What's Your Family Like?

I have a weird family Lol

My 2 older brothers are annoying .....

My parents are ok..well too overprotected sometimes

I have to do everyhring because my brothers don't do anything and they say your are a girl and girls have to de the household ''**** them'.....I fight alot with them
My Brother: He is cool, i have nothing wrong with him. He can be a know it all at time, but so can I.

My sister: Is a psycho bitch, thats just gets ****ed and pops out babys, and doesnt have a job and says "'God" will provide for her....

My Mom: Is a pill popin, coke user, thief, lyer. I hate her very much.....

My Dad: He is okay, when i was younger he was absuive towards my mom, but he is cool now. I can deal with him pertty much....

thats my family..... lol
as for me

my brother is awsome. hes 17. and tells me everything. i can share my feelins with him.

my mom and dad are too over protective and wont let me do wat i want to. i look so forward to meeting him. he asks me for advice on girls. i ask him for boys. he always sticks up fpr me. he does get his way most of the time but i dont mind.
ya and i forgot to add he rules at computers he can hack people and ofcourse if any guy messes wid me. heel get his gang and then they mes with him.
guys, my family is in amny ways quite like yours and not os quite, but i wouldnt discuss my family here or bitch about any memeber even if i hate thwem because after all they are my family and are the ones that will stick up for me in my bad time.