What's the most emberassing thing or saying has your parents said to emberass you?


Active Member
Jul 8, 2004
CA, Panorama City
What are some ways that parents like to emberass there kids?
If you guys have some put them in.....

I have lots.. 2 actually

Like one time it was my first day of high school as a freshman and after scool my mom was picking me up and outside she came and shes like my baby! made her first day at high school!!! and she was ready to kiss me on the cheek, and there were these whole bunch of cute guys just standing there, so im like no!!!!!! and i went in the car.. lol :eek:

And one other time, I was in the car. And outside there was a car sale and on the top of the building there are like those big parachute balloon, and my moms like poiting and the balloon and saying " Oh! look at the balloon! look at it!! It's very colorful and amazing!" And im like " how old am i!!!!"
Ahahaha, i like when you said "how old am i?"!!!

Not to many times for me has my mom emberassed me...but
there is time like when my friend was staying the night at my
house,my mom purpousely said "so keli were you able to get the stain
out of your underwear?" I was like "what the hell woman!!! What stain!!!"
my friend couldn't hold it in much longer and burst out laughing!!!

I was like damitt!!!
LMAO dont get me started =( ....i have sooooooo many.....
i dont like it when my mum starts singing/ dancing when my friends are over....

once i went out with my mum and her friends n my mums friend was like what are your hobbies...n my mum was like " she is really into play boy" i was like "GAMEBOY!!!"
ahhhh *blushes* my mums friends face was like 0________________o...eh..
my dad doesnt' really do anything, but when my friend was little, if she was being bad in the store her mom would bust out in song lol :p
omg, my parents espicially my mom embarasses me so much. i remember a time in a bus where i was standing and my mom was sitting. so there was this spare seat but i still didnt want to sit(dont ask). so my mom starting shouting from her seat which was like 2.5 metres away frm where i was standing "shabana!! go sit down! yr legs will hurt!!". everyone turned to look at me and my mom.i swear my face went as red as blood and just quickly went to that damned seat and sat.
stupidsoul1 said:
LMAO dont get me started =( ....i have sooooooo many.....
i dont like it when my mum starts singing/ dancing when my friends are over....

once i went out with my mum and her friends n my mums friend was like what are your hobbies...n my mum was like " she is really into play boy" i was like "GAMEBOY!!!" ahhhh *blushes* my mums friends face was like 0________________o...eh..
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost fell out my chair when i saw that. hHAHAHAHAH!!! fiona, im sure that is unforgettable 4 u.
I dont remember my parents saying anything that makes me embaressed but I´m sure that they have. well they do stuff that embareses me.
for instance we had guests and I was taking a shower at that time so wellone of the guests wanted to use the restroom and my mom just opens the lock and let´s the guest come in while I was taking a shower o_O
Heart_LP said:
I dont remember my parents saying anything that makes me embaressed but I´m sure that they have. well they do stuff that embareses me.
for instance we had guests and I was taking a shower at that time so wellone of the guests wanted to use the restroom and my mom just opens the lock and let´s the guest come in while I was taking a shower o_O

oh that really sucks...my mom also likes to come into the bathroom when i'm in...i hate that...and when i lock the door up, she shouts at me -.-
Well, there are lots of stuff, but the one I'm remembering most now happened some good years ago, I was a youngster in 9th grade. I had been chosen by the school, along with 3 other students and a teacher, to participate in a trip along with other people from other schools of my town, to go to Spain, to a ski resort, and take ski lessons for a week. I was really excited, of course, I mean, it's not every day you win something like that. So when the departure day arrived, my parents took me to the place where I had to get in the bus. I met with the other people from my school, and I noticed they said bye to their parents and then the parents went away, and while the bus wasn't leaving we were all there talking. But my mother was always behind me, and trying to get to know everyone that was going >.< She stayed there until the bus left. I climbed to the bus along with other people, and my parents were the only ones standing outside the bus, with looks on their faces like "Look at our daughter, so gorwn up, taking a trip all for herself!", I swear my mother had a tear in her eyes U_U I was waving to them from the window like "Go away! Go away!", but they didn't go lol My mom started to wave to me as if I was walking towards my own death or something lolol Then she made me promise i'd call everyday. One day I forgot to call because we had a party after dinner, and my mom called the place we were staying and like asked the security man, through the phone, to go call me up. And he looked me up and called me when I was dancing in the middle of all these people (mostly older than me), I turned red, and then still had to hear my mom say kinda histerically "Why didn't you call!! I thought you had an accident, I thought something happened!!" lol It's mostly stuff like this, my mom is so overprotective - even now, that I'm already 20 years old lol But I understand why she does that. In the moment it's embarrassing, but then... meh, I just laugh it off :p
stupidsoul1, that Gameboy thing was hilarious xD
They embarras me when they argue so loudly in public...i just walk a little way away from them when they do that. Other times dad will be like trying to crack a joke...come times they are funny, other times they are :S... My mum will occasionally try and talk all cool like and its embarrasing...lol but I love them still...
My most embarresing day is going to be July 2nd...How do i kno? Because im going to a concert..with my mom...and so today i was playing music of some of the bands that are going to be there and my mom comes in the room hopping and doing some sort of a crippled chicken dance and i was like " OMG YOU BETTER NOT DO THAT AT THE CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!" and shes like "why not im goin there to dance!?" i was like " ITS A GOD DAMN METAL CONCERT! PLUS THERE IS NO WAY TO DANCE TO METAL" holy **** and three forths im going to loose her purposely...