Who do you love to hate ??

Honestly, if I don't like someone that's it. There is but one person that I get a kick out of not liking and that of course is SD. The others I can simply ignore but SD is my personal chew toy
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
People I don't like too much (IE: assholes I ****ing hate)

1. Tizz
2. Fullauto
3. ToriAllen
4. Tizz
5. TheJenn
6. Did I say Tizz?
8. Builder (bladdy Ostralleans moite)
9. There is no # 9
10. M-60
11. Crispy Critter
12. Registered and Educated
13. ....Ah **** it. I hate everyone.

But Komrade, you know I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV you, especially when you are wearing fishnets
I am starting to develop a sincere and abiding dislike for cool-dude
and elmoish.
I wrote a nasty post about cool-dude just now and enjoyed it. I'm a mean spirited person now thanks to WYPO.
I have lost the ability to ignore idiots. I used to say "whatever" so much when reading these threads but I ran out with cool-dude.

At least somebody hates me because I was beginning to feel left out; although fullauto and KVH hardy qualify as "somebody"; more like "accidental inseminations looking for a place to happen". :eek:
I'm just annoyed that only the usual crowd voted for me.

I've been trying real hard, too.

I guess I'm dealing mostly with masochists.
Lethalfind said:
I am starting to develop a sincere and abiding dislike for cool-dude
and elmoish.
I wrote a nasty post about cool-dude just now and enjoyed it. I'm a mean spirited person now thanks to WYPO.
I have lost the ability to ignore idiots. I used to say "whatever" so much when reading these threads but I ran out with cool-dude.

Elmoish is out for hatred. Don't feed it. ;)
builder said:
Elmoish is out for hatred. Don't feed it. ;)

I know, he made a post about single Mothers that if he had the balls to say it in front of me I would have punched him. I didn't post anything because I knew he was just a trauma lover. ***** boys like that don't have the balls to talk their **** in public so they come on here to hide behind their computer and talk.

You might not agree with what I say but be sure of one thing, I have never written anything on this website that I don't have the balls to say in public to someones face or in front of a group
I just signed up a few days ago so... Maybe I can make some "good friends"... Hehe, it's gonna be nice talking (well typing) with you guys. :D
Lethalfind said:
I used to say "whatever" so much when reading these threads but I ran out with cool-dude.

Your welcome! :D

Just keeping it all inside is not healthy! Let it all out and be angry....trust me, it helps to release the days tension.
cool_dude said:
Your welcome! :D

Just keeping it all inside is not healthy! Let it all out and be angry....trust me, it helps to release the days tension.

There are more fun ways to release the days tension...But your too lost to know this yet. Besides who would sleep with you anyway?
phreakwars said:
I also help organize events for teens in town and help councel teenage substance abuseres. I actually do not use DRUGS- just WEED
What a good role model you must be. I am glad you live in your town and not mine..
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

At least somebody hates me because I was beginning to feel left out; although fullauto and KVH hardy qualify as "somebody"; more like "accidental inseminations looking for a place to happen". :eek:

I'm not an accidental insemination, I'm a failed abortion.

berniec said:
(Originally posted by PHREAKWARS.) (I also help organize events for teens in town and help councel teenage substance abuseres. I actually do not use DRUGS- just WEED) What a good role model you must be. I am glad you live in your town and not mine..
It was sarcasm if you couldn't tell.

A reference to marijuana not being a drug.

Just because I council, doesn't mean I can't advocate it to others on a message board.

Funny thing is, my newest kitchen assistant is doing community service and working for me in the kitchen of the club I am employed at.

He got busted for doing weed by his mom.

Myself being a very (humorous, relentless) sarcastic type, am great with these dip shits.

And believe it or not, the kid is doing a good job.

I think he likes it when I tell him what a stupid son of a bitch he is.:D
Aww, now here's a poll I can feel proud to be in the lead on. (Or up there amongst the other head idiots--according to you guys ;))

Holds flowers you love me! You really love me! dabs at eyes

Oh and Tizz, I'm not your chew toy until you can actually chew me out. Hasn't happened yet, and I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Of course if you ever feel that you have a reasonable, intelligent arguement against me, I'll be waiting for it. Watches clock For a long time. snerk