Where are the Idiots?


New member
I love how everyone agrees on the fact that they can't stand stupid people. Everyone I talk to complains that they have to deal with idiots on a daily basis. This made me wonder...If everyone I talk to deals with idiots, but no one I talk to thinks they are an idiot, then where are all the idiots? I'm just curious as to where each of you thinks you fall on the intelligence spectrum...


New member
I love how everyone agrees on the fact that they can't stand stupid people. Everyone I talk to complains that they have to deal with idiots on a daily basis. This made me wonder...If everyone I talk to deals with idiots, but no one I talk to thinks they are an idiot, then where are all the idiots? I'm just curious as to where each of you thinks you fall on the intelligence spectrum...
That is quite the pertinent question. Well the thing about idiots is the fact that very few people would consider themselves of having the intelligence of a retarded sea anemone. I, personally have been told I am quite intelligent however I consider myself to be of average intelligence. I have not invented anything, I make a ton of mistakes myself, I'm sitting in a predicament that intelligence and careful planning would have prevented from happening, and I am certainly not making alot of money. If I have any real redeeming qualities is that I can see alot of bullshit for what it is and I am certainly not a mangina.



New member
It’s not your intellect that makes you an idiot. Everybody’s an idiot at

one point or another. People do stupid ****. I’m no exception nor you.

You should know that Tori.

Here’s your sign.. :rolleyes:



New member
It’s not your intellect that makes you an idiot. Everybody’s an idiot at point or another. People do stupid ****. I’m no exception nor you. You should know that Tori.

Here’s your sign.. :rolleyes:
Why Snafu, I've never done a stupid thing in my entire life. And, I beg to differ on the idea that intellect has nothing to do with it. I've known some incredibly stupid people that do incredibly stupid things at least ninety-nine percent of the time and the small flashes of seemingly intelligent actions are more due to dumb luck than actual intelligence.



New member
how about the age old principle: the more you know, the more there is to know...

now that might be irrelevant to the pole...but in retrospect,

being an idiot involves action without motive, purely instinctive, yet destructive in any profound way...

being intelligent, means understanding your mistakes without having the tenacity to reconduct them for consecutive moments...even, intelligence, has a wisdom to be proactive on not making mistakes, or learning from others... :)



New member
how about the age old principle: the more you know, the more there is to know...
How about the age-old adage: Ignorance is bliss...

being intelligent, means understanding your mistakes without having the tenacity to reconduct them for consecutive moments...even, intelligence, has a wisdom to be proactive on not making mistakes, or learning from others... :)
That is just a wordy version of my signature. Thief. :rolleyes:



New member
Highly intelligent. Argue all you want (I'm aware of the fact I purposely act like an asshat on here) but challenge me and quickly seal your fate.

Oh, and on the ego spectrum, I would be right at the top as well. I esteem and adore myself. Self esteem is something I am never lacking. ;)



New member
Tori, nothing is original under this sun and nothing is sound...

Phantom, there is generally pride before the fall...



New member
After I am done replying to this comment, I am giving you good rep. Why? Because you mentioned one of my pet peeves- the wasted genius. You all know the type I am talking about.

Example: The smart kid who could be valedictorian if he would only attend class and turn in his homework. However, instead he would rather skip class, get drunk on school nights, and hide behind the gym smoking weed where he will eventually get busted. This student is so smart he could put Aristotle to shame but his lack of drive makes him an idiot. He is a wasted genius.

Intelligence can only take one so far. The whole package will not only have the mind but also the motivation to put it to use.



New member
A simple idiot test:

1. Do you owe more money then you make in 1 year?

2. Do you have a TV in your bedroom

3. Can you run 1 mile without collapsing

4. Do you take drugs as an adult i.e. weed, cocaine etc..

5. Do you engage in "swinger" sexual activities

6. Do your children call you by your first name

7. Do you work in a cubicle & have been for more then 1-2 years

Thats the simple Idiot test, try it and see for yourself. Now I am not saying these people are bad people, they might be pretty decent but still they are idiots.. why?

they are idiots because they engage in activities based on their emotional state. purchasing things they can not actually afford on credit makes them a slave. letting their bodies get so out of shape they can not run 1 mile means there life style is sedentary and that effects the mind as well. etc.. etc.. all 7 questions are pointed at basic mentality that is counter productive to achieving ones goals in life and that is what an Idiot is, someone who sits around ******** out one side of their face and destroying themselves with their own actions.. the "Doing" not the talking defines it all.



I beg to differ. How can any of those traits equate to an idiot? It would have to revert back to intelligence.

1) Most people don’t make enough money to live joyful lives without being in the hole.

Now being a whole years pay in debt is living out of your means.

2) I happen to like watching TV in my bedroom. The old lady wants to watch Gilmore Girls and **** like that. I gotta have my own.

3) **** I don’t think I could ever run a mile. Okay when I was in the Navy.

4) Don’t forget the alcohol.

5) I am monogamous. But if you’re a “swinger” I still don’t see that constituting being an idiot.

6) Even my step-daughter calls me dad. But if she had a relationship with her real dad I don’t think I would mind her calling me by my first name.

7) Of all of these:

spending to much money you’re an idiot

laying around wasting your live you’re an idiot

lazy **** can’t even run a mile you’re an idiot

party hound, losing brain cells quick you’re an idiot

**** everything that walks you’re an idiot

shucks sis likes to call pa Henry you’re and idiot

but how in the **** dose working in a cubical make you an idiot?



New member
affirmed, and I agree with you Snafu...but intelligence is secondary to wisdom...often philosophers (though they don't make much money at all) are some of the most wisest people in the world...obviously though, they need to make money in order to live...wisdom can appear dead to people now a days...what a shame...

the idiot simply doesn't care about his life...and will repeat his mistakes in rude fashion...



New member
Philosophers you say, the wisest men in the word you say? Hummm are you sure? or is it more a case of talk, talk, talk proliferation of talk, then they die, then generations later we cling to the majestic past and dredge up some mistranslated concepts and top them off with our own meaning, adding future experience to old concepts and using a name from the past to give them credibility.


One philosopher comes to mind, he has received much praise down through time, but in reality he destroyed a civilization with his negativity, undermining and nay-saying. Socrates was his name and he was no wise man. He fed off of the peoples fears, misinterpreted human instinct and misused his position to influence policy and usher in disaster. Philosophy only thrives in a society built by rough men, a society built on action, sacrifice and determination, then after all the dying is done, all the suffering is done to build a stable society the Philosophers come along and destroy it.

in time, the Greeks were meant to fail...read the book of Daniel...

Nazz, you name one person that had intelligence over wisdom, then you will have indeed one the debate, but wisdom always triumphs. Listen, you haven't studied philosophy because any person wouldn't have argued Socrates because it's possible that he was actually just a character from Plato...you never mentioned Aristotle, Kant, Kierkegaard, or even Locke, Diderot, DeCarte and Voltaire...I understand the possibility of misinterpretation with what they wrote in order to accomodate modern times, but in retrospect, something like Plato's Republic is easy to understand for time back then...philosophy, being that it is a study of thinking, truths, and knowledge, would mean that deliberation and lots of thinking/talking are to happen...also, and it has benefitted the masses...look at Montesquiue, he came up with the idea of democracy, and when did this idea develop? in a time of a bad French monarchy and clergy...philosophers will speak when they see something wrong in the act...what's wrong with that??? as well as to mention, if the Greeks, during their times, were never correct, philosophers would always stand up...a new creation needs a philosopher to guide it in it's direction...

Nazz, I am interested to know why you believe that a philosopher is a primary deceiver?

a philosopher who seeks wisdom for gain will indeed gain and have significant impact on nations...

oh and another thing: Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning, but a rod is for the back of him who lacks judgment. -Proverbs 10:13


\Being in debt to the point that your debt exceeds one year of an individuals income is a sign that that individual does not understand how to manage themselves, does not want to work first, earn first be patient first and attain their goals after checking the appropriate blocks, they just want what they want and they want it now. this mentality turns them in to a wage slave or they walk away from their financial obligations thus limiting their ability to progress in the future. It is also an indication of a irresponsible personality.
Believable. Inability to save money WILL come back to haunt you. Morons who think that if you have $3000 to your name you have a disposable income comes to mind.

Individuals that have a TV in their bedroom do not have separation between entertainment as a minor distraction and real life. having a TV in the bedroom means more often then not they are falling asleep to the TV this effects REM sleep and a whole host of psychological processes that are necessary to an individuals well being. Having a TV in the bedroom is a distraction from that individuals relationship and creates isolationist tendencies and lowered social interaction, including sexual activity. TV is a form of addiction, having one in the bedroom is an indication of that addiction level.
While I too can't see how it's possible to fall asleep with a TV blaring away, I don't understand the part about TV getting in the way of sexual activity and relationships. What if you're not in a relationship?

Physical fitness has a direct correlation to mental health and motivation. Allowing yourself to deteriorate to the point you are unable to run a single mile is an indication of a lack of personal discipline, personal pride and low self esteem, this has a direct correlation to ones ability to achieve ones goals and progress in life beyond mere existence.
so if you're 80 years old and/or have rhuemitism or some other crippling disease you must be an idiot?

habitual use of drugs as an adult is an indication of an escapist mentality, and a sign of a lack of personal discipline. it also indicates that the individual is not aware of, or does not care about the potentially devastating impact their actions could/will have on their lives and those that are either dependent upon them for support or associated with them in some manner. They are stunting themselves and their ability to progress as well as endangering the well being of the whole family unit. Selfish personality traits are non condussive to proper team building and social advancement.
I'm an adult pothead and I'm proud of it. Oh and aspiring to part of a "family unit" in my opinion is for people with maschoisim issues.

ingaging in frivolous activity, irresponsible sexual activity or deviant sexual activity is a betray of a relationship. engaging in these activities is counter productive to an individuals role as a mentor, teacher and confidant within a family structure or social circle. *** is a base instinct and commonly the cause of failed social and family environments, respect is linked to self control and trust, you can not have others trust you, believe in you or follow you if you are unable to control yourself, you can not preach one thing and do another.
If it itches I'm going to scratch it, If it feels like it shouldn't be there I'm going to pick at it, if it hurts I'm going to rub it......If I'm ***** I'm going to get my rocks off.

Allowing children to call their parents by their first names is an indication of a break down in functional roles within a group. it is an indication of other deteriorated social boundaries, and an indication that a proper mentor relationship does not exist, this will have a potentially negative impact on the development of children into adult life. Allowing this break down is an indication of a parents irresponsibility to a developing youths future. the parent is looking for friendship or companionship with what essential is their student or charge and setting themselves up for failure as the child grows older and passes into their rebellious stages.
Although I'd rather be shot in the face with .50 caliber at point blank than to have kids, any kid of mine isn't going to call me by my first name. Or dad. They will refer to me as "comrade"



New member
"My intelligence is alternative between 'Highly intelligent' and 'The elusive idiot' at a constant velocity"

Too bad there is no such option.

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