What's the Most Disturbing Movie You've Watched?


New member
i don't know the name, it's about this chick who has something with her eye (but you can't see it on the outside...looks pretty normal)..and then she meets people and falls inlove with different parts of the people (hands, legs etc. men and women) and then she murders all of them and cuts off the part and creates a perfect human of her own...then she gets all freaked out, 'cause the "person" can't see her, so she pokes out her own sick eye and puts it on it...and then it ends. i had a test the next day and i did surprisingly bad on it (shocker, huh?)...does anyone know this movie?


New member
*** i can't remember the name, but that is a wierd movie, i want to say the name is emma. but it isn't that, it was the chicks name...


New member
Dark Water sucks.

But anyways the most disturbing movie has to be...ummm.....That Michael Jackson sextape..............................................................what?Dont look at me like that.



New member
yah iv got the DVD for the original Grudge, but we're all afraid 2 watch it

heres a scary part from it




New member
well hmm.... i cant think of any movies that really even disturb me...Only thing i ever really found disturbing in anything ive watched is the third episode of FMA, when that guy fuse the dog and the girl together.... But thats not a movie.... **** I dont know...
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