When Foo's mess with the Park


New member
I've heard artists perform live, on TV even and sound HORRIBLE.

Who wants to pay to go to a concert and hear CRAPPY music? Long as it isn't totally prepared meaning chester is actually singing along and the band is actually playign so we hear their real talents it's coo with me too :)



New member
[irony] foo fighters are on the radio right now [/irony]
idk,, if people wanna talk ****, lettem talk ****, it aint gonna hurt anyone, cept for themselves, they just lost me as a fan, and eventually they'll trashtalk fans of other bands into disliking them.
You're going to stop being a Foo fan cuz of this???!!! THAT'S INSANE!! I didn't want this to happen, I just wanted to know what people here thought.

As for using backing tracks, oh, I had no clue they used them. *blondeness showing* Whatever, at least we know they CAN play their own ****.



New member
I can see how they have to in the LP/JZ stuff because the stuff that comes from JZ is all digital stuff besides like the drum beat and stuff. I think the only things they back track are when they use orchestra intruments (like in Faint and Breaking The Habit). Even for Crawling I don't think they do. The intro is digitally produced, but it's not pre-recorded stuff that LP sings along to or whatever.


New member
Just think of it.. do you think LP would use Backing Tracks to sing? Chester isn't like that, he's all voice at his concerts.

The only stuff they gotta his is all the digital things because they obviously can't do that on the spot at a concert. But if they could, I'm sure they would!



Active Members
Yes, Linkin Park does use backing tracks during thier concerts, but I don't see a problem with it. The band's songs are technically refined because of Mr. Hahn's 'techno' work with the samples and the beats...so they would almost have to have some kind of backing track playing.

It could be a beat or a distorted voice, but that is just part of the band's sound. If David Grohl doesn't like it, I couldn't care less.



New member
So what they use backing tracks for some songs? Like other people have said I would rather use technology too sound good rather than crappy. So yeah I don't care.


New member
Well music wise David Grohl is right, they sound almost the same live as the do in the CD. They do need it though I mean with all the beats and samples they do as well as faded voice samples and Chester singing over himself you certainly need it.

This is nothing really new anyway, Tenacious D ripped Linkin Park apart about 2 years ago and David Grohl is in with Tenacious D so eh.....



New member
This news shall not deter me from listening to the already limited number of Foo Fighters songs I actually listen to. Those being "Learn to Fly", "Break Out" and some other ones of theirs. They are an ok band but I think Linkin Park clean the floor with them. I did have more respect for them before I heard this news but at the same time I don't want to be some obsessive Linkin Park fan. Those fans that are obsessive also give Linkin Park a bad image as people associate them with **** MTV. I'm sick of that. Why did Chester do Cribs? I mean I dont really care but its now given people more fuel to burn Linkin Park with as being a "commercially-motivated band" aka Sell-Outs.

I don't care though, LINKIN PARK ROCKS!!!!!!! WOOHOO.

P.S Did I make sense???



New member
Well music wise David Grohl is right, they sound almost the same live as the do in the CD. They do need it though I mean with all the beats and samples they do as well as faded voice samples and Chester singing over himself you certainly need it.
This is nothing really new anyway, Tenacious D ripped Linkin Park apart about 2 years ago and David Grohl is in with Tenacious D so eh.....
Really, what did Tenacious D say about LP? I actually like a few of their songs and I think Jack Black is quite funny too. But anyway, what did they say about LP? (*****!!!!)



New member
i´m sure' date=' that they use this stuff. some parst of there music u can´t play on a guitar, a bass, a drum-set or a turn table. i think these are the parts wich uses backing tracks.[/quote']that´s right, i mean... how the f*ck could they do the intro for SIB? In BTH, are they going to bring the violins just for that song??

That guy from Foo Fighters needs a brain!!!


New member
o0o Matt told me about this. I never did like Foo Fighters anyway so it doesn't really affect my opinions of their music, but I'm really not liking this main dude very much right now o_0 What does he expect... Maybe he's never heard of all of this digital produced or dj stuff and he thinks it's all backing tracks, but Mr. Hahn does an awesome job on his decks. Even if they did use backing tracks, I couldn't care less anyway. Whatever it takes to sound good. If none of the band were actually playing, and Chester and Mike were just miming, I would understand the guy for saying that but that's no where near true. A very lame attempt at degrading Lp's music indeed... geez.


New member
As long as lp sound good we shouldnt let it bother us, the foo fighters are a good band so i am surprised that dave could say that.


New member
well i would say f**k foo fighters....they are a good band and i like some of their stuff but come on

yeah,we're in the music industry ....foo fighters do they same thing that slipknot did some time ago,it's not very nice to see what's going on

sorry that he thinks this way...what dave was saying would be like this-lp should have brought girls with celllos or what???

there are some parts that cannot alwqays be sang live.....because i guess it would cost a lot of money-that's only one of the things that came into my mind,and also smth else-some parts are made on the computer....

so let's face it,i like them ,i like the way they sound live,they've never made playback....so,all my respect for LP...they are and will always be the best



New member
wtf? Linkin Park sounds great live ( if u heard the album Live in Texas u know what I mean ) . Foo Fighters are just a shadow of Alternative Rock . Not only they suck , but they SUCK.

LP has an own style , LP doesn`t copy anybody , and let`s all say : :LP HAS MORE FANS THAN FF. :)



New member
wtf? Linkin Park sounds great live ( if u heard the album Live in Texas u know what I mean ) . Foo Fighters are just a shadow of Alternative Rock . Not only they suck , but they SUCK.
LP has an own style , LP doesn`t copy anybody , and let`s all say : :LP HAS MORE FANS THAN FF. :)
yeah....another romanian guy here...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh

i agree with what you've said

i saw live8 in romania and it was like everybody was waiting for lp to sing ,,everyone was expecting lp to sing live

sorry to say this but i don't know a band s good as lp and lp are gonna make history cause they are good at what they do....they will be like giants in some years

and sorry for foo fighters but i don't know if they did so many things like lp did for the kids and for all the charitable causes

so f**k off foo fighters,lp are the best :thumbsup:

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