Which Organ is Better? {GRAPHIC PIX MAY BE SHOWN}

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005


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Oh come on now joker, you like THIS ONE :​
And the PENIS in your post is pretty small.. is that a self portrait ??​
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This is quite an odd question....but at the same time it is not!

Its no big secret of my answer..ovbviously the penis....Each one is different, unique, and many different sizes...(and double that if you include the balls...which is my favorite part..growl)

But a vagina...they seem to be pretty much all the same... Sure some clever shaving can make it look different......and the sluts seem to have some low hanging "lips" (which isnt that attractive for the mainstream i am told...but low balls..thats another story...wow)

Dont get me wrong ladies..i love you for who you are...just because i mentaly compare your sexual organ to that of a wounded puss filled sore doesnt mean i think you yourself isnt special or attractive...but i just find zero thrill it the pusswaahh

At first this thread seemd a huge gay/straight quesiton...


I know many a straight girl that thinks the penis is gross and ugly...yet crave it all the same....That i dont understand...Gay men are very much like straight women as they are both attracted to men...yet gay men think the penis is beautiful and sexy...and many many (not all) women think the opposite! But what makes me wonder is why do women who want the company of men find the penis "unsavory, or ugly". To me that makes no sense...its like that want it inside of them to make their "puss filled *****" flow when it is inside...but they dont like the organ itself....

Calling Psych 101...calling Psych 101...

Dunno...I think if you are sexually attracted you should be attracted to all points...especially the sex organ (sexuallly mind you)...otherwise...

what good is sex? EH?
oh faint
10 mins later
''you guys need to put up a warning before you insert images like that'.eeew :(

Tsk,Duh AIG!!I need to start reading the thread titles.My bad. ;)
I agree with Vortex. How can you be utterly disgusted with something and do naughty things with it? That would be like hating the taste of peanut butter but eating it for the color. I mean, come on.
jokersarewild said:
I agree with Vortex. How can you be utterly disgusted with something and do naughty things with it? That would be like hating the taste of peanut butter but eating it for the color. I mean, come on.

Say what?what naughty things?
Suck on it, play with it, lick it. JESUS CHRIST, AIG, have you ever thought about other sex organs? (other than your own)
jokersarewild said:
Suck on it, play with it, lick it. JESUS CHRIST, AIG, have you ever thought about other sex organs? (other than your own)

Though I know the anatomy of a man,I would never suck on it,play with it,lick it.SHEESH IT'S SCARY.Did I just use the word 'anatomy''? :D
Though I know the anatomy of a man,I would never suck on it,play with it,lick it.SHEESH IT'S SCARY.Did I just use the word 'anatomy''? :D

ehh...you just haven't had the right kind of foreplay! :cool:
Though I know the anatomy of a man,I would never suck on it,play with it,lick it.SHEESH IT'S SCARY.Did I just use the word 'anatomy''? :D

So once your married in the eyes of allah and your husband gets to peek under the burka will this be the scene us flys on the wall would see?

Well name the husband, sorry MRIH, Mohammad:

Mohammad: [arabic gibberish]
AIG: Nods
the 2 go into the bedroom, turn off the lights, and AIG lays down on the bed and pulls her burka up to her pelvis
AIG: [Arabic Gibberish]
Mohammad: unzips his fly


AIG slips her burka back down and goes to make some tea


I believe even allah thinks getting pleasure from "child making" is okay....So chilll babe.....chill.....

Say it with me...P-E-N-I-S.....youll feel much better...

oh no, did you need money for college when you posed for this?

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http://bestdamngeneralforum.com/data/MetaMirrorCache/1b7a0b114d37f9ff66df0c63b2709b56.jpg (just incase its a dead link)


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Oh,don't be sick.I know all about it.But I'll save it for when I get married.
I used anatomy as a joke,course you sure know what a penis is.I don't even wanna describe what you do in the bedroom.Just thinking it's 2 men makes me sick.
I'll chill alot,when I get married.It would be more perfect.Instead of your way,
first comes the ****in',then da baby,then marriege.
AIG if you can keep those morals more power to you.
I keep forgetting that you
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