Whats your "laugh of the day?"


New member
GotLinkinPark?']2.) My friend Anna made us watch this funny video. End of the World So if you watched it' date=' you'll get it. Yesterday (and today) we went around goin "Like W-T-F, mate?"[/quote']that is so hilrious!!!!!!!!!!! everyone gotta watch it!! nth really happened today 4 me


New member
that is so hilrious!!!!!!!!!!! everyone gotta watch it!! nth really happened today 4 me
I know, I love it. "But, asuming we don't blow ourselves up, all us Californians have to worry about is California breaking off from the U.S.............to go hang with Hawaii.............Alaska can come too."



New member
meh i forgot...it didnt even make it to my journal........but we couldnt stop talkin about it all day it was so funny!


New member
Um... not a lot happened today in the funny catergory... but I had a Spanish class and my teacher always cracks me up cos her lessons are rubbish... and everyone just mucks around... she told Aaron off for smiling... haha. It's crazy.


New member
Laugh of the day was..

*drum roll*

I sat on my teacher's car, pretending to be a model,lol,and my friend was taking pretend pics of me, and when i got up, the car alarm went off!!

It was so loud!

Funny though..



New member
I got all of you beat

at church, an old lady leaned over to another lady and said "my *** is asleep." the lady leaned over and replied "I know, I've herd it snore twice"



New member
when me and ma mates were acting all ****** and since it rained oin the morning, there was a puddle full of water and we all just stepped in like lil kids and htis old lady started muttering sumthing ot herself. it just felt good, eh? feeling like a lil kid and hust cracking up.


New member
Today me and my friend made a note to this basterd(sp?) in our class, she wrote it all messy and at lunch we pretended to find it on the table and then I went over and gave it to him then his other friend balled it up and hit some dude lol. So one of the teachers saw and they got in trouble :D .


New member
At lunch somehow, when we were talking to Ben, a newcast without wearing pants came up. So our laugh is "Newsflash: my ***** itch." lol
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