How can a country full of murderous naves be put in charge of policing the world? A country that thinks that owning a gun is a right... ****** up **** man. I live in Canada. Statistically we have 1/100th the gun related deaths you in the US have. However, we don't have 1/100th your population and we certainly own just as many guns. HAHA the accidental gun deaths your country has are probably either a hunting accident (maybe 100 a year) or an accidental discharge of a handgun by a youth that looks for his fathers loaded handgun that he HAS to have.
Maybe if you guys weren't always looking for a fight, and then crying like little girls when someone throws a punch, you would get somewhere with your foreign policy.
You have no problem implementing dictators, funding guerrila's and contras in south america... Just as long as they stay in South America...Border Control is not a new thing. The US wants to fence itself in thats fine, but it should learn to keep its *** **** hands to itself then too!
You want to throw stupid statements out there thats fine by me, your last comment on that thread was horseshit. 9-11 was a one time thing, they saw it coming supposedly. YES it was brutal, I am sure that maybe 50% of those people were not racists, or bigots, the other 50% were I bet. People who share the same sick world views you do. America is not a victim... And by saying that AmUrica is a victim is horseshit as well. How can the country with the largest military budget, most armed men, most world pull consider itself a victim in any armed conflict that they incite? 9-11 was just the modern day pearl-harbor. A tragic event that could have been prevented.
When the American society shows that it is perfect, then, and only then will I accept their decision to go to war with every country that has a different skin color then them.