Who has it harder Parents or Kids?

The Underling

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
My mom is constantly telling me that I have it so easy and that her life is way more stressed than mine. I for some reason I CAN NOT AGREE. With the ever more rise in youth crimes, drug abuse, gangs, and other forms of kids turned bad. I think that the Stress and
You get that in the adult world too. Instead of grades you get raises for doing a good job. Stress is there more because its not your ****ing college scolorship that your looking forward too for doing well, its being able to care care of yourself and your spouse and however many kids you choose to have.

As for sexual conductivity, oh please, you get to at least have the comedy thats involved with it all. Teenage boys are funny as hell to watch in there quest to "BAG DEM HO'S" Thats the time where you can either ***** whip em, or turn em in to assholes by the power of female persuasion.

You get your ****ing "EMO" group that in all reality, just wants ***** the easy way. Be all sensitive and ****. Your comeback is, "we can just be friends" and then add to that "every female has a gay friend"

And what the hell you complaining about sex for, is it because you don't want it, or because too many say you've had it ??

You can't win either way, so they best possible solution when it comes to sex is do what you feel, not what someone else feels.

Same thing with drugs. I never see any ****ing hard tweaker offer to start someone on it, ah hell no, they want that **** for themselves. I've seen crackheads sniff the **** up off the floor when it dropped.

All I could think was "SORRY ****ERS".

Yep, Tweek is the main drug of choice round here, I never can understand why anyone would purposely put a poison in there body just to feel the reaction of your body fighting the chemical away.

That is what tweek is (I know people who make the ****, and it makes me sick, but I ain't no narc, long as they keep the **** away from me if I am at there house.) Its a poison, and that is what is giving the Tweek high, your body fighting the poison off. You might as well travel to Australia and let a Taipan tag ya once, I hear thats a hell of a buzz too.

Then over in Cali you got your rave ****s who do there ****ing K or X because its such a great high (supposedly) They can all burn in hell.

Then you got your Potheads. Now potheads at least are a farely harmless group, they'll always catch you a buzz if they can spare it, but don't steal from people to buy weed. Anybody that says they are addicted to it should be slapped. Thats just another way of saying, they've smoked so much, they are now too lazy to get up and get a ****ing job.

Thats the trouble with weed, it makes you lazy, it makes you wake up the next day, not with a hangover, but a feeling of not having enough sleep, you get lazy, you call in for school, work, you tell your friends who don't do it to go on ahead and you'll catch up and then next thing you know you forgot where you were gonna go.

I've put more chemicals in my body in my early 20's then there are in a ****ing Dirty bomb.

My 21st birthday, I ****ing overdosed hard, my heart stopped and everything. I had some nice burn marks in my chest from getting the shock treatment from the paramedics. Woke up the next ****ing day in the hospital with a tube down my nose wondering what the **** happened, last I remember I was on my couch just ****ing spinning everywhere, going in and out of conciousness...time flies by fast, then slow, then faster, then sweat, then cold, oh **** was that a 21st birthday.

Well anyway, back on topic, I used to say the same **** when I was that age, and it will probably be said till the end of time by all adults. Been there done that, teen life is SO MUCH BETTER any day.

We can all rightfully say that because we were all teens once too. Just because fads and styles have changed doesn't mean the pressures and annoyances have.
As a minor I truly believe that kids have it harder. I must admit that my experiences may be different than most but I will submit the following reasons for examination:
1. Time. My father worked a 9-5 corporate job until he retired last year. He was tired as hell when he came home. The stress of the corporate world is intense, but except for the occasional time he worked late, he NEVER brought home work. Once he was done for the day, he was done. I on the other hand attend school 8:30-3:00(ish); however, once I am home I might have no homework... or I might be working until well past midnight (and I mean from when I get home until then with 45 minutes for dinner and maybe 30 minutes for a break).
2. Choice/pay. No matter what it may seem, an adult always has the choice to find a different job. Working in a job that pays well but that they don't like is a CHOICE I on the other hand do not have a choice when it comes to attending school.
3.Who is it really harder on when kids misbehave? The kids or the parents? It is the kids. It is the parents responsibility to raise productive members of society but if they screw up then the kid will pay for their mistakes for the rest of their life.
Silmaril39 said:
Choice/pay. No matter what it may seem, an adult always has the choice to find a different job. Working in a job that pays well but that they don't like is a CHOICE I on the other hand do not have a choice when it comes to attending school.

Not true, sometimes adults are pretty much STUCK in there jobs, the main reason is not using there RIGHT to an education.

Yes thats right, I SAID THE "RIGHT" to an education.

You have a choice of getting up and going to school, or just sitting at home and smoking weed. No pressure except for those who claim to know what is best for an individual.
Tweek is another name for METH

A very very addictive drug that pisses me off whenever I'm around some ****ing loser who puts it in there body.

I submit to you, a picture of my OLD PC case

As a minor, I'm going to say this. We (minors) live in a rougher world - we always will, but the adults have a tougher life - they always will.

We're faced with lots of things in our schools and in social groups that most adults won't come across so heavily in their career/workplace. The world is a really tough place to live in when you're a teenager. They're peer pressure, adults hating on us because of our age, sex, drugs, abuse. Don't get me wrong, though, those aren't just in the adolescent world.

On the other hand, adults shoulder the responsibility of caring for a family (usually), and providing for others. Unless you're a well-off worker who has enough money to afford pleasantries, I'd have to say the adult world is tough. They're faced with the pressure of not letting others down, making sure there is food on the table, and that their kids can have cool clothes.

If you ask me, it's a tradeoff. We just have different problems.
I think teens of today do have it rougher than when I was a teen. (and that wasn't that ****ing long ago!)

However.....Trust me.....enjoy this time while you have it. Live it to it's fullest extent. Don't let the bad times keep you down, keep moving because the next great time is just right around the corner!
No matter how shitty things can get.......whether you realize it now or not...this is the best time of your life. This generality is the same for every generation....young or old!

You will realize it one day, but that day will be too late. You can't relive it. Enjoy every moment that you have when you are young. Turn the bad times into learning experiences, and move on to the next adventure! Don't leave your memories of this time in your life full of..."I should have's" and "I should not have's"!!!!! Fill your memories with "I did's", and you will fill your futures with accomplishments.

If you do this....one day you will thank the Old Spleefman... :cool:
Tweek is another name for METH
Ok so I guess I have done every drug known to man.
Never put a needle in my arm though! Did the drugs put was to chicken **** to do the needle thing.
**** the needle **** man....you weren't chicken ****, it's the one location in your insanity that you found saneness!!!!!
Kids always think that they have it rougher. They alway race to get older looking forward to each passage of year. This is because they do not know what it truly means to be an adult. As kids, you have your lives ahead of you. You have your dreams. As adults, many of us had to change our dreams or give them up completely because of rolling with life's punches. The older that you get then the less choices you have. If you have a family or a spouse, your decisions are not your own. You have to do what is best for them. I can not just quit my job. I have responsibilities and bills to pay. Plus, I have to think of building a retirement. If I switch jobs too much, I will never be able to retire. I have to pay taxes and watch the news to be aware of the world outside my home and care about who are making the decisions. As for education, it is easier to do school work with the help of the Internet and computers... Nothing sucked harder than when you would hand type a page using a typewriter and realized that there was a huge mistake in the middle of the paper, causing you to retype the whole damn thing (Pre-word processors). No Cut and Paste. Research was days at the library, digging through the index card catalog. I certainly know that most kids get more vacation days off during the year than most adults. Penalties for doing "fun" but wrong things are a lot stiffer. If I shoplifted today and they caught me, I doubt I would just get a slap on the wrist and a warning. If I decked someone, I would be far more likely to end up behind bars. Plus, teachers can not really punish kids. Some of my teachers used the paddle, and parents encourged it rather than prevented it. My grandfather's generation used to say "The Board of Education applied to the seat of knowledge". I hear so many kids have alllowances and big ones too. We always had to earn our money (pulling weeds, mowing lawns, delivering papers, babysitting, etc). Forget technology: cable/satelite tv, video games, cell phones, beepers, home computers, palm pilots. When your parents are at work and someone is threatening you (call 911). That was not always around. Condoms are easier to get at a younger age. You can get birth control without your parent's permission. There were still cliques and gangs when we were young. Slipping people tainted foods at parties or LSD stickers in your Halloween candy bag. Locker checks for bombs. Peer pressure. There were not five year olds who have their parents cowering because they know that they can call the cops and cry abuse. Look at the brats on Supernanny, Nanny 911, Jenny Jones and Jerry Springer. Parents fear for their children as well... Everytime you step outside your door. You worse fears are also theirS for you.
And there you have it kiddies. straight from our old wrinkled mouth's. Every challenge you meet in life is an opportunity. Don't side step these golden nuggets of personal growth. Harder for one than the other? irrelivent. We still all live our lives, it's not like there was a day when I woke up and said "oh ****! I'm an adult and I need to act like one, no more sitting at the kiddy table". Some aspects of life get easier or harder as times change but these things affect both groups(old + young) just about the same. As for me, I would say that the kids today have it easier than the kids 10 or 20 years ago. Maybe it was different for me, but I sure think that the resources that are available today would have been pretty friggin' nice back then. Ever typed a report or essay with a typewriter? , How about toteing armfulls of reference books around all day? encyclopedia's were THE source of information and they were not available on the web or on floppy. now there is turture my friend. I guess for every thing thats easier there is a new challenge to take it's place. Anyway, just do what you do, try to think before you act,(but not too much) and have fun dammit! You live once and no matter how many reciepts you save you never get a refund.
My mom is constantly telling me that I have it so easy and that her life is way more stressed than mine. I for some reason I CAN NOT AGREE. With the ever more rise in youth crimes, drug abuse, gangs, and other forms of kids turned bad. I think that the Stress and
cynthiaa89 said:
Parents have it worse. I am 17 and live at home. Okay, do your homework (That solves the grades problem). Stay away from drugs (Drug problem solved). Keep your legs closed, our other peoples legs closed (There goes the sexual conductivity problem). Wow, so many problems so easliy solved.
I like this kid already. She thinks GF.
I think kids are exposed to more drugs than extracurricular activities and thats beacuse of their parents busy schedules. Life for everybody is harder now a days and it is going to get harder and harder, the choices are yours you could sit home just do your homework and not do anything....thats a good way to keep safe. You could do things in moderation and juggle your schedule but that can get hard. You could just ignore responsibilities party your ass off and have it hard as hell when you have to take car of yourself. How hard it is, is how hard you make it.
Phreakwars you OD'd back in your day and could have died, now that you've gone thru YOUR experinces you think the way you do. But it had to happen to you so you weren't all that smart either in your party days. How can you be so hard to judge when you did the same? Some people just want to experiment and get stuck and some grow out of it.
I did everything but smoke crack or do heroine. I'll pop an X ones every blue moon, I'll smoke weed when I dont have things that have to get done. Now meth I did and I won't do it again. Ill do a 20 sack of yay if Im at the club. I get everything done.
Now that Im pregnant I do NOTHING but watch what I eat and take care of myself for my baby and all that coke and X is done for me. My life is changed and I take it as it comes and make what keeps me happy there are sacrifices but in the end we will be rewarded.I've just moved from one hard stage to another and before there was the risk of messing up my life and now it is my childs life. There is no way in hell I'll risk my baby for that type of fun.
So I guess what Im trying to say is have fun if you can handle it, do what you can manage don't try to keep up with the rest 'cause odds are is that they are ****ing up and your ****ing up trying to hang.

Damn I didn't notice how old this thread was
Depends on the situation. But it seriously hurts the parents (if they are good parents at all) to see that they put so much effort into keeping their kids in line only to see them degrade themselves into such a horrific society. A child with so much potential yet it is never used or it is used in the wrong way. Those parents feel as if they are the biggest faliures in the world.

But as a former poster said (and I myself in one post), if these people would just keep their legs closed or wrap it up then we really wouldn't have this problem now would we? Think about how many kids out there that are alive now and have been abandoned and have potential. And here we are creating MORE people in an already doomed world just to have them potentially degrade society even more. Why don't we utilize what we have now instaed of creating more problems. I swear, they should make people get licenses to even have children.

Then there's the problem with kids having kids. Which is why so much scum walk among us now because of how damn ignorant these kids are. One wonders why it wasn't such a huge problem then but now it is like a trend. I am sure an older person can answer this for me.

As a final...one wonders why a jackass would even have children in the first damn place when they cannot even take care of themselves? Or the fact that their low standard of living satisfies them and they think their child will cope. That is ridiculous. And I am not just talking financial, I'm talking behavior wise, the people they deal with, they way they live...all that jazz.

In closing, this word is not going to hell in a handbasket. This world is getting shipped via UPS!
One thing I forgot to add...this is very subjective. Half the time IMO it seems like the parents just don't give a ****. Sure, maybe they'll make some small bitch session to their kids and then just give up. Or don't care PERIOD. They don't make a big enough impact. Why have kids if you are not even going to care for them?

And maybe the kids don't know it but they are self-destructing. They are so worried about petty **** they neglect the things that are important to them. They are selfish. Society today has poisioned them and they are not focused. They have no realistic ambition but *****, dick, drugs, popularity. If parents would take more time educating these kids about the world around them instead of letting them wander around without a roadmap in the middle of bum ****ing nowhere in life then maybe society would take a turn for the better.

But then again, I would be living in a dream world thinking this would happen now wouldn't I?