What's next?


All The Streetlights
Feb 21, 2006
I don't know if there has been a thread like that before

but....what do you think will happen after the new album dropped?

well, obviously there'll be a tour...

but after that?

Probably Chester will release his solo album

and then?

will there be another Live cd...an unplugged album....or even a best of?

what do you think will be the next step for Linkin Park?
i think chesters album is goin to be out next spring or summer
after tour they gonna visite me and then... uhm gimme some money so i can go away from germany..lol nah jk
i dont think theyre goin to release a best of thing...

@rest: idk
Lp will win some and LP will lose some...
well... the album will be a huge awesome times and then after the euro tours they will go on project Rev then they will do random shows and chester will release his solo album and the band will take some time off... i donno about another remix album...
no longer an LP fan? this is not the place to be

i think we can speculate all we want, cause there are millions of possibilities, but we wont know until LP wrap up touring...which..if all goes to what happened with meteora, will be around 2-3 years from now

i think maybe a live album, a few lil side projects pop up, return of fort minor, end of tour. add new album and repeat
well it all goes down to us.. the fans, if we dont buy the album and pirate like some shitheads lp wont be able to go on with their music...
so before we think about after the album things GO BUY IT...
If they are smart....they will tour for 2 years and release another album....and hope that Chester dosen't have major success and leave LP!
i'm looking forward to Chesters album more, as it's meant to sound like T-Rex. LP's new album will drop and hit the charts probably around #4 me thinks and then they will tour the hell out of it. A best of? Nah not very likely, not nearly enough material to be a worth while investment. They may release a B-Side collection in the not so distance future but then again that's also usualy a long term thing.
then they will break up and their will be another shitty remix then a best of.
I love your bluntness. :rofl: I agree with this too. Linkin Park isn't the cool new band anymore that released Hybrid Theory and were all over MTV. Besides the mainstream trend has completely shifted in another direction. You can only ride mainstream trends for a while before you eventually die off. People will always remember them, if they do remember them, for their old stuff anyway. Since it's taken so long for them to come up with new material people will just look at their new release as a half assed attempt by a once popular band to say relevant when in fact releasing something 4 years after your previous album isn't in itself a very good attempt in itself. People have pretty much forgotten about them I would think.
I love your bluntness. :rofl: I agree with this too. Linkin Park isn't the cool new band anymore that released Hybrid Theory and were all over MTV. Besides the mainstream trend has completely shifted in another direction. You can only ride mainstream trends for a while before you eventually die off. People will always remember them, if they do remember them, for their old stuff anyway. Since it's taken so long for them to come up with new material people will just look at their new release as a half assed attempt by a once popular band to say relevant when in fact releasing something 4 years after your previous album isn't in itself a very good attempt in itself. People have pretty much forgotten about them I would think.
I hope they go under the radar and just enjoy a sort of a cult following
no mainstream bs...just releasing albums on a more of an indy label and playin decent gigs instead of at stuff like overhyped festivals

but unfortunately I don't see that happening
when they stop being on the mainstream level is when they break up
i loved QWERTY i htink it rocks, i think like they did with MTRA they will do a tour and have a lil break have their side projects up and going again and then start on a new album. i hope they dont dismember and not do music as LP again cause they have so much potential to do more.
I hope they go under the radar and just enjoy a sort of a cult following
no mainstream bs...just releasing albums on a more of an indy label and playin decent gigs instead of at stuff like overhyped festivals

but unfortunately I don't see that happening
when they stop being on the mainstream level is when they break up
That's definitely not going to happen. A lot of these bands don't want to have a small time cult following. They want to be as big as they can be and why they start to lose that popularity they disband.