Whites in the UK to become minority group

believe me, criticism of your language skills should not the main object of abhorrence to anyone. This is the last thing you need to improve, try being a human for 5 minutes, you may like it, you never know..
This is why filthy Kafirs such as yourself are not allowed into Macca and Madina, they are protected from the scum of the earth..

Travel to the gulf states, and you will be so scared....And its very very funny watching how scared you all are of Islam...
Mariama said:
This is why filthy Kafirs such as yourself are not allowed into Macca and Madina, they are protected from the scum of the earth..

Travel to the gulf states, and you will be so scared....And its very very funny watching how scared you all are of Islam...

LOLOL, thats ok, we can blow Mecca off the map from the air or from the city next door...

Funnily enough I have had some Muslim men think they were going to convert me and make me their subserviant wife...lol. One man in particular from Bombay had a thing for me and I had to be polite because I had a professional relationship with him. He was all about getting me to visit Bombay, telling me how I would like it etc...I was young, I didn't know how to give him good customer service and still make it clear that not even if he were the last man on the planet would I have anything to do with him...I have learned since then the correct approach to NOT offend but make it clear nothing like that will EVER happen.
Lethalfind said:
LOLOL, thats ok, we can blow Mecca off the map from the air or from the city next door...

Funnily enough I have had some Muslim men think they were going to convert me and make me their subserviant wife...lol. One man in particular from Bombay had a thing for me and I had to be polite because I had a professional relationship with him. He was all about getting me to visit Bombay, telling me how I would like it etc...I was young, I didn't know how to give him good customer service and still make it clear that not even if he were the last man on the planet would I have anything to do with him...I have learned since then the correct approach to NOT offend but make it clear nothing like that will EVER happen.

I have read accounts of those race traitor camel jockey lovers, they get all romanced, then the husband takes her back to the Emirates or something and she is never allowed to leave again, he changes into a traditional muslim male aswell, so she has a hellish life as "the different flavour" in his harem.
Lethalfind said:
LOLOL, thats ok, we can blow Mecca off the map from the air or from the city next door...

Funnily enough I have had some Muslim men think they were going to convert me and make me their subserviant wife...lol. One man in particular from Bombay had a thing for me and I had to be polite because I had a professional relationship with him. He was all about getting me to visit Bombay, telling me how I would like it etc...I was young, I didn't know how to give him good customer service and still make it clear that not even if he were the last man on the planet would I have anything to do with him...I have learned since then the correct approach to NOT offend but make it clear nothing like that will EVER happen.

I doubt that he was Muslim considering Mumbai, no longer Bombay, is 99% hindu 1% other...

Mecca will not be attacked... This is something I am sure of. World oil markets have too heavily invested money in Saudi Arabia, thats why most of the 9/11 terrorists "supposodley came from" Saudi Arabia, and they're not being occupied by the Coalition Forces in Iraq.
Some Guy said:
I have read accounts of those race traitor camel jockey lovers, they get all romanced, then the husband takes her back to the Emirates or something and she is never allowed to leave again, he changes into a traditional muslim male aswell, so she has a hellish life as "the different flavour" in his harem.

Pigs will fly before I would consider something SO disgusting...
Mariama said:
Burkas are worn in Afghanistan...

Well, all I can say is, I hope you begin to think about your death.
One thing is certain, when you do, you will be in for a great shock.

And I am truly sorry that you hate most of the world. Its a shame for you not them, since you are the ones suffering so badly.
It is you who are so primitive, it is you who puts so much energy into hating instead of just getting on with your lives.

May Allah silence those fowl tongues and open your eyes.


I am not a fowl... I'm a human.
RoyalOrleans said:
I am not a fowl... I'm a human.

Well thank god for that because I would hate to hear you have succumbed to the avian flu...

Poor little Mariama thinks anyone who is not walking in step with Allah is fowl...peaceful and submissive people...