Where'd You Go is confirmed as next Fort Minor single


New member
Asia + Austrialia == RTN

nah, we got Believe Me down here and we havent got anymore singles after that

i too think In Stereo would be a great single

not really feeling Where'd You Go



New member
Just to let everyone know, that you can watch the "Believe Me" vid as well as "Remember the Name" @ http://www.mtv.com/music/#/music/artist/fort_minor/artist.jhtml either click it if not then copy and paste in the URL box, you know the drill with codes these days.

Also, I should also inform you of this:

PC Users with Windows 95 or 98: you need to run Windows 2000 or Windows XP to use MTV Overdrive.

Well much love and support to all,

<33, Ashleigh



New member
^ Lol, thanks for the information, but most of us have actually seen all 3 of the FM videos a long time ago on Fort Minors MySpace :p Thanks anyway though o_0

Lol, Red To Black doesn't exactly have "happy" lyrics, but the song is incredibly catchy with an awesome beat, you don't forget it that easily. I wish he released that one :( In Stereo would also be a really good song or High Road! Where'd You Go is one of my favourites on the album but I didn't think it was one of the stronger ones to be a single. Nevermind, I hope it recieves good feedback from everyone, I like it a lot. Hmm, so Mike's releasing this single EVERYWHERE this time? And not different songs in different parts of the world? That's good.



New member

This is the most true thing I've heard.

Alright, now that Holly has posted like that, I must let out my feelings and back why this should not be the next single.

After working in radio, and knowing the way things worked, this is it.

Radio is a very corrupt thing. You as a band, group, or artist have to first gain a reputation as a fan friendly band to get played.

As you've seen with Petrified, it obviously didn't catch radios attention, but it did get some play.

"Where'd You Go" is one of the best on The Rising Tied. To be released right now after a flop single, would pretty much guarantee it's flop.

Now, to first release "Believe Me" a poppy, catchy song would absolutely get attention and get played. Especially if the FM fans got onto it and called daily, or even every couple hours to request it.

After a successful song like "Believe Me", they could then release "Where'd You Go" (a ballad) and have HUGE success with it on multiple formats.

I have not really explained it thouroughly, but a poppy/catchy song must first be released, maybe even two, to really build a reputation, and then WUG would be huge.
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New member
Right Now would've been nice. I kinda had a feeling Where'd You Go would eb a single though... Red To Black is pretty good, but I don't think it would have made that good of a single... better than Where'd You Go though :p I say In Stereo or Right Now.


New member
Right Now has already enjoyed a fair amount of Radio Air play in the UK on the urban stations, Believe Me was released in the UK.... here it flopped but in the rest of europe it did very well reaching number 5 in the MTV Euro Chart.


New member
I dont think RTN has been a single yet. In my opinion, Mike planned the singles terribly.
He said the US is more rap-like so he put Petrified there and Believe Me in the UK and Asia. Wow. First of all, Petrified sucks major ***. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I ******* hate that song. Mike attempts to be gangster and it just doesn't work.....at all.

To go on about what u said hanninator, it seems that u contridict yourself in your statement. You say that Mike tries to be more gangster than he really is and it just doesnt work, i agree with you there. However i lose you when u say In Stereo should b a single. I mean come on. You say petrified doesnt work, then how is In Stero better? It comse off as an even more gangster song. Sure the beat may be better, but it seems to me that Mike tries to be the most gangster in the entire album. Whered you go seems like a good single song to me, because it deals with "real" issuses. Not to take away anything from RTN or other songs of that nature, im just saying that Whered you Go actually deals with Mikes family and the struggles they go through. Had it been up to me I would have liked to have this singles in the U.S. be a bit more personnel and not so mainstream. My favorite songs on the ablum are the ones he does alone, Kenji, Slip Out the Back, and The Hard Way. I feel more of a connection to the songs and thats what appeals to me more. I think Mike is the kind of guy who would like it more if he had 50,000 dedicated fans than 500,000 fairweather fans. Feel free to challenge to me on anything I just typed, i welcome good competion :)


New member
Actually you're right. Right about Mike and his fans and right about In Stereo/Petrified. BTW, The Hard Way has Kenna on it :)

Anyways, I'll have to go along with you about In Stereo. I'm pretty **** sure that Kenji would be a major hit. Read all of the FM reviews, and Kenji is mentioned as an AWESOME song in most all of them.

So I change my mind.



New member
Where'd You Go would make a great single. I think Mike knows what he's doing and Where'd You Go would speak to a lot of new bands or just people who's dad's, mom's, brother's, sisters and whatnot are on the road for work and stuff. Lyrically, this is a smart choice, cause it speaks to people more than any other released single, in my opinion. (Petrified, RTN, Believe Me)


New member
in my opion i woulda released songs like this:

Remeber The Name

Where'd You Go

(something other than Petrifed or Cigerattes)

Although "In Stereo" is probally the closed mainstream son and they would probally make more money off of it.....



New member
I would love to see any out of In Stereo, Slip out the Back, Right Now, High Road, or Red to Black be singles. Any one of those, in my opinion, would do incredibly well. Red to Black and Right Now especially, though, would do exceptionally well on the charts, and would probably make great videos.
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