Who's uglier: Lethalfind or Hugo

Builder I think you may already know how I feel about the man/women..
I see why it be "pick on lethal" week...maybe it should be month??
Mariama said:
Builder I think you may already know how I feel about the man/women..
I see why it be "pick on lethal" week...maybe it should be month??

A month is a bit harsh. A week is the average. Depends on whether they take the bait and run with it.
builder said:
A month is a bit harsh. A week is the average. Depends on whether they take the bait and run with it.

I might have to give up TV you have become so entertaining Builder...you honestly think you have some kind of impact on my life with your sad little posts...
I think If I didn't pull you up last nite, you would have had a coronary.

Here's your IM's to me. You fixated ****. :cool: My replies are in BLUE.

maybe you should have a talk with the mental midgets who actually started the threads...don't think for one minute I will take being treated that way and not reply.

What bus did you come in on, and what the **** are you talking about? Too many ****tails at tennis? Hmmmmm?

talking about or was it you who sent the anonymous message, ***** boy...and by the way I don't play tennis...

What ****ing message? you are a fixated ****.

ME??? you and your little **** are the one starting all the threads and polls, and I am the fixated one?? Your the ones who seems obsessed, even going to threads that have nothing to do with this little tiff and posting ****...you both need to get a life if this is what you call entertainment.

Who started your last thread? Go harrass someone else. I haven't posted a reply to your sorry ****.

reply all you want, its endlessly entertaining to see what pathetic **** you come up with...but you posted the sad one trying to get me boxed and only got one vote at last count...while at the same time you were winning for the most annoying mod, you must be so proud. I'm not going anywhere !

It was eleven to five against you last time I checked. And if you knew the rules, it's not a valid idiot box poll anyway, retard. Go **** yourself.

actually I did know that because the names of the voters weren't revealed...I thought that made it even funnier that you couldn't get many votes even with the names hidden...I don't get your point but in all this but don't let that stop you, your making such a name for yourself on this site.

I haven't voted yet. I rarely do in my own polls. Try making one if you have something to prove, assclown.

whats funny is that I don't operate along those kind of childish lines, I don't need the reinforcement of others in order to feel good about my opinions, but that hasn't stopped other members from contacting me with their take on you and manic...very telling.

You're actually coming across as someone who needs locking up and the key tossed in the river.

Which part of GO **** YOURSELF is giving you so much trouble?

like I said, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here to stay so you might as well suck it up and get used to it...your coming across as a child, pure and simple, this little session just proves that...

Little lady, get your glock out, and fire off a few rounds. That'll make you feel better. The only assclown here at the moment is you.

I feel just fine...you seem to be the one who can't get through your day without some little exchange like this...who does that make an attention whore?

I'll be posting all of this for everyone's enjoyment.

Keep hanging yourself.

Please feel free...as I said do your worst, I'm not going anywhere. I know better then to say anything on the internet that I want kept confidential. Again, more proof that your the one obsessed that you would take the trouble.

It's no trouble to copy and paste, as you know.

I would hope that you know how to copy and paste, as I said, please feel free. I couldn't be bothered but you seem obsessed so far be it for me to stop you from indulging in your insanity.

Which part of **** off are you having trouble with?

now your just getting too boring, repeating yourself

Now who has the mental condition?

When I tell you to **** off, I mean.......

leave me the **** alone you fixated fat ****.

phreakwars said:
Enhanced Image :


Well, I guess honestly, between the 2, I think the girl is absolutely uglier... and she's also fat... sorry, that's just my opinion.:confused:
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Happy Feller said:
Well, I guess honestly, between the 2, I think the girl is absolutely uglier... and she's also fat... sorry, that's just my opinion.:confused:

You're in the majority, so don't feel so bad, Happy Feller. ;)
hugo said:
This is kind of like winning a race in the special olympics.

Funny as all **** Hugo. Rep for that.

If it wasn't for PC rules, we could harp on about retarded Texans living in Florida, but we won't. :D
While Hugo's comment has provided some entertainment, I'm not sure which thread is more stupid, this one, or the "what do you think of LF?" This builder vs. LF is rather... tiring?

Can't we get something more intelligent, like phreak's arsehair vs. a monkey's pile of dung?
builder said:
I think If I didn't pull you up last nite, you would have had a coronary.

Here's your IM's to me. You fixated ****. :cool: My replies are in BLUE.

Now who has the mental condition?

When I tell you to **** off, I mean.......

leave me the **** alone you fixated fat ****.



I'm really not around enough to keep up with the happenings.

When did Leth get so grumpy?

She used to be rather peachy, from my recalls....and so nasty to Buildy! Now how can anyone be nasty to that darlin man?

Oh dear...it was just as I feared in the beginning...

The board is now feeding upon itself and eating it's own members.

Lord of the Flies, indeed.

I pegged from post 3.

Hey kids, don't we have any Newbies to chew on?
skategreen said:

I'm really not around enough to keep up with the happenings.

When did Leth get so grumpy?

She used to be rather peachy, from my recalls....and so nasty to Buildy! Now how can anyone be nasty to that darlin man?

Oh dear...it was just as I feared in the beginning...

The board is now feeding upon itself and eating it's own members.

Lord of the Flies, indeed.

I pegged from post 3.

Hey kids, don't we have any Newbies to chew on?

Lethal makes a habit of commenting on topics she knows nothing about. When pulled up and proved wrong, she turns ballistic.

I'm not one to cede anything to the ignorant and arrogant. Not here, nor anywhere, Skater. You know me better than that.

http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=64598

She also did a line for me early on in the piece. I tried to rationalise that.

http://Off Topic Forum.com/showpost.php?p=480714&postcount=52

From this "hate" thread, of which there were several. I took it in my stride. Made a joke of it even. It's all fun and games until someone loses the plot. ;)

Angie posted this one.

Tizz posted this timely piece of art.

Silver Dragon got in on the act.

Anna Perrenna even tried to get herself banned.

Classic hate post from MRIH. (again:D )

CES got shirty with me and boxed me for personal reasons.

CES again, getting jealous of me and AIG.

CES getting shitty because I bad-repped in return for him doing the same to me.

Phreakwars welcomes me to the board. GF style.

Phreak again, giving fullauto a hard time.

I could go on and on Skater. My point is, this is GF. If you can't take the heat, don't jump in the fire. The only distinguishing thing about lethal is, she has posted more threads that nobody bothers to reply to, than any other member.

And thanks for getting me to dredge the archives. That was a fun trip. :D
What I find amusing is that some of these guys, myself included, used to target Builder while we had so many ****tards, losers, tools, and imps running around here.

I'll pick my battles, but not with someone (Builder) that has proven time and time again that the abuse does not affect him. Builder is a stalwart Aussie son of a bitch, worthy of his Mod role.

Buildy, as so many affectionately call him, has earned respect with me.
builder said:
I could go on and on Skater. My point is, this is GF. If you can't take the heat, don't jump in the fire.
And thanks for getting me to dredge the archives. That was a fun trip. :D

Oh yeeeeeeeesss Dawlin, I know I know.

It just seemed to be getting particularly vicious.

These days my happy dancin feet are positively airborne. - sorry, I'm just tooo inclined to hand out cookies and milk - can't help it. I am the kite.

Well I just love her big floppy ears. She looks like a bucket of Fun!
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Mariama said:
You lot are really disgusting...no manners, no taste, nothing...
And you're annoying and self-righteous. If people here disgust you so much why do you keep coming back?