What's Your Family Like?


I'm greeny meany
Jun 18, 2004
Here is where you post what your home life is like. About your parents and sibilings. I'll start out with mine first:

My sister: She's 10, she is the one that ALWAYS gets her way. My parents think she is the nices thing. She is disrespectful of them, and of me. She punches me and almost knocked me out before and my mom didn't do anything about it. She calls my parents bitches, ****ing retards, assholes and more. They never do anything about it. When I swear, they yell at me and send me to my room. When she starts the fight i get yelled at for it. All I was doing was defending myself! She'll just sit there and smirk. I hit her once and got grounded for a week. I have an arm full of scars from her. She is an evil DEVIL!

My mom: She's the one that takes me shopping. When it's just me and her it's the best. But when we're around my sister and dad she could careless about me. She is a ditz sometimes! She's acts like Jessica Simpson! It's funny we like to make fun of her for it. She can be more fair then my dad, but still she doesn't lay down the rules. Unlike my dad who always lays down the rules, but always on me...

My Dad: He's the one that I can talk to when it's just him and I. I know he wont tell anybody, unlike my mom who loves to talk to the people at her work about me and my social life ALL the time. He has the same understanding of music as me. Because he used to be a radio DJ. But he is very strick, and always on me. For example a converstation from like 15 mins ago: my mom told my sister that she needed to take a shower because her hair looked greasy. Then she said, "well Jenessa's hair looks greasy to." Then i was like "i just took a shower this moring! Stop trying to take your flaws out on me!" Then my dad turned and pointed his finger at me and said "stop bickering with your sister." I was like "i was standing up for myself!" Then my mom tried to help me but she wasn't assertive enough. So i got yelled at! then i grabed my water and went upstairs. I could hear my sister said 'oh look now she's going to go upstairs and cry', and i was like "oh yea (sarcatically) i'm going to go cry!" then my dad was like "no she's just going up there and listen to her music loud because i mad her mad." then they both started laughing. That pisses me off when they do stuff like that!

My parents have there ups and downs, but i think it's same with every kids parents. So say what your family is like!
I know what you mean. My family is very similar. I get my way a lot but that's only because I either work hard to get or beg for it. And then my little brother gets like everything and does nothing at all. He's very rude, disrespectful, and spoiled. And my mom says it's because of me. I'm blamed for EVERYTHING!!!! Well, I could go on for like 5 pages, but my family is basicly like yours linkinpark-1.
My sister is bigger then me! And the scars are from her scratching me with her nails. And Im 15. But my family really isn't that bad, like i said most familys are like that.
I like my older brother though. He's mean sometimes, like you might expect an older brother to be. But I know he would always stick up for me.
My family

My sis Ashley is a BITCH! She makes me mad, full of rage. She's younger than me, and smaller, and hits me. I want to hit her back, but if I do, I'll kill her and land myself in jail. She always tells me she hates me, she's gonna kill me, to kill myself! Last night she said that, I told her calmly fine, I'm gonna go cut now, and I did. She smiled! And she never get's the balm for jack ****!

Sis Stevie is ending up like Ash. But we get along. She's the best to hang sround. Even if she is 6. She even pulled me into her love and worship for the cartoon Teen Titans. I have pulled her to the light of LP. I always stand up for her when Ash hits her.

My mom doesn't understand me. She's cool. Loves music and isn't afraid to sing to it. (she's the one who got me into LP) She'll make me mad, but I don't care.

Step dad is cool. He's understanding.

There ya all go.
Your story seems sad but is really better than mine. You can actually talk to your parents.all my conversations with them would start of with hey, then end in me pissing them of. I cant actually see little brothers and sisters hurting older bothers or sisiters, unless they use teeth. So im guessing you sis is real strong or real vicious.
I like my mom, dad and my 18 yr old sister but I fukin' hate my 21 yr old sister... She tells me to do everything. Like, "Go do your laundry" "Go clean your room" "Go clean the living room" "Go wash the dishes", she thinks she's the boss of me 'cause she's way older than me. That bitch!! :mad:
ForgottenKid said:
Your story seems sad but is really better than mine. You can actually talk to your parents.all my conversations with them would start of with hey, then end in me pissing them of. I cant actually see little brothers and sisters hurting older bothers or sisiters, unless they use teeth. So im guessing you sis is real strong or real vicious.

Vicious is an understatement.
Dad: Kind of a drag with him. He and I are total opposites, so we don't get along very well.
Mom: She is funny, and pretty cool for a mom I guess.
Brother: Lying, manipulative, pscyho kid who is addicted to video games, caffiene, and getting his own way. Kid needs military school or something.

Thats it for my house. Its a pretty functional family most of the times, but we have our moments.
I don't know o_0 I rarely talk to them......I have 4 bros and we were pretty close back when we were kids....But we went our different ways and now I'm here ripping my way through this bloody life-_-
For the most part my family is ok. My mom is pretty cool. She has a good taste in music and can make me laugh,but she gets a little pushy sometimes. My dad is soo annoying and strict! I'm not allowed to do anything because of him and he's never in a good mood. He always finds something to complain about. My 29 year old sister is awesome! She spends lots of money on me and always sticks up for me but she's getting married next month and doesn't live with us anymore. My biggest problem is my dad...