When you're upset, what makes you feel better?

listening to music loud
long hugs for support
tattooing myself which im starting to do...
going out
watching a funny movie

there's lots...but that is what i can could up with at the moment...:D
most of the time i either talk to my girlfriend or listen to music and sometimes ill work out to clear my head or go for a walk or something.. it might sound stupid but it helps... and i just saw a weird ad in here? FIND SOMEONE TO **** IN SYDNEY.. wow. is the forum finding new ways to bring in people or something? haha.
I notice alot said listening to LP. Shows how my taste has changed. I can't listen to them when I'm down because I get really pissed off and angry. Now I just read a book or listen to John Mayer or write poetry.
in one way, helping other people out with their problems makes me feel better,
i feel good knowing that i helped somone out with their problem rather than my own.

then of course my alter-ego could kick in, in that case i like to listen to my music at full blast, not listen to what people have to say to me, break a thing or two, lift weights, and let my mind wander into deep space. *mostly planing world domination, no lie!*
Hurting things, Music, Aaron, Work, Sleep, Writing, The cpu, Reading my 'happy thoughs' (Shani's the only one that's ever read them.. besides me lol), chocolate, peanuts (which haha! Ian is alergic to), and s,times sports and exercise.