Which is worse LP song 0.o


Active Members

yes, i just typed that. but i really dont like that song...when i was listening to meteora for the first time, i heard that...and i was like.."This is the last song? what? this is so anti-climactic! Its not even good to begin with..."

From the Inside is pretty forgettable.



New member
it's probably the fact that its too mainstream...

i cant listen to in the end...unless its the demo for some reason...it strange >.>



New member
worst song? maan...I've listened to LP so many times (more than 4 years) so I'm competent to judge what are their worst songs..

And one (I like only rap part in the last minute --> great lyrics)

Crawling (Too slow and to much crying...I don't like it)

Hit the floor (I always skip that song)

Easier to run (just like crawling)

Numb (just like crawling :D )



New member
I just think it's funny. I can't explain it. Or the correct answer would be I don't feel explain it because I don't feel like arguing. -_-


New member
I just think it's funny. I can't explain it. Or the correct answer would be I don't feel explain it because I don't feel like arguing. -_-
you cant be serious! hahaha!


i sitll think crawling demo is worst. but now Rhinestone is even with it



New member
lol my post was a little late i wanted to post after the guy who said numb is best but anyway ^^

Faint ownz all thats no opinion.. fact :D

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