Who hates people


New member
what a great thrread im really in the mood for describing how much i hate people (in particular the person who put me in my current mood) right firstly mr x because he doesn't know he put me in a bad mood and worst still it's not really his fault, next i hate my friends or else i wouldn't have gone into town today, i hate everyone who celebrates valentines day i hate anyone who contributes to it, including people in factories for making the ****, people selling it, people buying it everyone. lets see who else, eugh just everyone.


New member
eddo... if you think im complaining on this one you should have a look at my valentines thread this one just got me started


New member
eddo... if you think im complaining on this one you should have a look at my valentines thread this one just got me started
actually, I didn't read past the first 4 words or your previous reply. you didn't put any effort into writing it, so why should I put any effort into reading it?

Your name just made me thing of a movie. :)



New member
(LOTS OF EFFORT-hopefully as thats only three words you'll carry on reading but heck if you dont...meh

anyway if you didn't get past the 1st 4 words how would you know what effort i put in and besides which they included "if you think" surely if im accusing you of something you'd want to know what, or maybe you're not that way inclined.

by the way which film?

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