Which of the following should be legal (fixed version)

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cybacaT said:
Talk to any heroin or other hard drug addict wastoid, and there's a 99% chance they started on marijuana. It's a step into harder drugs. There was a piece on the news last night where heroin addicts are saying if they hadn't started on weed they'd have never been on the path to ruining their lives.

Well of course most people addicted to harder drugs started with marijuana, its the most easily available drug in almost all cases. So what if they say that, chances are they're full of ****. They injected heroine into their arm, not marijuana. They started their downward spiral into a hellish life an they're just looking for a scape goat. "If mom hugged me more as a child I would have never gone on that shooting rampage." People never want to take responsibility for their own actions so the look for someone or something else to blame it on, marijuana in this case. And if these people were STUPID enough to use and become addicted to these heavier drugs, they would have ruined their lives in some other way had marijuana never even come into the picture.

I personally know a few people who a dopeheads, and it's screwed up their relationships, jobs and lives in general.

Yeah, it sucks doesn't it? I have a friend that I am, or atleast was, really close friends with. Now ever semblance of what he was is gone, and hes more or less a vegetable. However, Him, and the people you know, screwed up their jobs, relationships, and lives. Not marijuna. Not heroine. Not anything except themselves, it's their lives, their choices, they ****ed up. Same thing as the murderes who claim "the devil made me do it" when they're on trial.

What little evidence there is compiled on road safety suggest doped users account for as many accidents as drink drivers - if not more. Just because stats aren't collected (yet) this major problem is going largely unseen except by those who have to scrape the remains off the bitumen.

I'm gonna hafta call BS on this, and I can speak from personal experience. I've been in the car while the driver was high more times than I can recall, and never ONCE was I afraid of crashing or other such things. I've been in the car with drunk drivers a few times, and EACH time I had to fear for my life.

Dope use can trigger a range of psychological disorders including schizophrenia, memory loss, and so on.

So can stress. So can chemicals such as gasoline. So can over working yourself and being tired. So can <insert random cause here>.
Crazywambat!!!! You're spot on!

I am totally amazed that I agree 100% with the previous post..... gasp, cough, choke

I would be wonderin' just how many heroine addicts tried milk prior to heroine? What a ****ing joke... "Marijuana is a gateway drug" is about the stupidest thing imaginable!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Crazywambat!!!! You're spot on!

I am totally amazed that I agree 100% with the previous post..... gasp, cough, choke

I would be wonderin' just how many heroine addicts tried milk prior to heroine? What a ****ing joke... "Marijuana is a gateway drug" is about the stupidest thing imaginable!

Eghad, we agree on something? DEAR GOD! :D
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