I dont think RTN has been a single yet. In my opinion, Mike planned the singles terribly.
He said the US is more rap-like so he put Petrified there and Believe Me in the UK and Asia. Wow. First of all, Petrified sucks major ***. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I ******* hate that song. Mike attempts to be gangster and it just doesn't work.....at all.
To go on about what u said hanninator, it seems that u contridict yourself in your statement. You say that Mike tries to be more gangster than he really is and it just doesnt work, i agree with you there. However i lose you when u say In Stereo should b a single. I mean come on. You say petrified doesnt work, then how is In Stero better? It comse off as an even more gangster song. Sure the beat may be better, but it seems to me that Mike tries to be the most gangster in the entire album. Whered you go seems like a good single song to me, because it deals with "real" issuses. Not to take away anything from RTN or other songs of that nature, im just saying that Whered you Go actually deals with Mikes family and the struggles they go through. Had it been up to me I would have liked to have this singles in the U.S. be a bit more personnel and not so mainstream. My favorite songs on the ablum are the ones he does alone,
Kenji, Slip Out the Back, and The Hard Way. I feel more of a connection to the songs and thats what appeals to me more. I think Mike is the kind of guy who would like it more if he had 50,000 dedicated fans than 500,000 fairweather fans. Feel free to challenge to me on anything I just typed, i welcome good competion