yeah u'll get me out of the forums....*so scared*oooooook first: Im not meaning to **** everyone off, I was just suprised. and I know everyone has the right to like whatever he wants thats why I like LP lol *duh*
secondly: I dont think I ever ******* said I was stressed to collect the most news ever. I really dont want attention drawn to me like that you apparently want ALL the attention possible, since you keep effin attacking people, like me.
im not bigger than anyone on these forums. all I have is the right to post in LPNews and mod the central thread I was just saying...gosh you didnt really have to go off on me :O
yeah, at least I dont pretend to know everything about LP lol *looks back at that contest* but no, im not challenging you and I dont wish to. however, if this happens again I will report it to the mods.
and cool, I didnt know I was "strong and big dear Mr. Hahn" either! thanks for informing me!
so please, take soldiers advice and get off your ******* period.
u know what i'm sick of ppl telling me that i'm not supposed to listen to what i like and do what i i'm the one that starts fights???yeah....sure
you guys should stop with this...i'm sick off ppl full of themselfes
stop with this.
i don't want all attention on me...i would just like ppl to respect my choices
and don't sell me **** leave me alone
u should learn more about what rock means and then consider yourself a big guy
til then you're just a guy that is big on this forum just cause he knows how to use copy-paste
so leave it