Where are the Idiots?

Anna Perenna

New member
Oooo AP...Enough about your Bar tending life already. Keep it in one thread if you can't let it be.
You are the one who spread the topic over three threads. I was merely responding.

But fair enough, I am tired of this conversation too.

If you disagree with the simple idiot test, then what would your test be?
I don't have one prepared, but a few questions I'd want to include would be:

  • [ ]Do you stop and think before you speak?
  • [ ]Do you make sure you have gleaned all of the facts before voicing an opinion?
  • [ ]Do you take care not to fixate on petty matters - making an effort to focus on the big picture?
  • [ ]Do you let your temper get the better of you?
  • [ ]Do you think with your genitals?
  • [ ]Do you take care to fix your mistakes?
  • [ ]Are you self-aware?
  • [ ]Are you open to learning new things, and willing to admit when you have been wrong?

I might toddle off and think up a few more. But you can see the line of questioning I'm aiming for.

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New member
I only think with my genitals 78% of the time now. Getting older. When I was a teenager it was 97% of the time.

Anna Perenna

New member
That would be more of a "Are you a nice person" Quiz or perhaps a "Whats your maturity level quiz"
While your quiz definitely has the feminine touch, and could be worked into a Idiot Quiz, it is perhaps to lengthy and pretty much asks the same question, just in different ways.

A basic idiot test would have to touch more on a persons self-destructive tendencies at a root level. Many an idiot are nice people and could easily pass your version of the test.
Maturity is a sign of intelligence, isn't it? I'm not sure about the 'nice' thing, though. My questions were designed for the purpose of making people think.

Besides, that quiz was only my prototype. I've written up a new one.

I liked your question about personal debt, Nazz, but I



New member
Anna Perenna’s Basic 'Feminine' Intelligence Test:
1. Do you stop and think before you speak/act? To a fault

2. Do you learn from your mistakes, or better, the mistakes of others? Yes

3. Do you then take care to fix your mistakes? Yes. It's even better if I can fix things before anyone finds out I'm fallible.

4. Are you open to learning new things, i.e., accepting new facts when they come to light, even if they are at odds with your current opinion? Yes

5. Do you accept that you will never know everything? No

6. Are you willing to admit when you are wrong? I don't know, I've never been wrong. Just kidding...Yes.

7. Do you accept that some people, no matter what you do, will never like you? Yes, but that's all right, I don't like them much either.

8. Do you care what total strangers think of you? That depends on the stranger and whether or not I respect their opinion.

9. Do you constantly seek assurance and compliments from others? I don't constantly seek it out, but I don't avoid it either... Or;

10. Are you content, confident and happy with your opinion of yourself? Yes

11. Do you know what you want out of life and are you on your way to achieving it? Yes

12. Do you make the best of what you’ve been given? No Or;

13. Do you envy others, feel resentful, and/or complain about your lot? No. I get off my *** and do something about it. I would never resent someone for doing what I am trying to do myself.

14. Do you tolerate ****** treatment in relative silence, hoping that the person behaving badly will come to their senses on their own? HAHAHAHAHA....No

15. Do you find it impossible to say no when people ask you favours? No...except for my kids. They're spoiled

16. Do you put the needs and wants of others before your own? Is it someone I give a **** about? Do they deserve it? Are their needs more pressing than mine at the time?

17. Does experiential activity make you happy? Depends on the experience. I'm assuming this is a "Do you focus on the ride or the destination" type question. I'm a destination person. The ride is a means to an end. Or;

18. Do you think you’ll only be happy if/when you acquire more money, get a new job, lose weight, etc? In the words of my dear mother, "Money won't buy you happiness, but it sure makes misery comfortable."

19. Do you question the motives of people in positions of power? I question the motives of everyone.

20. Do you trust people absolutely? I don't trust people at all Or;

21. Are you naturally cautious and suspicious? No, it took years of mental abuse and disappointment.

22. Do you make sure you have gleaned all of the facts before voicing an opinion? I try to.

23. Do you take care not to fixate on petty matters - making an effort to focus on the big picture? Nope. I'm type A. I worry about how the petty problems will affect the big picture.

24. Do you let your temper get the better of you? Not often

25. Do you think with your genitals? No...how cute is the guy...I mean, No

26. Are you self-aware? Yes

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