Who the hell is Oliver Harrington?!


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
I got some stupid email from this idiot.
Anyone know who he is?

This is the message:

Allah is great but his people ( the muslims and pakis) should stay in thier own
countries, and leave europe and the usa and its white people along. I know allah
would of wanted this. Hail Hitler
I just saw his first post.

'Im from london, and just wondering what is it like in America, is there many foreigners or is it mainly white people. '

He's in London. huh how convenient.I live in London too.Got any ideas for me guys. :D
HEY my rep just went down.I was just kidding.I'm sorry.

Here i'll edit it for you:

'He's in London. huh how convenient.I live in London too.Got any ideas for me guys. :D :D :D ;)

That my limit.
I'll give you more when eligible too.

I know who gave you the negative rep, and all I can say to them is...

I just saw his first post.

He's in London. huh how convenient.I live in London too.Got any ideas for me guys. :D

Shrug him off..nothing but a fly that deserves a good swatting....

I dream of going to london myself. Your pop music is FAR superior to ours....and since i hate hip hop obviosly im a london music scene fanatic....

Hell id even have sex with Kylie...she is my goddess!

I tried to give you some rep points but apparently i did that recently and dont remember....

Damn boxed wine...grumble
Pink is quite hot....badass hot....Kylie is hot...sultry hot...

alicia moore?!?! never heard of that one...
Oliver Harrington !!

Oh yeah... that guy..

What to do about him...

Hmm, want his I.P. address and a satellite photo of his home ??