If you think America is "the land of oportunity" and is completely fair, you are insane. First of all, who do you think the SAT's are written by? Lower-class blacks, right? Yea..okay lol. You think those tests are fair to minorities in poverty? Of course not. Obviously the rich white kids are going to princeton review and scoring high and getting into good colleges and getting good jobs. Meanwhile, you have some black kid at home (not all black kids, this is just an example, one I've seen a lot) whose parents do not value schooling. They don't want their kid "acting white". Studies show that parents who value schooling hav children who value schooling. But because the parents don't want their kid's ending up like those "white devils" they are keeping their child in what economists call "the circle of poverty". The parents are poor, their kids will be poor, and THEIR kids will be poor. And they can't get out of this circle. We need SOMETHING to help them get out. Maybe affirmative action isn't the ideal solution, but SOMETHING needs to be done.