Which is worse?

Sep 2, 2005
Poll of the week:

What would be worse?

1.) Being trapped on a bus full of ******s with no end in sight?

2.) Being locked alone in a room with Al Sharpton?

3.) Knowing that the car you were driving was going to run off a cliff and you were about to die?
Being trapped on a bus full of ******s, that Al Sharpton is driving, while headed towards the edge of a cliff.

And, in all honesty, if I was in that situation, I would be anticipating death.
clarify... ******s or black people?

10 IF ******S THEN GOTO 40
40 PRINTF "Bus full of ******s is far worse"; END
50 PRINTF "**** Al Sharpton!"; END
60 PRINTF "I'll welcome death by bus crash!"; END
I think I would have to say being stuck on a bus full of people that use the term ******
I would think it would be worse to be the only ****** on a bus filled with Klan members driven by Pat Robertson.
cynthiaa89 said:
Being trapped on a bus full of ******s, that Al Sharpton is driving, while headed towards the edge of a cliff.

And, in all honesty, if I was in that situation, I would be anticipating death.

Hell yeah that's the worst !
"An intelligence that is not humane is the most dangerous thing in the world" Ashley Montague

If you are college educated.... I think tizz got you pegged here.
tizz said:
I think I would have to say being stuck on a bus full of people that use the term ******
So a bus full of ******s, then?

More black use the term than whites...
I would think it would be worse to be the only ****** on a bus filled with Klan members driven by Pat Robertson.

Ewwwwwww!!!!! Pat Robertson. That's just torturous. Evil, sick, twisted, and torturous. I mean, really..Who would do that to someone?..Really. Omg. That's horrible. Forget the Klan, that's not even that bad. But come on! Pat Robertson. Really... :eek:
I don't care who I am on a bus with as long as they don't smell like the crowd I was stuck with between SF and Cottonwood CAlifornia
"When I die, I would like to go peacefully, in my sleep, like my Grandfather did.

Not screaming and yelling like the passenger in his car."

Jack Handey
Cottonwood, California, eh? I thought no one had ever heard of my home town.... You made my heart fuzzy, hahah.
Personally, both of those options makes me dry heave.
The third isn't bad, though. Just get out, if you don't want to die. You didn't mention anything about brakes...
HEHE I loved cottonwood. Great view of Mt Shasta. I knew an author there and I spent a week there when I was on the west coast