What Will Happen to Ron Paul

On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 16:08:43 -0800, Gunner Asch
<gunner@NOSPAM.earthlink.net> wrote:

>On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 15:40:40 -0800, "Roger" <rogerfx@hotmail.com>
>>He'll lose, become a folk hero to a bunch of loser crackpots, and give
>>speeches in the "community rooms" of malls across the southwest.

>How Algor get into the conversation?


Former US vice president Al Gore will make a triumphant return to the
White House on November 26 when US President George W. Bush honors US
Nobel Prize winners, a Bush spokesman said Friday.
On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 13:37:31 -0800, Curly <curly.is.not@home.com>

>On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:55:10 -0800, Gunner wrote:
>> On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 04:29:10 -0800, Curly <curly.is.not@home.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>>Right, that was when they were called "Dixie-crats". They moved to the
>>>>>Republican Party later.
>>>>>-- Regards, Curly
>>>> So that explains why the senior ranking Democrat was the Grand Kleagle of
>>>> the KKK?
>>>> Gunner
>>>Ah, I expected your misdirection to be better. "Was" vs. "is". By that
>>>measure all Austrians will forever be evil because of Hitler.
>>>Pitiful, gunner, downright pitiful.
>>>-- Regards, Curly

>> So you are admitting to having lied.

>Off your meds again? Hearing voices in your thick head?

First you admit having lied, how you are trying to cover it up.

>> And are now trying to cover it up.

>What are you babbling about now? Oh, right, Rovian trick to redirect a
>touchy subject or lie. When are you going to throw in some homoerotic

So you are trying to weasel out admitting you lied.
>> Thank you, fagboi

>Don't come near me.

Of course not. Id hate to put that sort of temptation in front of you.
It wouild be pretty gross to have you begging to be buggered.


>-- Regards, Curly
> Time to dust off Madam Guillotine
On Sat, 17 Nov 2007 03:26:58 -0800, Gunner
<gunner@NOSPAM.lightspeed.net> wrote:

>On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 13:37:31 -0800, Curly <curly.is.not@home.com>
>>On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:55:10 -0800, Gunner wrote:
>>> On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 04:29:10 -0800, Curly <curly.is.not@home.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>Right, that was when they were called "Dixie-crats". They moved to the
>>>>>>Republican Party later.
>>>>>>-- Regards, Curly
>>>>> So that explains why the senior ranking Democrat was the Grand Kleagle of
>>>>> the KKK?
>>>>> Gunner
>>>>Ah, I expected your misdirection to be better. "Was" vs. "is". By that
>>>>measure all Austrians will forever be evil because of Hitler.
>>>>Pitiful, gunner, downright pitiful.
>>>>-- Regards, Curly
>>> So you are admitting to having lied.

>>Off your meds again? Hearing voices in your thick head?

>First you admit having lied, how you are trying to cover it up.

Did the voices tell you that?

>>> And are now trying to cover it up.

>>What are you babbling about now? Oh, right, Rovian trick to redirect a
>>touchy subject or lie. When are you going to throw in some homoerotic

>So you are trying to weasel out admitting you lied.
>>> Thank you, fagboi

>>Don't come near me.

>Of course not. Id hate to put that sort of temptation in front of you.
>It wouild be pretty gross to have you begging to be buggered.

Still looking for a date I see.
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:15:19 -0800, The Observer
<observer@every.where> wrote:

>As many of you already know the American "two-party" political
>system has become a sham in recent decades. No candidate
>can gain the Presidential nomination without having the full
>blessing of the establishment power elite. Since Ron Paul
>is not a robot clone who can be counted on to continue bus-
>iness as usual, he will not be allowed to get anywhere near
>the Republican party nomination.

No kidding, and thank you by the way for not being one of the
idiot neo nazis who think that the wealthy and powerful are all Jews.

>Therefore the mass media
>will completely ignore him and hope that he just fades away.

They certainly ignored his expose of the fiat money system as
a sham, and his advice that the US should go back to the gold standard
was treated like heresy, when it was mentioned at all.

>If that fails - as now appears to be the case - they will begin
>an all-out attack campaign to try to smear him as an
>extremist. The same thing happened to Pat Buchanan
>in '96. When Buchanan did well in the first couple of
>Republican primaries the establisment went BONKERS.
>Immediately stories began to circulate about Klansmen,
>neo-nazis, skinheads etc working for the Buchanan
>campaign somewhere or another. That's how the
>shysters who now run things operate and we should
>expect the same tactics to be used against Ron Paul.
>Note what the attached blog piece has to say about
>it. Also, if somehow Paul managed to weather this
>storm and looked like he had a serious chance, his
>life would be in jeopardy. The oligarchs who run things
>play rough and would do whatever it takes to prevent
>someone they don't control from sitting in the Oval
>Carl F. Worden
>Most of my loyal readers are now keenly aware of my ability to
>anticipate social change and the direction of the economy. I am
>also pretty good at predicting political strategies and outcomes,
>and based on a few comments I've read from various blogs and media
>sources, I believe I know what tactics will be used by corporate
>interests and rival political groups in an attempt to destroy the
>credibility of presidential candidate Ron Paul.
>While very subtle at this point, Ron Paul's adversaries will
>ultimately resort to a full-blown attack based upon an alleged
>support of Ron Paul by anti-Semitic racist "skin heads", and Ron, if
>you are reading this, take my counsel and immediately diffuse the
>bomb these liars are planning to use against you, because I can
>guarantee you that this will be the tactic they will resort to.
>Example: We have a very popular and conservative radio talk show
>host here in the Rogue Valley of Oregon who organized several
>rallies to show citizen support for stronger border control and
>strict enforcement of immigration law. Several hundred decent,
>mainstream citizens showed up to show their support, but guess who
>also showed up? Standing on the corner where every passing driver
>could see was a shaved-headed White Supremacist who had unfurled his
>White Power/KKK/Christian Identity-type flags.
>Now what message did that send? For all I know, these people could
>have been recruited by pro-amnesty forces to discredit the
>demonstration, and I fully expect Ron Paul's enemies to use the same
>tactics against him. The message will be that Ron Paul has skin-
>head racists supporting him, therefore Ron Paul must also be a
>person who supports the ideology of these morons.
>The tactic is proven to work. It is tantamount to asking the
>question, "When did you stop beating your wife"? The victim is
>placed in a position to prove a negative, which cannot be done, so
>what I am attempting to do is this: Ron Paul, these slanderers will
>resort to this tactic sooner or later, and you need to decide what
>steps to take right now to deal with it.
>There is absolutely nothing in Ron Paul's past to suggest he is
>racist or anti-Semitic whatsoever, but I have read little snippets
>here and there that suggest support for Mr. Paul by White
>Supremacists, people Mr. Paul has never met or asked to support him.
>Nevertheless, I have considered every dirty trick available that is
>used to destroy a man personally if they cannot discredit his
>message, and by process of elimination and what is available, this
>is the only route left to these vicious and evil people.