Why did this happen?


New member
this has been in the news in the uk for a couple of days and as a mother of 3 young kids it worries me.


this boy had his whole life ahead of him, a life that was looking very promising, untill a child decided to take it away from him. the child has distroyed a family and taken an innocent life.

my question is, what can we do about this epidemic of kids killing kids.



New member
I have no idea why, its like that epidemic early this year which started with that 14 getting shot in Clapham. I swear this is like the 6th one to happen this year. I swear its all copy cat killings, one perosn started it because they were nuts, then some other kids who are barmy and have nothing to loose continued it.

what about that 2 year old that got stabbed to death by her mother?



New member
It's awful, because they're kids they tend to get away with it more too.

Theres been loads in Manchester recently, I was listening to something on the radio about the increase in killings there.. and now that it's in Liverpool too it's gonna move to Warrington pretty soon, some kids killed a father here the other week, just because he stood up to them... urghhh.



New member
i have just read the paper about it and honestly i feel like crying, i have an 11 year old daughter and my world would end if anything happend to her. what the parents must be going through, it must be ****.


New member
Honestly, everyone says 'oh its the parents, its the fact that they live in poor area'. Its utter tosh, its got nothing to do with where they come from its the people themselves who are the problem, all these people doing this stuff are what, around my age? They know whats rights and whats wrong, i strongly doubt that their parents are saying to them "yes, oh do go out and hang at street corners and stab/shot/rape/beat up people passing by'. I think its all down the the people becoming more and more desensitised these days! And i think its the climate which we live in where people are being more and more use to violence.

This may sound odd, but i think that the NHS has to do more testing on peoples mental stability, im not saying 'lock em up at a young age if they show any mental abonormality'. It just that no one these people can be sane to do such things. hmm, i also think we need scarier prisons to scare people and more prison. we could so build them, theres loads of rocks out at side around britian which could house a prison.

Also, we were meant to have a gun amintice and a knife one too, its an utter faliure bc people are still doing this. WE should just make guns completely illegal and really crack down on. You can buy hunting guns, i dont think this should be allowed bc they can still do serious harm to someone.

meh, thats my illogical rambly two pence!!!



New member
Well I know some friends who are addicted to drugs (flaps,Oxy,Perks,etc.)

and their way in deep I keep telling them that they need to stop,

they ask to borrow cash, Cash that they won't owe back even if they say they will.

they always say they arent hooked.

Sometimes they even talk about killing people just to get money for their ****.

Well I think stuff like that can really **** you up mentally,emotionally and Physically.

And other reasons like Bein picked from a young age,Growing up with Violence around you.


Not just going to a store buying a gun, than it hits you I should go kill someone.



New member
wow sygy for once your absolutly right!!!!

you wont remember but years ago two 12 year olds killed a little boy called jamie bulger, they took him from a shopping centre, took him to a railway line, beat him with bricks then lay him across the line and waited for a train to come along and kill him. those boys obviously had mental issues. they were sent to a prison for children, when they were relesed they had their names changed and got new identitys so no one could hurt them. what about the poor little boy who was 2 years old that they brutally murdered? why protect them, they killed him and they get protection.

i also agree that prisons should be scary, you should be locked up for 22 hours, you should be allowed out of your cell for food and exercise. no tv's and no pool tables, i mean what is it.........holiday camps ffs!!!!



New member
Thats a great acheivement for me!

I think what was scarier is that i was reading in the evening standard about all the London gangs, there are more than one would actually imagine. very scary.



New member
Yeah i know, but sometimes these horrid gangs have a sort of initation thing where u have to do something like that, its really horrid. It just so awful whats going on in England at the moment.


New member
Thats a bit far, just dont let them out late at night. Cause its a misunderstanding that these things happen in the 'bad areas'. it happens anywhere imo.

anyways, i have a true story, my friends sister to stabbed about 20-30 times when she was walking through the park bc they mistook her some one else.



New member
Thats a bit far, just dont let them out late at night. Cause its a misunderstanding that these things happen in the 'bad areas'. it happens anywhere imo.
anyways, i have a true story, my friends sister to stabbed about 20-30 times when she was walking through the park bc they mistook her some one else.
That's horrible..

I don't get all that 'necassery' violence anyway.. :confused:



New member
its just been on the news that they have arrested a 16 year old for suspicion of murder!!!

at 16 i was still watching kids tv ffs!!!



New member
i dont know why kids get up to this, theyre acting like hooligans and even takig it WAY too far, the parents should be doing something about this, kids are running amok, sure it was bearable when it was just grafiti and what not, but murder??? what has this world come to, we live ina civilised world where KIDS,KIDS are killing people

i mean ****, im WAYYY against curfew, i think MASSIVE punishments are in order, just because your a minor doesnt mean you can get away with murder, maybe the few years in juve cause theyre minors, but when they hit 17/18 or watever the age limit is, ITS OFF TO THE MAXI FOR YOU ASSBITE! theres no place in society for murderers, certianly ones as cold and willing to take innocent lives for kicks like these ******* kids who took away the life of a perfectly innocent child.

maybe kids should be put into forums, i meanm look at us, sure some of us are reckless as ****, but would any of us go killing someone ele for fun? just cause we're bored???? im 17 ffs, it completely ruins things for us when other kids do this kind of ****, i scared as **** walking the streets alone, even WITH a bunch of people around me



New member
if you injure or kill someone like that, prison for a few years and monitoring for a long time after that if you're 18+

if you're under 18, do like they do in singapore and cane the **** out of somebody. then I guarantee it won't happen again :p



New member
first off remember that this isnt like a mass epidemic of kids killin kids, how many kids die from this sort of violence a year? of course its horrible dont get me wrong and it can happen to anyonebut i mean i guess it could be worse.

when it comes down to it i guess just about even the most sane of people can just flip out and go ape ****, but I mean things like ur environment probably cant make or break u aswell. thinks like music, parents, friends, living area it all really does matter. it might be in the smallest way but i mean that smallest way might make the difference of whether or not a kid deems it necessary to kill another kid.



New member
**** thats bad, same happens here though.... just teh other days 2 kids 8 and 6 killed a boy in theyr class for R5 (less than a dollar) with an axe, then they called their friends to see what they did. :<
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