Where do they get all those wonderful toys ??

Ctrl said:
Well, it isn't BS. Because the government isn't able to police the internet doesn't mean that they arent trying to stop the dissimination of information.

i called BS on it being hidden from the public, and it's not. so the BS still stands

Ctrl said:
The anarchists cookbook became a felony to own at one point, (later overturned by the supreme court) but the information in it was purposfully re-engineered to create some disasterous results in some cases. There were some creations in which chemical compounds were altered to nullify their potency and others to precombust. There has been a tremendous ammount of misinformation distributed, including the information I just put forth. Is it real or rumor? Can I prove it? nope... I'm also not going to **** with any chemicals I dont understand from that book.

that was a retarded ****ing book to begin with, most of the crap in it will kill you if you try it, old and new. that is why i did not post a link to the many many many copies of it or the jolly rodger. nobody in his/her right mind would try that crap. (ooooh! letz gho play wit toch esposivz!!! down wit der gov!!) i know people that have called themselves 'experts' and better than me at improvising explosives and weapons just becouse they own that book, and all i can say to them is "that's good for you, but when darwin rids the world of you, i'll be the last one standing, so that will make me better than you" :rolleyes:

Ctrl said:
To say that the government doesn't want or try to stop the information getting to the people is ignorant. Of course they do. It is their job, as they see it, as a measure to better insure our "safety". Do they keep tabs on the people who click those links? Better ****ing believe it. Is this very text being reviewed by beowulf? Yup. They interfere where they can, provide dis-information, and keep tabs on those with an interest in the things that go boom. I don't care if they watch me... I am one of the good guys. Security requires some loss of perceived freedom... in truth it is not freedom, but the ability to freely exploit. There is an Orwelian nightmare that could possibly result from this behavior. There is also a threat of revolution. At the end of the day, a fine line is walked by both sides. Some things should be illegal. It is only prudent. We as a people are governed by those we believe have the same ideals as us. We as individuals are some sick mother****ers and I dont want each of us having nuclear devices.

The government will never be able to stop us from shairing this information, for instance, builder and i just created potentally hundreds of newly-informed people all over the world. and they in turn can do the same. so there is no way to stop it. hell, word of mouth in a bar is just as effective. and i DO NOT advocate revolution, but it is a right of the people to be in the power to overthrow the government if the need arises, keep and bare arms anyone? our own know-how and firepower keeps the general public from total control of any government, ours, or an invaiding force's.

I SAY AGAIN! I DO NOT THINK WE SHOULD GO AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT!!! hell, i'm gonna work for it, as one of the very people with big guns.

if anyone has some mad theory that the government is controlling us and that you must go blow something up to save us, DON'T! instaid, do us a big help and go juggle an M67.
Ok... you and I are arguing different points. Sorry if I misunderstood you. I am saying that the government activly tries to and WOULD if possible hide that information. They just cant.

I am arguing intent.

You are arguing the futility of that intent.

I think we agree.
Ctrl said:
Ok... you and I are arguing different points. Sorry if I misunderstood you. I am saying that the government activly tries to and WOULD if possible hide that information. They just cant.

I am arguing intent.

You are arguing the futility of that intent.

I think we agree.

yes, quite so, they would if they could but they can't.

and that's what makes the people a power to be respected by the government, not our ability to write one name or another on a pice of paper.
Ctrl wrote:
Well, it isn't BS. Because the government isn't able to police the internet doesn't mean that they arent trying to stop the dissimination of information.

That's a touchdown.

I've seen sites dissapear completely overnight.

Maybe they just went broke? LOL.
It's ****ing true, I bet if GF members started posting formulas and such for bombs, that some **** sucker somewhere would report it to some asshole or another and Bob would get a nice message from his ISP to remove the information posted or some ****.

And it IS bullshit.

I should be able to distribute ANY information I see fit on the Internet without some mother ****er saying I am a ****ing terrorist.

So this raises an interesting question.. why are not more of us informed on home made defense systems ?? Why SHOULD we be limited to weapons such as guns and knives ?? I mean, what else is there ? Swords ?? Gay ass nun-chucks ?? I am not saying that we should encourage anarchy, but I see nothing wrong with encouraging knowledge.

Are we not free to mix our own chemicals ?? Why must we be prosecuted if the chemicals we mix result into something dangerous ??

It is my belief, we are then being prosecuted for having extended knowledge, and applying it.

And interferes with our rights to bare arms.

So again, I say.. how come THEY can have suicide vest... and I can't ??

How come the enemy can have a means to kill me, but I can't have ANY means to kill THEM without it being a crime ??

I believe if I had a BOMB, my target of interest would probably be a MASS of people who disagree with my idealism. If 99.9% of America agrees with my idealism, why must it be illegal for me to have a weapon to dispose of the other .1% who are ****ing up my happiness ??

Sure we have a right to bare arms in America.. but I don't believe we are given the right to bare HEAVY arms. We are jailed when such weapons are discovered on our person or in our possession.

I'm not talking about the A-Team here, but weapons can be made from lots of things. Here's a cannon that was banned in Brisbane a few years back.

A spraycan of cooking oil, a length of plastic drainpipe, with a cap on one end, and an orange, though a cement-filled beer can does a better job.

You drill a hole near the capped end of the pipe, and half-empty the can into the pipe, with the pipe held vertical. Drop the orange/ cement-filled can, into the pipe. Wick the hole, and light it.

The ANFO thing is common knowledge amongst most men on the land, and all veterans of war.
My all time favorite was the classic pop can guns.

I remember the last REAL one I MADE was back in like 85 or 86.

We found a nice collection of old TIN type soda cans and cut off the ends of them and connected them together to make the gun.. if I remember right, it took about 6 cans to make the gun.

We would prime the cannon insides with lighter fluid and drop potatoes, or.. if we were being evil... baby food jars.

Yes, good ole' Gerber has a weapon for the using at your disposal. Expended glass baby food jars can be most lethal in the right artillery compilation.

Another fun weapon was the old matchstick shooters made of clothes pins.. I gots to see if I can find plans for that one.. anybody remember how it was done ?? I do !! :cool:
Not sure about that one, phreakwars, but if you give me a couple of gas lighter refill packs, I'll show you a wicked flamethrower.
lol, not a man alive has not encountered a potato-gun (the 'cannon' you are reffering to)

oh, and i was at fredmyer today, miricle grow potting soil is .12% AN, but the powdered plant food is 3.2% and the powdered **** is cheeper :D

and we can have heavy guns, i can go to the local sportsmans warehouse on dimond and get a .50 BMG sniper rifle that has a 10 RND magazine, no specal permit required, with a class 3 licence we can legally own silenced and full-automatic guns, as well as really big **** (105MM etc...). i already own military-grade assault arms, and i could make a military-grade moarter, artillery pice, tank, you name it, the government wouldn't even notice. RPG-7 knockoffs are a few experiments from practical. really people, we can equip a small malitia with full combat gear and support in a matter of 18 hours. planes can be re-fitted with tons of goodies, cars and tracked machenery can become tanks in a day under my or another skilled welders hand. we HAVE the big guns, some better than the military. they're just marked 'some assembly required' ;)
builder said:
Not sure about that one, phreakwars, but if you give me a couple of gas lighter refill packs, I'll show you a wicked flamethrower.

the most god-awful weapon ever. and yet so many ways to construct one :)

i like incindeary grenades though, safer for the one using them lol
builder said:
You need to find another hero, M60. Mr. T is taken. :D


ok, burt gummer from the tremors movies


EDIT: i want that ****ing gun (Barrett M107 .50 CAL BMG anti-material rifle, loaded with HEAT rounds)

LEGAL TO OWN IN THE USA (does not apply to california)

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Burt Gummer? What kinda ****ing screen name is that ****?

I never liked that dude anyways. Reminds me of a grade school math teacher, and he comes across as a failed Scout troop leader.

Total ****ing loser, in other words.

Oh, yeah. I just remembered that Tremors movie. What a ****ing riot that **** was.

A cross between the Dune trilogy, and Days of Our Lives.
builder said:
Burt Gummer? What kinda ****ing screen name is that ****?

I never liked that dude anyways. Reminds me of a grade school math teacher, and he comes across as a failed Scout troop leader.

Total ****ing loser, in other words.

Oh, yeah. I just remembered that Tremors movie. What a ****ing riot that **** was.

A cross between the Dune trilogy, and Days of Our Lives.

lol, but he was a king of overkill, always had a gun at a knife fight, and normally used common sence. but it's a movie, so who the hell cares, i just want his house...

he drove a ford though.......

and i loved the tremors movies, all 4 of them.
builder said:
They made four of them? Now that is funny.

Tell me his name is not really Burt Gummer. Please? ;)

lol, i think his real name is Michael Gross

and yeah, all four were strange as hell, but fun to watch.
Msixty said:
lol, i think his real name is Michael Gross

and yeah, all four were strange as hell, but fun to watch.

That's the ****er. And yeah, he's gross alrighty.

The epitome of the midwestern hero. No real plan, but an arsenal from hell.