What would you do...

omg thats scary..i was talkin to my bro one time and he goes "your so obsessed with Linkin Park i mean what would you live for if their plane crashed or something".. i never thought about that before.. id probly die!.. i mean LP is like my life in songs and without them i probly wouldn't feel like i do i now.. hypothetically.. they helped pull me threw the crack in floor that i had fallen into. i just try to be stong and like spend my time listening to LP CD"S and talking to you guys....
i would....
-be very shocked
-have like 3 days of all LP music
-put all there demos/b-sides/instrumentals on CD and mass produce
-then seel the CDs for like 25 bucks to the LP fans at my school :) (on a good note)
I t seems like mass suicide, but i'm no better.

If a member lp died, I would not eat for like a day be cause i would be crying, sobbing so hard. And i would listen to all lp songs all day, and surf the web to find out what killed the member.

Gosh, that would be soooo sad, I'd rather not even think that way *Thinks about lp preforming in concert*
I would probably cry untill my eyes pop out or I wont have any tears left(is that possible?!). I would blast their music and that would be the only thing I would probably listen to for about 3 months.