What's the Most Disturbing Movie You've Watched?


New member
That movie was made by the same guy as House of 1000 Corpses right? whats his name...****...brainfart. Whats his name?


New member
The pool is a great movie, it is a bit scary but itis the best scary movie eva!!

i hate it wen the girl is going down the waterslide, if u seen the movie u know wot happens



New member
The most disurbing movie i have eva watch would have 2 b: Requiem For A Dream... freaky ***** going down in that movie!


New member
yer, rite now im watching saw, it is such a twisted movie, and b4 i was watching house of 1000 corpeses, that movie is so0o far our freaky


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Requieum for a dream. It was actually voted the most disturbing film by the sundance film festival.
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