Which of the following should be legal

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Damn; forgot to allow users to pick more than one option! Well post here.
Marijuana, abortions, and prostitution.
Marijuana does a lot less harm than alcohol, and yet isn't as widely socially accepted. Go figure.
Abortion should NOT be a form of birth control, but should still be an option, but only within the first trimester, which is the law in most places anyhow.
Prostitution would probably be a whole lot less dangerous if it was legalized and regulated.
angie said:
Marijuana, abortions, and prostitution.
Marijuana does a lot less harm than alcohol, and yet isn't as widely socially accepted. Go figure.
Abortion should NOT be a form of birth control, but should still be an option, but only within the first trimester, which is the law in most places anyhow.
Prostitution would probably be a whole lot less dangerous if it was legalized and regulated.

I agree. I think we should legalize and regluate all of the above; execpt for mabey the more harmful illegal drugs. Nobody should be incarcerated for any of the above IMO. :eek:
OK let me just say that I am NOT for legalizing the 'hard' drugs. But let's face it: most of the reason that they are so dangerous is a: because of what they are cut with and b: because they are unregulated. So...you could legalize and regulate them and have a bunch of heroin addicts running around, or you can crack down on drug dealers. Unfortunately the latter isn't doing us much good. So they need to revise their plan of action.
Assault rifles? Totally unnecessary.
most of the reason that they are so dangerous is a: because of what they are cut with and b: because they are unregulated. So...you could legalize and regulate them and have a bunch of heroin addicts running around, or you can crack down on drug dealers. Unfortunately the latter isn't doing us much good. So they need to revise their plan of action.

I don't disagree with you. Your right about that; as a long term goal we can as a society achieve through regulation without encouraging chaos. They key is a good education and a lack of incentive to use drugs; be a prostitute, etc... Assault Rifles could be regulated beyone belief; but they are not necessary and few people end up in prison because of those laws. If somebody carries an AK outside his home, he should be arrested without a doubt. BTW, thanks for the help Angie. :)

-Nedtherlands has solved its social problems through regulation; if we reform our society; we can move that direction. Its hard to achieve what the Nedtherlands acheived without permmitting chaos; but there is a way.

Prostitution: No I don't think people should be allowed to make money just to ****. Get a ****ing job

All Illegal drugs: Just pot. That other **** CAN make people violent and harmful and not to mention the OD clinics will cause health care to skyrocket

Assault Rifles: I like this idea but when you let idiots have access to powerful toys....problems can and will arise. BIG problems.

Abortion: Ummm, NO. We don't need to have increased health care just so teens don't have anything to worry about when they play their little **** games.
I agree with angie and Morfos. But like KVH said, there are going to be huge ****ing problems with assult rifles.
I went for the assault rifles since I am quite proficient with one. Guns period can kill...might as well let those be allowed.

I think with or without the rifles, people on drugs are way more dangerous than some weapon. Besides, people have Uzis and Tec-9s, I think they are more dangeous (though not as accurate) as the conventional M16/M4.
Marijuana: yes, reasons why have already been covered so I don't feel the need to repeat them.
Prostitution: Yes. You pay people for massages, you pay people for things like acupuncture, so why not prostition? I think, as a whole, people are too prude in general. People shouldn't be so ashamed of the human bodies and sexual desires, its as natural as going to the bathroom.
All illegal drugs: Yes and no. I certainly don't think some of the heavier club drugs and heroine are the like, but I think more than Marijuana should be legal. I rather like the series that Amsterdam allows and I think basically anything that grows naturally in nature, as in not being created in someones basement, should be legal.
Assault rifles: Well I find them highly unecessary, but I'm not entirely opposed. I think their should be extensive background checks for those looking to buy them, however.
Abortion: Yes, same reasons angie stated more or less.
On a side note, I know this is COMPLETELY unrelated to anythign at all, but its been bugging me all day. Would someone PLEASE wish Msixty a happy birthday in the shoutbox? I would, but Idiots cannae use it.
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