Which Religion do you belong to?

Phantom said:
Anna Perenna said:
There is no Anna, or God. There is only Zuul.

LMFAO!! I used to say this ALL the time! "There is no Dana. Only Zuul," whenever my parents would tell me to do something. I never claimed to be a normal child.

That's awesome! Yet another reason to like you, Phantom.
I place myself in the Wiccan/Pagan catagory because as somebody else stated, its the only one that teaches personal responsibility. I was brought up a christian, went to church all the way up untill i was in 10th grade. I went to a catholic high school untill 10th grade. I attended a Christian College because my uncle is a minister and got me in with cheap tuition. So i Made the best of it and took all the religion courses i could to learn more about religions. After all that, the only religion that seems to make sense is Wicca.
dshogan1 said:
I place myself in the Wiccan/Pagan catagory because as somebody else stated, its the only one that teaches personal responsibility.

I'm struggling with that statement. Personal responsibility for what exactly?

dshogan1 said:
I was brought up a christian, went to church all the way up untill i was in 10th grade.

So there's still hope for you. We won't give up just yet.

dshogan1 said:
I went to a catholic high school untill 10th grade.

Now you led me astray with your last statement. This ploy is not uncommon with the catholic belief system. There's still hope of a full recovery, however remote the chances are.

dshogan1 said:
I attended a Christian College because my uncle is a minister and got me in with cheap tuition.

Okay. Thousands wouldn't, but I'll believe you.

dshogan1 said:
So i Made the best of it and took all the religion courses i could to learn more about religions.

So share your knowledge. It's only fair.

dshogan1 said:
After all that, the only religion that seems to make sense is Wicca.

MmmmKay. Bitches chanting in the nude works for me too.
builder said:
I'm struggling with that statement. Personal responsibility for what exactly?

I think he's referring to the Catholic practice of confessing your sins, and being immediately forgiven (after saying the rosary, or similar).

As for this whole poll: The majority of people on this forum are Christian. No surprises there.

However, the more I read about Copernicus, and Newton, and even Hawking, the more I am starting to think I am probably going to start referring to myself as somewhat of a Deist.

Because if (in very general terms) most scientific evidence suggests that the universe is constantly expanding, therefore suggesting a starting point of nil matter (ie, the fundamental constant of the big bang theory) then it's not far fetched to suggest that something (or someone) must have created that starting point.

But how are we ever going to know? The Bible and the Quran and other religious tomes offer me no solid evidence or even feasible explanations to work with.

Therefore, when I say I am agnostic, my personal definition for that term is "unsure and confused". What's even more frustrating, though, is that I know already that no matter how much I read up on the subject, I'm still not going to come to a satisfactory conclusion.

So I should probably follow Cynthia's lead and stop thinking about it. And with that, stop babbling on about it.

Peace out.