What's the most emberassing thing or saying has your parents said to emberass you?

ImTheOneThatFalls said:
My most embarresing day is going to be July 2nd...How do i kno? Because im going to a concert..with my mom...and so today i was playing music of some of the bands that are going to be there and my mom comes in the room hopping and doing some sort of a crippled chicken dance and i was like " OMG YOU BETTER NOT DO THAT AT THE CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!" and shes like "why not im goin there to dance!?" i was like " ITS A GOD DAMN METAL CONCERT! PLUS THERE IS NO WAY TO DANCE TO METAL" holy **** and three forths im going to loose her purposely...

Lol! That must have sucked. I can't remember anything at the moment about my parents, but my mom tends to enjoy talking about me on the phone, and sometimes telling her friends what I suck at and stuff...and its really disturbing. She exagerates a lot too, and she talks so loud the whole house can hear what she's saying :confused:
My mom and dad sing to songs that are on the radio when we are in the car around my friends. My dad sings to system of a down lol. Also at the linkin park concert my mom was dancing!
XrockinfreakX said:
My mom and dad sing to songs that are on the radio when we are in the car around my friends. My dad sings to system of a down lol. Also at the linkin park concert my mom was dancing!

Heh, I don't allow my parents to the concerts, they'll complain its too noisy anyways