Which of the following should be legal (fixed version)

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I still want somebody to come up with one...one decent reason why marijuana should not be legal in a society where cigarettes and alcohol are.
It totally boggles my mine how they can have cigarettes and especially alcohol legal over pot.
Talk about bass-ackward ****.
Marijuana is IMO safer than going out on a night of binge drinking. I've never known ANYONE to crash their car because they were stoned. Drunk, on the other hand, is a different story. I've never seen anyone beat up their girlfriend or get into a bar fight because they smoked too much pot. I don't know how or why it became so socially unacceptable, but it really is ridiculous.
Abortion is murder and shouldn't be in this poll.

Drugs need to be legal. Plain and simple.
The war on drugs can not be won. Let people think for themselves. Take the money from drugs out of the criminal and justice scene .Use taxes and savings from the justice system for drugs to educate and re-abilitate the druggies.
I have faith that most people if shown the right way will come around.
Which ones would you want illegal?
With the trillions of dollars spent on law enforcement, incarceration and other crimes committed because of drugs we could educate people of the dangers. If not let them kill themselves. At least we would know who they are and keep tabs on them.
snafu said:
Which ones would you want illegal?
With the trillions of dollars spent on law enforcement, incarceration and other crimes committed because of drugs we could educate people of the dangers. If not let them kill themselves. At least we would know who they are and keep tabs on them.

Well I think that Amsterdam has a pretty decent drug policy. The way I see it, since all drugs are illegal here, if you go out to buy pot or something, since its just as illegal as stronger drugs it would seem to me that more people would be more tempted to buy something stronger. However, if pot, hash, and shrooms were legalized, and stronger drugs like heroine were still illegal, then I think most people would much rather go to a reputable store and purchase some hash then go into some crummy back-alley in a poor neighborhood and purchase heroine or crack.

Cocaine: This **** DOES make people violent; People on it get REALLY belligerant, and they will mug people at gunpoint to get their next hit, so none of this ****

Heroin: Controled medical use only. Too addictive, and can kill people quite easily.

Prostitution: people should NOT be allowed to get paid to ****. Get a ****ing job

Handguns: They already are legal

Assault rifles: I like the idea of legalizing them, but while guns don't kill people, STUPID PEOPLE with guns DO kill people. So therefore giving idiots easy access to such firepower shouldn't be allowed.

Abortions: NO. Abortion just gives teens less to worry about when they play their **** games.

DUI: NO. Drunk ****ers behind the wheel are a PROBLEM!

Bombs: YES! LEGALIZE! THINGS THAT GO BOOM ARE FUN!! And unless you're going to nuke someone's property, who gives a rats ass?

In response...

Marijuana... Who the **** cares? I don't. Could there be a more harmless drug?

Cocaine... Again... who cares? What a grown man does behing closed doors is his own business. I used to have an addiction.

Heroine... Who am I to judge? Who are we to judge? Use it, abuse it... who cares? If you're dumb enough to get addicted to the ****, then you're dumb enough to die from it.

Prostitution... Again... who cares? If a woman wants to wear out her vagina for money, that is her own will.

Handguns... stay legal. for I have many.

Assault rifles... I'm too lazy to gut, slice, and dice my own deer. Can't an AK-47 do it for me?

Abortions... only in the case of incest or rape. As a form of birth control, deal with the consequences.

DUI: As having a DUI on my record, I'd have to say no. Do not legalize DUIs.

Bombs: This is ****ing stupid. Of course not.

Crystal Meth: Who the **** cares what a grown person does with their free time?
Weed: Why not? The **** is about as addictive as coffee.

Cocaine: No. Too ****ing strong

Heroine: Same as above.

Prostitution: Who cares?

Handguns: We might as well...

Assault rifles: Idiots with guns like these cause major problems...

Abortions: Rape, incest, or condom broke and the spermicide failed. Else they just don't get an abortion.

DUI: Why is this even an option?

Bombs: Not for citizens...:)

Crystal meth: Same as coke and heroine.
jokersarewild said:
Assault rifles: Idiots with guns like these cause major problems....

explane to me what you think an assault rifle is
I just got a job with the Drug Enforcement Agency. We want to help you legalize your stash, so if I could just get your names, numbers, and addresses, it would be much appreciated by the agency. Thank you, and have a nice day. :D
Msixty said:
marijuana, handguns, assault rifles :D the divine trio

The only reason handguns and assault rifles are even a verifible part of your trio in your list is because marijuana is illegal at this time. Make it legal and the guns dissapear. The only wars at that point will be price wars! Advantage....consumer! :D
ToriAllen said:
I just got a job with the Drug Enforcement Agency. We want to help you legalize your stash, so if I could just get your names, numbers, and addresses, it would be much appreciated by the agency. Thank you, and have a nice day. :D

Well...I don't have a stash..but I'll give you my address to where your Federal buddies can come over and make total asses of themselves! :cool:
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