i have just read the paper about it and honestly i feel like crying, i have an 11 year old daughter and my world would end if anything happend to her. what the parents must be going through, it must be ****.
I hope not, well I'm sure you wont live that... but your world wouldnt finish it if anything happend to her. I know it cos I met someone who lived a hard experience like this (to lose a son... well, I should say a brother with only 12 years old) and this person is still alives, and even with more force each day. From the other hand, I think (well, it's just my personal opinion) that we dont have to live scared all the time, so, dont lock your daughters up 'cos they've to live, they've to learn by themselves, they've to grow up as women, as persons with their own experiences. Even for me, and I'm 21 years old, I prefer to life a short live but full of emotions and experiences than a long one but always scared and with fear about everything. Ok, in the long one you can even get 100 years... but what a life!!! Can you think this person, anyone, could have quality of life?? I dont think so.
For me, the most important fact is not to be afraid of anything (it doesnt mind you've to be a crackpot all the time). We've to be brave and if something scare us, we've to face up to it. After all, I've always thought that if there're problems in this life it's 'cos there are solutions to resolve them. A violent death like this one cant have any cure but I'm sure there is a way for not to go until this extremal the end... Which one? I dont know it. This is the mission we've, havent we? Our inheritance is just a small planet. We've to take care of it if we want our sons and daughters can have a better life... and as I can see, we've a long and big duty to do.
About the news... well, my question is why are you so surprised? Maybe I've a heart as a rock (and I'm sorry for the boy's family) Everyday we've news like this one, or even worst. Kids who kill other kids, kids who kill their own parents, parents who kill their own sons and daughter... I dont know why you're so scared. This is the world we've done, this is the life we've created and this is what we have today. I think it's stupid to blame the games, the tv... of this. The fault is our, just our. and you can see: the problem is the politics and all the politicians who are in it... yeah, it can be, but whom chose them? You, and if you're under 18, you'll choose them in a next future.
And you can also say: the problem is the tv and the f**** violent games... yeah, it can be, but who bought them? You and the consumer society where we live... and who chose the tv's programmer? the audience, I mean, you.
So, please, dont try to deceive us and try to see that this problem and all the thousands we've it's our fault. and I wonder myself when we're going to learn that *** or E.T or Superman wont come to clean our rubbish? When will we learn that the only hero who will come to help us is just the hero we've inside us???
But, before this, and as you know perfectly, before this we've to be brave and not be afraid of our own "rubbish"