Which Religion do you belong to?

honestly i currently belong to none....but wiccan/pagan suites me quite well...

mainly because it seems to be the only faith that actually teaches you personal responsibility for your actions....not that it will be forgiven no matter what you do.....

shrug....i dont practice (yet) but may some day...ya never know..
I am a Christian. I'm not a bible beater by any stretch of the imagination and I enjoy learning about other religions in order to understand how and why people believe what they do on a greater scale.
Vortex said:
honestly i currently belong to none....but wiccan/pagan suites me quite well...

mainly because it seems to be the only faith that actually teaches you personal responsibility for your actions....not that it will be forgiven no matter what you do.....

shrug....i dont practice (yet) but may some day...ya never know..

You can be gay and still be a Christian. At least that’s what I believe. Not saying that it’s a sin to be gay but if it is it wouldn't matter. We are all sinners one way or another. I think the whole idea is to believe.
I'm Christian, but I also enjoy looking into, and studying up on, other religions. Wicca is one of the ones I have looked at. It would be more interesting if the history wasn't lost over the centuries. It seems that the 'New Age' version is just made up as they go along. Honestly, have you guys read some of the cheesy 'spells' that people make up? Now, Voodoo is interesting. A bit more history involved.

As for personal accountability, most religions emphasize that, but most followers tend to ignore it.
I'm Ghoombhanian. Praise Goombah. Let us celebrate his goodness by partaking of the fermented crops of the field.
Atheism all the way. Though if I had to choose a religion, I'd choose one that doesn't have to rely on silly scare tactics and nutty ideologies to gain believers and to make a point.
I'll give you one guess. ;)

I'm a Bible Thumper.

Used to be a Deist and at one time dabbled in witch craft. It was a phase. :rolleyes:
I'm a nihilist.
And before anyone has to ask
Nihilists generally assert some or all of the following: there is no reasonable proof of the existence of a higher ruler or creator, a "true morality" is unknown, and secular ethics are impossible; therefore, life has no truth, and no action is known to be preferable to any other.

My mother is Mormon. You can imagine how pissed off at me she gets.
OmegaManiac said:
I'm not mormon but the idea of multiple wives does perk my interest a bit.;)

seriously? I could never be Mormon.

heck, I'm having a hard enough time finding one wife, I'd never be able to find 2 or more..
Vortex said:
honestly i currently belong to none....but wiccan/pagan suites me quite well...

mainly because it seems to be the only faith that actually teaches you personal responsibility for your actions...

Actually, that is one of the core doctrins of Satanism... Responsibility for yourself, as well as you actions...

... Besides, any pagan religion is nothing more than Satanism without all the booksmarts! ;)
Phantom said:
Used to be a Deist
Now here is an interesting question... why would you go from Deism to Christianity ?? It's usually the other way around. Christians get sick of the dogma, but will never renounce God, and usually turn to Deism. Jesus can be a part of a Deists life too, though that is mainly on a philosophical level, not a divine level. This is also known to some as Neo-Christian Deism (New wave God, with Christian values).

I guess it's like saying Jesus knew his ****, but through reasoning, one finds he is NOT the son of God, nor any other type of divine savior... More like a "GHANDI" type figure. Ghandi however, never got the notoriety that Jesus did, nor the legacy. But I think his impact was probably stronger to at least his followers anyway.

Christianity, isn't only about Jesus though.
phreakwars said:
Christians get sick of the dogma.

that was a good movie.

i can't stand all-mighty god worshiping people that tell me i'm going to hell, YOU PEOPLE...and politics... ARE WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS WORLD!!!