Where you'd be?

tiredofwhiners said:
If money or family ties were not an issue, where would you live, and what would you do if anything.

I would live in the mountains of Colorado, around Vail or Steamboat area. I would like to have a ranch/camp and do horses and 4 wheel mountain runs in the summer, and snow mobile and ski shuttle in the winter. I'd have my house on the top floor of the lodge, and would not need to vacation, because I'd be doing it 365 days a year.

Yea but then money is an issue. That **** is way over priced. So really the question would be... Where COULD you be :confused:
AvsFan said:
Yea but then money is an issue. That **** is way over priced. So really the question would be... Where COULD you be :confused:

That's why I love my podunk town... two weeks from everywhere.
I already moved to Florida, with my entire family staying in Texas...thank god. I love it here.

If money (and hurricanes) weren't an issue, I would live somewhere in the Carribean in the winter and then here in Florida in the Summer.

I don't ever want to live any further from the ocean then I do now, which is about 45 minutes drive.
A private island somewhere warm or 2000 acres on a mountain somewhere.
As long as i was secluded and had unlimited high grade pot i wouldn't care.
What the hell is it with all you people and wanting to live on tropical islands? The whole tropical schtick is cliche as ****, and not to mention beaches and palm trees are both uninteresting AND a total eyesore.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
What the hell is it with all you people and wanting to live on tropical islands? The whole tropical schtick is cliche as ****, and not to mention beaches and palm trees are both uninteresting AND a total eyesore.

Hay! AK ain't your normal tropical island! Altough it might be one one day.
I'd probably live in Maryland and run a catering service somewhere near the shore. Weather would probably be a helluva lot better, and then I could steal a recipe for authentic Maryland crabcakes :D
If I got to the point where money and family ties weren't important, I would already be dead.

And, my morals tend to be lacking, so I would probably end up in pergatory or limbo.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I'm aware of that, but it seems that most of the OTHER responses were

It's been raining for two weeks. flooding everywhere. Fishing sucks cuz the streams are over flowing. I think it' and oman
I'd be living on a mountain side facing the ocean that's bout a half hour away. My residence would be a log house with log out buildings all run and built with alternative energy. I'd be running an animal rescue sanctuary so all the enclosures would be as natural as possible.
All persons bent on telling me what I can't do would be zapped into vapor 20 miles from my door.

Thanks Tired, I needed that dream right now.
Lethalfind said:
I love the Corona commercials.
I want to be laying in a hammock, with the ocean in front of me, nothing but the sounds of the waves, no people.
The corona commercials are my vision of life on my private island.


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