chicken little: i knew there were pennies falling from the sky but no one believed me. so i went across the roads where other chickens had the same experince.i9 knew i wasnt crazy. :D
Jesus: The chicken crossed to road to please his father, that is all that he ever wanted. And regardless of the fact that he was hit by a truck, a car, a semi, puked on, shat on, and made into a McChicken Burger in the process only made him more enlightened.
Darth Vader: He crossed the road to join the Dark Side. My son Luke should be crossing over any minute now...any minute...
Steven Jobs: He mistook my new Apple computer for a real apple. I put a homing device on the chicken and sent him back across. This way I can monitor what chickens want and put it in my new computer: The iChickentosh '06. Now comes w/ CD burner and complimentary cup holder.
Bill Gates: Convince the chickens to cross promising an easier crossing. Then when all the chickens cross the road upgrade the road...forcing all of the chickens to cross back.
sixes: because he needed attention from the people on the other side since his guitar playing sucked ass and chicken mullets were out of style.

Terrorist~Hater: Because Bob Schwarz screwed him out of a coup that was rightfully his and he had to go see his imitation lawyer and sue GF for $12.
Tizz: But there is no such thing as a chicken, you only think it is a chicken because you lack the ability to see it as anything else. :p
:D aaahahahahahaha
Wow, that's a good cheerup right before a funeral!
ParasiteGod said:
ParasiteGod: The chicken crossed the road to piss off the farmer, who told it not to cross in the first place, in order to look "hardcore", "punk", and "cool" and impress it's friends.
Chicken: Oh my god like, I crossed the road because I'm my own person, **** authority. You don't know anything about me, shut up.
I think this one is great. :p
snafu said:
John Kerry: I saw the chicken cross the road while I was in Cambodia during Christmas.
Yes I saw our own men kill, torture, rape their chicks, Burn thier chicken coups and yes even eat those chickens before they had a chance to cross the road!
snafu's would have to be my favorite so far.