled around with America and now they are ****ed. Not only do these terrorists pay the Ultimate price, but if an American bomb hit Iraqi civilians, then these terrorists are the ones who provoked it, therefore in my eyes, they are the ones responsible. They don't realise that they have already lost the war... There people are dieing everday because of these terrorists yet they seem to think that they are doing whats right. Like... WTF? :confused:
..Well anyways...I still remember the lump in my throat I had on 9/11...when I realised what absorbed information I had , was actually true...the kind of lump in the throat one gets when someone close dies..I really could not understand why...but something inside me died...and I'm still dumbfounded to this day when I reflect on it... :(
Lethalfind said:
I took some architecture classes while in college but not enough to have any great knowledge of the structure of these buildings but I was completely shocked when all those buildings came down. I have a thing for watching buildings blown up and how they can bring them straight down in their own footprint or down to one said or the other if there is vacant lot. It was just a sickening sight seeing them come down killing the people in them, both people who worked there and the fireman and policemen that went in to help. When they showed the picture of an elderly priest who died as a result I think of being there only to help, that really broke me up (not being religious, especially not Catholic, that should tell you how effected I was by this whole thing).

This tragedy is now history. The important issue is to find out the truth behind the "facts" that we have been given willingly.

Osama (Usamah Bin Laden) is the younger son of an almost Royal family.

His dream of power led him to accept support for his cause from all factions.

The accounts of some journalists and investigators, however, do suggest that CIA money and weapons reached the Afghan Arabs and bin Laden indirectly through the ISI [9]. According to Ahmed Rashid, Central Intelligence Agency Chief William Casey in 1986 "committed CIA support to a long-standing ISI initiative to recruit radical Muslims from around the world to come to Pakistan and fight with the Afghan Mujaheddin. The ISI had encouraged this since 1982 and by now all the other players had their reasons for supporting the idea. Washington wanted to demonstrate that the entire Muslim world was fighting the Soviet Union alongside the Afghans and their American benefactors


After the US withdrew it's support for the Afghanis, post ColdWar, Usamah used the tactics taught to him be the CIA regarding battle with a super power. The lesson was, "Bankrupt them".

The attack on the WTC cost Bin Laden about 400,000 US dollars. The US retaliatory effort has, to date, cost maybe a hundred times as much.

His plan seems to be on target.

Or is it? Perhaps the evidence will show that Usamah is a co-conspirator. He made a killing (pardon the pun) on the stock exchange pre and post 911. He even bragged about his win.

As did others in the know. Not that they needed to brag. They would prefer not to tell.

Will the truth never out? I think it will. I think that after the fallout, some sort of sanity may return to the Old World Order. The new one sucks the big one.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Not surprising at all! Not surprising that she read a novel and ignored the whole thing either... She's a ****ing muslim, they all hate us and want us dead!

You ****in' moron,I read the novel before I found out about it.
And I should assume you all love us and want us to live?
You can't hate and expect to be loved.You can't destroy and expect to be untouchable!
I can't say I'm surprised at all at your statement. You are aware there was a plane headed to the whitehouse that did not make it.

I was not aware of that.

Sad that people can get so wrapped up in hating that they could rejoice in the destruction of something like the White House, a National treasure and symbol of our Democracy.

No dear.I don't get wrapped up in hate.I don't hate the building just the jackass livin' in it.I also think the white house is beautiful.

There are those that would die, families split apart, people who would bear the physical scars the rest of their lives, not too mention the innocent people who work there, and the people who would be unaffected physically but forever emotionally traumtized by such an event.

I suppose it is possible that there are innocent people workin' for bush.They just nod and support him through the murder of 30 000 people.

Please understand, my country is far from perfect, I'm sure it never will be. HOWEVER, its my country and one its symbols is the White House. At the moment I think there is an ass hole living there, but its still almost a holy symbol of my country, the country of my birth. I will be many things in my life, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a nurse, a neighbor, a friend, a lover, a wife, no matter how many hats I wear throughout, I will always be an American.

Well I'm sorry.I wasn't really voicing my hate for the building just the asshole living there.And I know you truly love your country.I don't have problems with the american people,just those who impose their values on others.
You ****in' moron,I read the novel before I found out about it.
Exactly, you twit... when something "bad" happens to a ****-bag muslime you're the first to know about it.

And I should assume you all love us and want us to live?
Yes. even though ya'll are too ****ing stupid to develop your own medicine, technology, etc. you have to steal it from the west and then go off on your tirades about how evil the west is.

You can't hate and expect to be loved.You can't destroy and expect to be untouchable!
:confused: You can't have your cake and eat it too.