White People


New member

Stop drooling and finish yer sentence, 'OmoManiac.

Hey tex, you seem to be a clever little fella, how about you run down to the "chip shop" and have them deep fry your head. And bring me back some beers. What I mean is, I want to be friends. Underneath this rough exterior I'm just a lonely guy looking for lonelier people to make fun of. So lick em' cue ball.



New member
Heh, there's always a beer on ice at mine for a bitter and twisted debate machine like yerself mate.




New member

It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have actually done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the greath enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.... so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.

Theodore Rosevelt

Presented this time by


10:19 pm




New member
Ahhh... TR... a real president... what the **** is wrong with us where we can't get another TR? Got I loved that magnificent son of a *****! Man took us to war just to prove to Europe that we are not to be ****** with... AND IT WORKED!

*** bless him!



New member
Man took us to war just to prove to Europe that we are not to be ****** with... AND IT WORKED! *** bless him!
Yeah right. The man took you into WWII cos the Japs kicked the **** out of Pearl Harbour.

Bad intel again eh?

And by the way, most of your allies in the war were European or colonies thereof. And the only thing you proved to them was that you only played the second half of the game cos you couldn't beat the Japs on your own.

If you really think anyone in Europe has any respect for the US military, think again.

You're like a baby at its first christmas...a shitload of toys and not a clue how to use them properly.

The Times March 09, 2005
US troops get training to avoid friendly-fire attacks on British

By Laura Peek and Michael Evans, Defence Editor

AMERICAN soldiers in Iraq are being given


New member
Yeah right. The man took you into WWII cos the Japs kicked the **** out of Pearl Harbour.
Bad intel again eh?

And by the way, most of your allies in the war were European or colonies thereof. And the only thing you proved to them was that you only played the second half of the game cos you couldn't beat the Japs on your own.

If you really think anyone in Europe has any respect for the US military, think again.

You're like a baby at its first christmas...a shitload of toys and not a clue how to use them properly.

If you really want some respect, here's an idea, next time you go to war...

That was Franklin Roosevelt in WWII not Theodore Roosevelt and I think he was referring to his time as Col. during the Spanish-American War, leading the Rough Riders in Cuba.



New member
That was Franklin Roosevelt in WWII not Theodore Roosevelt and I think he was referring to his time as Col. during the Spanish-American War, leading the Rough Riders in Cuba.
OK, busted on the mistaken Identity, guess it was the European reference that threw me.

Still, the point remains that nothing was proved to Europe, and as far as it WORKING, a six month scrap in South America is a ******* picnic compared to the wars we've had.

And just one more thing, England was the only nation that actually wasn't sympathetic to the Spanish cause. So, be careful when you use the word Europe. We live there too. And we still think the Spanish are a bunch of *******.

Having said that, if he took you into a war just to prove the US wasn't to be ****** with, well, don't wanna be too derogatory about a great man, I think you can see the holes in your own logic.

As far as I know, this event isn't even notable enough to be taught in our schools (with the exception maybe of Spain), so most European young people wouldn't even know wtf you're talking about, never mind respecting any of your achievements in this conflict.

American History is completely different from European History mate. Our kids have a lot more to learn, like another 3000 years worth of their own history, so events like this barely make it onto our radar. While you were ******* about for 6 months in South America, Britain was going thru the 70+ years Ulster Crisis (1849 - 1920). Which one do you think would get most class time in our schools?



New member
Selective amnesia is the problem. :cool:
you both scare me... did it ever occur to you both that I replied, then read on in the post? You have to engage that 3rd brain cell to computer that one...



New member
you both scare me... did it ever occur to you both that I replied, then read on in the post? You have to engage that 3rd brain cell to computer that one...
I have my computer do that for me.

Tex said:

If you really think anyone in Europe has any respect for the US military, think again.
You're like a baby at its first christmas...a shitload of toys and not a clue how to use them properly.
Now that was worth a chuckle. :cool:



New member
... did it ever occur to you both that I replied, then read on in the post?
Did it ever occur to you that if you read what had been posted before replying, you wouldn't be sat here with egg all over your face, like an old woman's ****.



New member
Granted America has not done well in war all by itself. No major wars to speak of, Korea stalemate no resolution, Vietnam same, etc..etc… the only time we really conducted a good all out war was the American Civil war, all sorts of European attaches and military advisors came to watch that one, it changed the nature of how wars were fought in Europe for some time.

No, America likes to go to war half hearted, I don’t really know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. American military superiority has not been tested and won’t be tested until some one actually makes it back here to our shores. Even then depending on were they land and form a beach head I am not sure if America wont just say …Well who cares that part of the country is **** anyways.

I’m not entirely sure America was on the right side in WWI or WWII either, but England is our mother and like good children we always stick with family.

...WOW has this thread gotten off topic !!!!!
Partially true. France helped the North in the Civil war. They did have troops.

Tex we didn’t win the WWII by ourselves and neither did Germany and Japan loss by themselves. That’s why they called it a World War!

We still kicked *** and the statement that fullauto said is completely true! I don’t give a **** what the European countries think of us. Fuckem.

Were right and their wrong. And until they can kick our *** it will stay that way!

To the topic...

we are all the same and all different.

**** stigmatism!



New member
That is because this country has no sense of national pride and therefore rarely sticks together in any decision. If a country invaded us the Conservatives would come out with guns blazing, and the Liberals would throw up their hands and say, "Well, thank the non-existent ***. It's about time you got here."We are too busy fighting with each other on everything to fight effectively against someone else.
**** those granola smokin ****!

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