Who are you? V2

1) Where do you live? Germany

2) How old are you? 16

3) What grade are you in? (if in school) 10th (my last year and I'm almost done! :D )

4) How did you find this site? oh gosh... dunno accidently while googling some LP pics or something

5) What are your hobbies? going out, chillin with friends, dancing, listening to music and that kinda stuff...

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Jaya the Cat (and some other ones)

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? Gosh dunno honestly... I have/had a lot

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? hmm... dunno... Transformers? Disturbia?

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? Harry Potter 6

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? uhm... marry... become mother of 5 kids xD lmao... live in an english speaking country... have loads of affairs (no jk lol) yeh... lol dunno...

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? well pretty much everyone who has achieved their dreams and doesnt let him/herself down just bc they maybe failed or something...

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? oh well... I guess this one guy... bc he's good for everything ^^

13) Which fictional character best describes you? I have no idea o_O

14) Place you'd most like to visit? America (do a tour and shiz)

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? uhm... I'm not quite sure... I guess that I'm not as shy anymore and that's really a huge achievement for me...

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? Do whatever you feel like is right bc that's the best for you



Active Members
1) Where do you live? Atlanta, GA

2) How old are you? 24, 25 very soon!

3) What grade are you in? (if in school) No More School For Me :(

4) How did you find this site? I made it!

5) What are your hobbies? Websites & Technology

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) I am really digging A Fine Frenzy!

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? No idea!

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? To Many to give just one!

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? To Kill a Mockingbird!

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Not what I am doing now!

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? No single person!

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Keira Knightley - so we can repopulate the island ;-)

13) Which fictional character best describes you? No Idea

14) Place you'd most like to visit? Tokyo

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Not sure, maybe LPF!

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? Nope!


Mr. Pool

New member
1) Where do you live? Germany

2) How old are you? 18

3) What grade are you in? (if in school) 12

4) How did you find this site? dont remember..its been long

5) What are your hobbies? gaming, producing music, hip hop

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) rammstein

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? poa

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? scarface

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? none

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? something with media design

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? myself, everything i can do i should do by myself...

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? hot chix xD

13) Which fictional character best describes you? sawyer from lost maybe

14) Place you'd most like to visit? maybe an old temple in tibet

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? hmmm i wouldnt call that an achievement..but maybe my own mind

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?


One mans trash is the next mans treasure

One mans pain is the next mans pleasure



New member
1) Where do you live?

Warrington, UK (aka. WAZZZZAAAAAA)


2) How old are you?



3) What grade are you in? (if in school)

I'm in year 12 or lower 6th or whatever you want to call it :]

4) How did you find this site?

Google I'm guessing, that was a long time ago!

5) What are your hobbies?

Going out, the pub (Causeway!), parties, shopping, gossiping lol

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?)

It's NOT LP :]

It's Muse <3

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?

Too many!

Girl From Mars - Ash, cause it reminds me of summer :]

Don't Look Back In Anger - Oasis, just reminds me of friends, memories, being at home, it's lovely.

Blood Sugar - Pendulum, just is THE song that can always get me drunkenly dancing on a night out!

Common People - Pulp, reminds me of life in general.

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?

Shaun of the Dead, American Psycho, Fight Club.

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?

American Psycho

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?

Well I want to do a History degree and hopefully do something interesting but I can see myself falling into teaching atm =(

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?


12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?

Probably my boyfriend Matt or my best mates Dan and Mike cause we'd just have a reet laugh :]

13) Which fictional character best describes you?

That girl outta Eurotrip, who the guys always say she's practically like a guy hahah thats what most of my lad mates say about me! "oh it's alright to say that to jonesy, she's pretty much an honourary guy anyway!"

14) Place you'd most like to visit?

New York, Egypt, Auschwitz.


15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?

Passing my driving test has gotta be up there, it's just sooo much better being able to drive.

I guess gaining all my confidence in the past year has gotta be a good 'un too.

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

Don't eat green crisps *nods*



Active Members
1) Where do you live?

- Fort Wayne, Indiana

2) How old are you?

- Almost 21

3) What grade are you in? (if in school)

- College, sophomore

4) How did you find this site?

- I just typed in the address on my browser and assumed someone was using that URL.

5) What are your hobbies?

- online gaming, photography, being a music nerd

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP? *I don't like LP much anymore)

- Demon Hunter and 30 Seconds to Mars

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?

- I hate questions like this because there is no such thing for me...I like so many different kinds of music and so many artists I can't possibly have a favorite.

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?

- Ditto to #7

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?

- Ditto to #7 and #8

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?

- Hope to be a youth pastor...maybe pursue photography on the side.

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?

- I don't really have an inspiration...I have ***, though.

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?

- My fiancee.

13) Which fictional character best describes you?

- Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly/Serenity

14) Place you'd most like to visit?

- I would love to backpack Europe.

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?

- Personal: I'm engaged.

- Professional: I'm a DJ

- Spiritual: I'm alive.

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

- One of my favorite parts of the Bible:

Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?"

"Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?"

"Am I a Jew?" Pilate replied. "It was your people and your chief priests who handed you over to me. What is it you have done?"

Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place." "You are a king, then!" said Pilate.

Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

"What is truth?" Pilate asked.

- In my opinion, the truth can be found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of the Bible. Check it out sometime, at the least it will give you some new ideas to think about.



New member
Mine needed updating so here I go BUMP!

1) Where do you live?

Bathurst, Australia

2) How old are you?

20 this year

3) What grade are you in? (if in school)


4) How did you find this site?

Was bored during class and I googled Linkin Park Forums and found this.

5) What are your hobbies?

Writing, socialising, movies, pubbing, music

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?)

The White Stripes

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?

Carolina Drama by The Raconteurs

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?

Fight Club

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?

Tourniquet, does that count?

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?

Be a writer of a best selling novel =)

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?

My brother still...

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?

Jack White. So I can make sweet love to him all day. Hahaha.

13) Which fictional character best describes you?

Still Chichi off DBZ =) I whinge a lot like her and nag as well.

14) Place you'd most like to visit?

Still the Ho Chin Minh Trail or failing that the Kokoda Trail.

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?

I wrote a book =)

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are there yet? Are we there yet?"



New member
What the heck, this looks fun. 'Sides, I'm bored. :D

1) Where do you live? USA

2) How old are you? 15, but 16 in...November. Bleh to that.

3) What grade are you in? (if in school) Umm...tenth? I can never remember because I'm homeschooled and a grade ahead.

4) How did you find this site? I was bored and since LP was my favorite band...

5) What are your hobbies? Writing, singing, amatuer photography.

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Nine Inch Nails. And Disturbed.

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf.

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Er..."Constantine"? I'm not big on movies.

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? Tithe by Holly Black.

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Be published.

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? My mom, because (and this is mean) she's an example of what I don't want to be.

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? My brother, I guess. We never fail to amuse each other.

13) Which fictional character best describes you? Good question.

14) Place you'd most like to visit? Australia, I think. Egypt would be my first choice, but I'd have to learn a new language.

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? I was accepted for publishment in an ezine, but it got cancelled. SO: Becoming a blackbelt.

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? Nope.



Active Members
Why not...I mean, its been over 6 months :p



Where do you live?

- Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA.

2) How old are you?

- 21.

3) What grade are you in? (if in school)

- Nearly a junior (3rd year) in college (uni)

4) How did you find this site?

- I wanted to find a Linkin Park forums online, so I typed LinkinParkForums.com into my browser. Brilliant.

5) What are your hobbies?

- Lifting weights, Xbox Live.

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?)

- Gorillaz, Demon Hunter, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?

- Not sure. Currently, I'm really the following tracks...

...Thousand Foot Krutch - My Own Enemy

...Underoath - Too Bright To See, Too Loud To Hear

...Martin O'Donnell/Michael Salvatori - In Amber Clad

...Impending Doom - Silence The Oppressors

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?

- Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Domino, V For Vendetta, Serenity, Southland Tales, Signs, The Breakfast Club.

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?

- A Clockwork Orange, Starship Troopers, The Dark Tower 1-7, A New Kind of Youth Ministry, Conformed In His Image.

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?

- Help teens and young kids.

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?

- Sonic The Hedgehog, and the Apostle Paul.

...Sonic because he lives life by his own rules, but has a good heart and won't tolerate evil and injustice that he witnesses.

...the Apostle Paul because he didn't just preach to people...he actually cared and loved people first.

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?

- My fiancee, so I would have someone to keep me company that would not drive me insane.

13) Which fictional character best describes you?

- Malcolm Reynolds from Serenity/Firefly.

14) Place you'd most like to visit?

- New York City

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?

- Getting a college degree.

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

- "You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. So run to win! All good athletes train hard, but they do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that will never tarnish or fade! I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. I don't run aimlessly without goals, like a man beating the air! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping lazily, telling everyone else all about the prize and then missing out myself." - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (paraphrased for clarity)



New member
things have changed abit for me too in the last few months

so lets see...

1) Where do you live? Parramatta,Australia(still)

2) How old are you? 19 now(recently)

3) What grade are you in? (if in school) 2nd year of University

4) How did you find this site? i think this answer hasnt changed

5) What are your hobbies? Tennis,Football, reading, playing music

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) i'd go with a tie between Abingdon Boys School and UVERworld, though there are alot of favourites in between

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? gotta either be Innocent Sorrow(Abingdon Boys School) or 儚くも永久のカナシ(UVERworld)

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? hafta be Forrest Gump, there are alot of other good ones i can think og

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? im still gunning with anything written by Mathew Reilly

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? im still unsure on this, i guess i hafta see how my course finishes first and what not

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? i have alot of role models but i cant say theres ONE person that inspires me

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? i'm not sure if ONE person would do it ahaha

13) Which fictional character best describes you? can't say its Hiro anymore(xD) unsure about this

14) Place you'd most like to visit? Old Trafford, Manchester,England, id love to attend a European tie when Manchester United are playing

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? i'm not sure if i have one, which is good as theres something to look forward to, but i guess still being alive and chirpy!

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? take a chance every now again, its gotta be boring when the only thing you do in life is live right? =]



New member
1) Where do you live?

Toowoomba, Australia


2) How old are you?

33 this year


3) What grade are you in? (if in school)

Very much finished. Still trying to complete writing course via correspondence.


4) How did you find this site?

Had endured a marathon few days ingesting FanFic and was looking for more... the rest is history.


5) What are your hobbies?

Writing, movies, Sims games. Basically sitting infront of a TV or a computer screen. Generally the latter. Oh and spending time with my two cats. Much prefer the company of animals than people most days.


6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?)

Disturbed. As if you had to ask.


7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?

Too many to name - and depends on my mood when question is asked.

Indestuctible - Disturbed

Last Goodbye - Jeff Buckley

Snuff - Slipknot


Closer - NIN

One - Metallica

Number of the beast - Iron Maiden

Many many more.


8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?

As #7.

Shawshank Redemption.

Interview with a vampire.

The Colour Purple.

Remember the titans.


Silent Hill.

(TV - The Sopranos, The Simpsons, Futurama, Viva La Bam)


9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?

Holocaust - Gerald Green

Night - Eli Weisel

Vampire Chronicle series - Anne Rice

The Satanic Bible - Anton LaVey


10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?

Be published. Travel the world, see new people, places and cultures.

I'd like to say settle down but in all reality I'm so fickle I reckon I'd be easily bored with it.

Good luck to the guy who thinks he can make me commit for any great length of time I say!


11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?

I'm not sure. On a personal level my mum. I grew up hating her, now I'd do anything for her. But on a deeper level... I can't say. No one really inspires me, it's many small acts of many different people through the days that keep me going.


12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?

On one hand my sis Crazy Robster cause we'd have fun I think, but then I'm also inclined to think separation from her boyfriend and my family might send us both nuts. I'd like to give a teenybopper answer and say Dave Draiman from Disturbed for reasons that shouldn't need explaining, but in all reality the logical part of me says it would have to be an Elite Forces guy who's been trained to survive in the wild and can help me survive. If he's hot we can repopulate the island and start our own 'Genesis' XD


13) Which fictional character best describes you?

I can't think of anything clever enough to answer that right now. Maybe Lisa Simpson. Idealistic but never quite reaches the level of fulfillment she aspires and frequently has lapses of self-assurance because of it. That or Homer. I can be so damned lazy sometimes.


14) Place you'd most like to visit?

Go back to Greece and see sis.

Go see the United States of America - all of it.

Live like a hermit in an abandonned castle in Ireland.


15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?

Travelled overseas. Never thought I ever would.

On a more personal level was the only one in my family (immediate or extended) to go to Uni.

That and I'm still alive. Medically I should have died already.


16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

I'm always reminded by the movie 'Mafia!' where the Don Cortino gives a speech at his son's wedding, which goes;

'Man is like a piece of cheese...'

Don't ask me why. Always makes me laugh. Go figure.



New member
1) Where do you live? laurinburg, north carolina; USA

2) How old are you? 19.67.. something like that

3) What grade are you in? (if in school) sophomore in college.. thank you Jesus

4) How did you find this site? honestly, i don't remember. i know i was searching for something on google in school, but i know i wasn't searching anything related to linkin park. so i clicked and the rest is history

5) What are your hobbies? driving, guitar, thinking about how i can be a better person (can't seem to get past the thinking part yet), forming new friendships and trying to keep the old ones, keepin it gangsta

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) honestly, it changes approximately on a month-to-month basis, but Guster is my bff band, Eric Hutchinson is my boyfriend, and a little Emersen never hurt anyone

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? well, i'm not sure if this is my favorite song EVER, but 'Mona Lisa' by Guster will always be one of my favorites

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? 1. Edward Scissorhands 2. Donnie Darko. And I just finished a movie called “The Wackness” its amazing, you should all watch it.

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? Philippians

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? i really want to work overseas with youth of all ages. i can only dream of going back to Ecuador to establish a career in missions there. maybe an orphanage. maybe starting a camp. all i know is that i want to be helping people in a foreign land, preferably, but not limited to, South America. if not that, then i want to be a stay at home mom/wife (assuming i get married) and just be genuinely happy with my life.

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? i'll have to go with Clogz on this one; the apostle Paul. i've been reading through his letters lately and find myself completely awe struck by his words and actions.

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? the love of my life. whoever he is. wherever he is. if i can be married to someone, i can be stuck on an island with him. anyone else, i couldn't handle for more than 3 days in a row. if i never get married, just give me a Bible and i'll maintain my sanity.

13) Which fictional character best describes you? i don't even have an answer to this

14) Place you'd most like to visit? for vacation? i'm thinking New Zealand. the countryside is the most pure, serene place on earth.

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? i'm still in the process of all of this, but what i consider my biggest achievements are: actually being an independent person instead of just claiming to be one. learning how to love myself despite society's expectations. learning what true love is and being willing to wait for it instead of settling for the washed-up societal standards.

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? basically what i just said in my achievements. just don't ever limit yourself to someone else' opinion. and never, ever, EVER settle for less than what you dream of. keep on truckin'


Blue Sky Turtles

New member
1) Where do you live?

Perth, Australia

2) How old are you?


3) What grade are you in? (if in school)

Finished sadly XD

4) How did you find this site?

A friend told me about it.

5) What are your hobbies?

Watching tv, listening to the radio, listening to music, I don't know lol

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?)


7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?

Fallin' - Alicia Keys

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?

Dancing With Wolves

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?

Be a mum

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?

Shirley Manson - great woman and great singer

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?

Um......probably with my aunt, because her and I get along so well.

13) Which fictional character best describes you?

Pink Panther, cos, he's sneaky and curious like me.

14) Place you'd most like to visit?

Probs Germany or England.

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?

I graduated from high school.

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

"Be what you are and not what you are not."



New member
1) Where do you live?

Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

2) How old are you?


3) What grade are you in? (if in school)

Second year of college.

4) How did you find this site?

Honestly, I forget! I think I just stumbled upon it randomly one day.

5) What are your hobbies?

Writing, reading, martial arts, music.

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?)

I have too many. Coheed and Cambria, HIM, The Used, Sonata Arctica, Cradle of Filth.

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?

Crawling - Linkin Park.

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?

Godspell and Repo! The Genetic Opera.

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?

It changes all the time.

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?

Become a famous author.

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?

My Sensei, because I've known him almost all my life. He knows me better than anyone, and he's shaped me into the person I am today. I owe a lot to him.

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?

My boyfriend, because every moment we spend together is a moment in Heaven.

13) Which fictional character best describes you?

Amanda Young from Saw, or Shilo Wallace from Repo!

14) Place you'd most like to visit?

Italy, Ireland, LA.

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?

I made it into college!

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

Try not to take things for granted, and live for yourself, not for anyone else.



New member
1)Illinois, U.S.

2)18 (going to be 19 in may)

3)College (didn't grad. high school so making it up in college)

4)When i was 16.

5)Hmmm games, music, and anything to do basicly.

6) Slipknot, MCR, Avenged Sevenfold, Killswitch Engage, P.O.D., Metallica, Gorillaz, Mana (mexican band), Sevendust, SOAD, 30 STM, and 3 Days Grace. (theirs more, i just don't wanna spend a lot of time typing them down.

7)hmmm it's hard.....either Go With The Flow by QOTSA or L'Via L'Viaquez by The Mars Volta.


9)Harry Potter. part 1-5 (still on 6)


11)My Family. Especially my mother cuz well she helped me thro a lot of things.

12)Well uhhh i have no idea uhhh.....Hayley Williams.

13)Well i don't know. For now no one.

14)......honostly Japan.

15)I'm still here. Working hard.

16) Well my father keeps telling me this but uhhh work your *** and don't give up. Cuz if you do, then know one is gonna hold your hand and help you. Your not a little kid anymore. Your almost becoming an adult, so act like one.

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