What's the biggest lesson to be learned from Hurricane Katrina?

yeah your right, but i saw a similar poll and completely forgot...lol
I added that last one though ;)
builder said:
Oh, and please point to any evacuation "plan", other than the "put your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye, plan".
Hey, that's the same plan we use for our ARMAGEDDON scenario, seems to work pretty good if you ask me.

Score one more point for the NWO, check New Orleans off the list.

phreakwars said:
Hey, that's the same plan we use for our ARMAGEDDON scenario, seems to work pretty good if you ask me.

Score one more point for the NWO, check New Orleans off the list.


So it was planned? Good to know, phreak.

So, the lesson to be learned from Hurrican Katrina is...............drum roll.........

You are on your own, people. The gov has important regime change **** happening, so don't be bugging us with unimportant ****, like hurricanes, herpes outbreaks, or any other ****ing **** you might think is important.

You, and your ****, means about as much to us as those imbecile new age arseholes, who think we are evil. Go **** yourselves. All of you. Leave a message, and we won't get back to you.

phreakwars said:
Dare we say GENOCIDE ??


Naah, too many watching. I'm thinking the delay was a vain hope that outright civil war would eventuate, "necessitating" the blanket bombing of the city with DU shells, irradiating the city, eventually leading to.....oh ****......eventual genocide.

You're brilliant. :D
You guys are such goofballs. It's only been a week. The response to this disaster, which covers much of the coast, not just New Orleans, has been tremendous. The amount of money raised in three days after the hurricane reached 90 million compared to 40 million after the Tsunami. Those in the City of New Orleans had only a few days to leave. This sounds like a lot of time to organize but it isn
Considering it is over developement that causes the most flooding in any situation but crowding out the wetlands (the natural sponge that once protected these areas) I think that is MOST important, but right up there is a better evacuation plan and improved levy systems